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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Are there any shops in here that have had college interns?
- - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-17-2012 13:03
We just had 5 students from our local community college(4 guys and 1 gal) serve out 140 hours of internship here in our shop . As far as I'm concerned this was a great adventure/experience for both the students and us as a fab shop. These kids came in and had some weld training in college so they really progressed quickly. The first week we spent sort of feeling each other out as we didn't really know what to expect nor did they. I had them working over by themselves so not to disturb the shop. I saw pretty quickly that these students would pick up quickly so I gave them weld qualification/certification tests. I showed them what I wanted and went over the welding procedures and gave them the raw materials. They fitted and welded the test coupons all by themselves. I tested them using SMAW on 1/2" A36 plate in the 2G position with a 5/32" E7028, and FCAW using 1/16" E71T-1 on the same thickness/position. They all passed and I felt comfortable putting them in among our regular employees. By the end of the first week(actually 3 days due to their school schedule) they were able to fill in for any employees that we had out sick or on vacation. I am very impressed with how quickly these kids learned what was required and was able to jump right in. Each kid came in with a great attitude and greatful for every comment or suggestion to make their work better and worked hard all day, everyday that they have been here. My boss was also impressed and even though they were to work out their internship without any compensation from us, he saw fit to pay them a wage and I feel they earned every penny of it.

If any of you have a chance to take on a couple of kids, it will no doubt help some kid get a leg up when they finish their schooling and go out looking for a job. As far as I'm concerned, when these kids finish school, we can hire any or all of the five kids we had here. They are ready to go to work. Our shop guys have taken a real liking to these kids and hate to see them go.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-17-2012 21:04
We use the term "internship" as loosely as possible at the college here... But I have a number of employers who hire my students part time while they go to school and sometimes it pleases them to call it an internship.

These players get to "test drive" the best students and have the option to hire them full time at the end of the semester.

The other folks that call me at the end of the semester begging for welders must be satisfied with "what is left"

I'm a big proponent of any type of internship..... And also believe they all shoud be paid if it's a welding internship on the shop floor.  ~~1 Timothy 5:18
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-18-2012 10:21
The guys on the shop floor passed an envelope around and took up a considerable amount of money to be split between them. They made an impression on my guys in their short time with us. The kids had tears in their eyes when they came around to say good-bye and to shake our hands at quitting time yesterday. I really don't think they wanted to leave. Now if we could get our regular employees that excited about what we do... :cool:
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-10-2012 15:55
To add a bit of info that I left out, maybe it wasn't important, maybe it was....these interns were from a local job corps and were working through their college classes. So, given that these 5 kids had been in trouble before, it did my heart good to see them do so well while working with us here at the plant.

Today I received word through a grapevine that one of these 5 have been kicked out of the program due to failing a random drug screen and causing trouble with other kids on campus. Man, that news hurt way down deep inside me. This person was very likable and one of the "best improved" while he was with us. I had really high hopes that his experience with us(personal interaction) would make a difference in the rest of his life(for the better).

Through that same grapevine, I did receive some really great news that the girl in the group is at the top of her class and is excelling in all aspects of her schooling. I had no doubt that with her hard work ethic that showed through while she was with us, that she would do well. The other 3 are doing well too, so I suppose if 4 out of 5 make it, that isn't too bad. I'll keep praying for the one lost sheep to find his way back. Still hurts my heart to see this one youngin' go down the wrong path.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-11-2012 05:38
I think 4 out of 5 doing well is real good. Considering they had all been it trouble, that is even better.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Are there any shops in here that have had college interns?

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