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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Who can create a WPS?
- - By jshot (*) Date 05-20-2012 22:07
Hi folks, I am wondering who can write a WPS? For a structural steel fabrication company, who has the authority to write the WPS? I know a CWI cannot, and a SCWI can. But who other than a SCWI? Thanks
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 05-20-2012 23:29 Edited 05-20-2012 23:32
Well, it's not that a CWI CAN'T, but they are not REQUIRED to know how to write WPS's. 

As to the main point of your question, ANYONE CAN write a WPS.  The only requirements is that it conforms to the applicable code with all it's qualifications.  They need only have the proper information to fill in all the blanks in a proper fashion that the welders can follow to accomplish the job per specs in the Contract Documents.  The Fabrication Company owner, a welder, a QC dept, an outside source, etc. 

The completed WPS must pass muster by the EOR for the job and then a review by the CWI on the job who is responsible to make sure all perameters, process, etc are appropriate for the materials specified for the job. 

You really need B2.1, D1.1 2010, and some other resources to make sure you get all the information required.


Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jshot (*) Date 05-21-2012 02:16
Thanks Brent, I have been a CWI for 6 years and just recently started doing certifications as a third party. They already have WPS's in place but they need revising due to a change in filler metal and shieding gas. I advised the shop forman to make the revision and change the revision number. Also, this forman has taken the position over due to termination of current forman. Being the WPS's have the previous persons name should not matter. Correct? I had him make the changes and place his name on the WPS. I know the D1.1 code book explains that the manufacture/contractor must create the WPS's, but I was uncertain of what credentials they shoud have or should be an engineer and so forth. Through searching online and from the post I have seen on this forum I have learned a lot.

I do have another question you may be able to help me with. The WPS's this company has say that they are prequalified. The person now in charge of the WPS and qualification of welders is uncertain of the creation of these WPS's. How does one find out how these WPS were prequalfied in the first place?

Thanks for your help.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-21-2012 09:33
Bounce the WPS against the prequalified criteria in D1.1.
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 05-21-2012 13:04
Any person with knowledge can write and qualify a WPS.

Name on WPS is not important.  I usually sign the new WPS showing revisions and keep the old WPS behind it to show what was changed.

You state that the WPS needs to be revised due to a change in shielding gas?  If so you will need to requalify in that a change in shielding gas is an essential variable.  Check the D1.1 table for Essential Variable Changes to PQR Requiring Requalification.

Be careful is contractual requirements switch over to ASME because there are many differences between AWS & ASME for both PQR & WPQ.

Hope this helps,
Parent - - By jshot (*) Date 05-21-2012 19:57
Hi Robert and thanks for the information.

I guess what I'm confused about is the word Prequalified. The WPS's this company has are prequalified and I don't know the background history of the revisions because there have been 4. How were these WPS's considered Prequalified? And if the shielding gas percentages change but are reccomended by the filler metal manufacture then doesn't that mean the shielding gas then falls under as prequalified. I guess I'm just very confused with the word prequalified.

Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 05-21-2012 20:15
Although this may be an odd question I have to ask, "Do you have a current edition of AWS D1.1 in front of you?"

Look up the section Prequalification of WPSs and read it in its entirety.  Read the Scope, Welding Processes, Base Metal/Filler Metal Combinations, etc...

If your joint configuration fall under the prequalified joints as shown in the code book and all other essential variables are the same as you will use in production welding then you may develop a (written) Prequalified WPS to test you welders to without having to perform rt, bend and tensile pull tests.

Not to be condenscending but knowledge of prequalified WPS is part of the CWI test.

Hope this helps, if not just ask more questions after reading.
Parent - By jshot (*) Date 05-23-2012 02:42
No problem, as stated, I have just recently started doing weld inspection after getting my CWI 6 years ago. I have been instructing welding for more than 15 years but I am wanting to further my knowledge with inspection. I'm fimiliar with the section in D1.1 but clarity of subject matter was just giving me a fit due to the formation of the WPS's that have had contact with recently. Your assistance has been great I have a better understanding. Thanks a lot.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 05-22-2012 03:19
Who can write a WPS? Answer: Anyone other than a CAWI!

Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-22-2012 16:09
Dunno they may can if you give them some crayons.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 05-23-2012 01:40
Can they be colored ones?
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 05-23-2012 09:29
I think multiple colors would be required. Green for go, red for stop, magenta for travel speed, purple for mechanical test results... you get the idea. Color coding to make sure they know where to put the information.
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 05-25-2012 14:09
Prequalified as described earlier means you stay within the requirements (aka variables) that the code allows, see section 3 of D1.1
Qualified means somewhere or something is outside of the pre-qualified variables and now must be "qualified" (aka tested) to make sure those particular variables meet the minimum requirements of the code, see section 4 of D1.1.
Also don't forget the commentary in the back of the book.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / Who can create a WPS?

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