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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Dimention of weld
- - By alisharif (*) Date 04-12-2004 11:36
Dear sir
I wanna know standard dimention of weld such as height of reinforcment and width in shell of storage tank welding.Any body can help me? please tell me your standard reference because I know them but I dont know their standard reference.

best regards
Parent - - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-13-2004 14:04
Tanks for petroleum products storage at atmospheric pressure are ruled by standard API 650. API is the American Petroleum Institute.
Tanks for petroleum products storage or liquefied gases at low pressure (less than 10 psig) are ruled by standard API 620.
Small tanks for petroleum products storage at atmospheric pressure are rules by standard API D12.
Tanks for water storage are ruled by standard AWWA D 100. AWWA is the American Water Works Association.
Tanks for gases or liquefied gases storage at high pressure (10 psig and above) are ruled by ASME Code VIII. ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.
In those standards you'll find plenty of information on welding conditions and details.
Those are the American standards related to storage tanks. Over the years they became so popular, not only in the USA but all over the world (here in Brazil, for example, they're the only used), that they began to be used for other liquids than petroleum products and water.
API standards, for example, are used for flammable (combustible) liquids, such as alcohol and even vegetable oils.
AWWA, on the other hand, is used for non flammable liquids, such as mineral acids and caustic soda solution.
Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - By alisharif (*) Date 04-14-2004 05:15
Dear crisi
Thanks for your answer.
I know standard API fully because I work in refinery but I didnt find any informations about dimention of weld in shell of storage tank in API 650.
for example in piping according to API 1104 heith of reinforcment of weld is between 0.79 to 1.59 mm but I need to know that in storage tank what is height of reinforcment and width of weld?
Do you know it?

best regards
Parent - By H. Chang (*) Date 04-16-2004 00:04
See API 650, Section 5-erection, paragraph
butt joints for plate thickness 1/2" or less, the reinforcement for vertical is 3/32", for horizontal is 1/8";
for plate over 1/2" to 1", incl., vertical 1/8", horizontal 3/16";
for plate greater than 1", vertical 3/16", horizontal 1/4"
Hope this will help.
Kind regards
Parent - - By H. Chang (*) Date 04-16-2004 00:19
Sine complete penetration and complete fusion for joining shell plate are addressed in paragraph, then the width of weld is depended on the joint preparation-the thickness of the plate, angle of the groove, type of groove, or the welding process use. Usually the thicker of the plate the wider of the finished weld. There is no limitation specified in API 650.
Kind regards
Parent - By alisharif (*) Date 04-17-2004 04:52
Dear Mr Chang

Thanks for your informations.In code exist the maximum acceptance reinforcment but I didnt saw anything about minimum amount of it.Do you know limitation of it?

best regards
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Dimention of weld

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