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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / An anomoly dig on the pipeline start to finnish
- - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 07-07-2012 03:50
For you guys that have never pipelined or have never done the integerety side. I am gonna show a rehab project  from start to finnish. Today which is the 6th of July we had our contractor in a meeting with us (corprate). After all OQ's have been documented, DS, ops quals and preassement has been done we mobilized to this location just outside of Skellytown TX.  Three days earlier our survey crew came and marked off the AGM on the Duncan Ranch and chained in 6000ft to our location and one calls were made.  I dont know the size of this ranch but we traveled in here a good fifteen miles of ranch road. Today all we did was locate the stakes of survey and track the hoe in to the location of the dig site and tomarrow we will be excavating, tearing off coating, ut work and if were lucky maybe just a rewrap. If not we will be putting on a type B sleeve and welding it all together while under live propane pressure. Which requires a call into ten hours away Houston. They control the flow and pressure of the line. Today all I have is a picture of the trek in on the ROW.  We had a hell of a time finding our way in here. Alot of GPS and 4 low.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-07-2012 04:39
Looks pretty cool! That's a cool picture for sure! Skellytown....hahaha!! Must be one of my distant relatives!! A friend of mine went out to a ranch in Kansas years ago to pick up some cattle. Said they drove along the road that ran along the property of the ranch for 30 miles I think is what he said. When he got there he told me several cow hands were loading up a blazer. When he talked with them they said they were going out to mend fences, be gone a week.....on the ranch!!! Ya'll got some big spreads out there!
Parent - By texwelder (***) Date 07-07-2012 13:05
Keep us posted that's awesome country
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 07-07-2012 22:36 Edited 07-07-2012 22:41
Did it look anything like these pics I'm the fat guy in the foreground
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-07-2012 23:01
Looks like it has been in the ground a good while.  What tipped them off to a failure...volume loss?  Or did someone smell out the leaks?  Is this a case of QC failure or is it an old enough line?  Be an ugly expensive job either way it goes.
Parent - - By ibeweldingsum (***) Date 07-07-2012 23:08 Edited 07-07-2012 23:13
They ran a smartpig through it, and yes it was an old line enogex inherited so they smartpigged it and lo-and-behold it needed rehab work whoda thunk it. It was old enough that it had a butterfly weave cap on it. Magnatized so bad it held a 5lb hammer up on the side of the pipe!!
Parent - By Shane Feder (****) Date 07-08-2012 05:40
My first job when I travelled to Australia was fencing and welding up steel stockyards on Kerry Packers cattle station in the Northern Territory. He was a legendary billionaire who had been known to bet 1 million on a hand of cards.
His station was 10,000 square kilometres in size.
Our boss would fly over us in a small plane and throw out a screwed up ball of paper with details of where he wanted to meet us, we would drive there and find his plane parked on a dirt road. Have a bit of a chat and then off he would fly.
50 degrees celcius in the shade (not sure what that is in fahrenheit) but my nose would start pouring blood (just like a radiator overheating) at least once a week.
Brings back such wonderful memories (not). LOL !
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-11-2012 14:09
Wow, that sure looks just like country out toward the Continental Divide in Wyoming.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / An anomoly dig on the pipeline start to finnish

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