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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The learning curves of welding (Pics inside)
- - By LHoage (*) Date 07-23-2012 09:24
Just something I edited to take out my frustration on vertical welding :evil:

Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-24-2012 02:58
BWHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!   THAT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!  Don't sweat it bro....there are many of us that felt exactly the same.  Wait till your pushing that lohy  or a 308/316 up the mountain...some guys get it quick..some fight tooth and nail before the magic happens.  I was one of the tooth and nail guys till the right guy walked by and watched me for all of 5 minutes...5 minutes later I could make her go just fine.  I am gonna print your pic if you do not mind and hang in the shop for my boys to ponder on.

BTW how many of those are suicides and how many died on the test stand?
Parent - By LHoage (*) Date 07-24-2012 07:00
Nahh, I don't mind, print it out if you want. You can use the original Eve Online poster and make it cleaner if you'd like. Just something I did in the middle of the night while I was bored from waking up at the wrong time on Sunday night.

As for the death count, the numbers are still coming in, and too fast I might add. We won't have those numbers until we run out of welding students :lol:
Parent - - By unclematt (***) Date 07-24-2012 16:48
Hello LHoage;
That is pretty good. I felt the same way starting out. I would guess a lot of welders did starting out. It shows a lot of heart to stick to it though. I worked around a lot of guys that gave up after a short while. Perseverance and will will get you a long way. I started in a shop as a helper and knew that I didn't want to do that all my life so at every lunch and break, I would grab a gun or stinger and practice. Took me six months but they let me take a test. Passed that and have been involved with welding ever since in one form or another. I guess for me, it became a passion and a challenge to make every weld better than the last. I have read your past posts and can see you are headed in the right direction. Stick to it. Give it all you got. In the end, when your boss comes by and says; " Nice job ", you can take pride in the fact that you didn't give up. Be like a sponge. Take in all you can take. Old timers didn't get that way be luck or a mistake. Most will take the time to take you under their wing and point you in the right direction. Oh well, gonna get off this thing. Apologize for being long winded.

Best of luck to you;
Parent - By LHoage (*) Date 07-25-2012 11:05
I appreciate that.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-24-2012 22:10
You forgot the: pinned underneath the rotating table of a 80 ton drilling rig with a torch in one hand, stinger in the other, and no daylight at the end of the tunnel....

How much progression would that show...?

Hey Tommy, how'd your first rig call out go?
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-25-2012 03:59 Edited 07-25-2012 04:18
ROFLMAO!!!!!  It was no Drilling was just a dang little GEO test rig. Oh well. It was all cake bro...I was done in 30 minutes and just said what else is broke. They thought I was a genius when I suggested stoody rod on that head instead of carbide stuck in bronze goo. They will call again and that's all that matters.

Set your mouth right and get her going.....  next time I talk to you I want to hear that 427 rumble! I am jealous and debating building a hot 350 for Bessie.:evil:
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 07-25-2012 06:19 Edited 07-25-2012 06:37
Here's a pic.

Nevermind.....I don't know how to resize my pictures.....
Parent - By weldwade (***) Date 07-26-2012 17:17
Very funny!!! I love it... I showed it to my kids and they died laughing just like I did. Thanks for posting it
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 07-29-2012 19:38
Funny!! Good way to take out the frustrations, still don't know what the big deal is about vertical up though!! Play with the knobs and lay it in there like spreading peanut butter. Watch, look, listen, evaluate. Good keys to figuring it out. Not trying to be full of myself, just guess I never really had the troubles I hear guys or gals talking about when it comes to verts. Good luck though, keep at it and you'll get it!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The learning curves of welding (Pics inside)

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