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- - By Superflux (****) Date 08-25-2012 07:55
Our Bank of a 6 pack of Vantage 400s.
We have 6 more scattered around inside the shop.
Figured with all vantage/disadvantage debates, I'd show how we roll over here in the SandBox with our support/maintenance equipment that keeps the WarMachine turning.
On the down side, when it gets over 128ºF ambient temp, they heat up (circuit boards?) and start welding "poorly".
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-25-2012 11:55
Think you could get me a Video ? I would like put it on my Big Screen for Late night Veiwing. :grin:
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-25-2012 13:13
Maybe I should hang some Victoria's Secret lingerie over the exhaust so it gyrates for your video???
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-25-2012 13:40
That would be a GREAT !! Please do if it's not to much trouble. And maybe drape a pair of Fishnet Hose over them too !:twisted:
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-25-2012 21:08
Got insurance on them?  I would just let them burn down then go buy some old 200s.  Some reason mine stays at 180deg even when its 107 outside.
Parent - - By cmays (***) Date 08-26-2012 00:35
Big difference between 107 & 128F bud. That SA 200 wouldn't last the trip across the pond.
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-26-2012 17:57
It prob wouldnt make a trip across the pond.  I still wouldnt by a vantage just to cross Bud!  Never mind I would by a vantage, i would use it for a boat anchor when my boat stoped to take off my 200. Bud.....
Parent - By cmays (***) Date 08-28-2012 01:14
Haha well, Bud. I have owned 200's and a vantage. I'll take my pro 300's over them both......bud. The 200's weld great and are kind of nostalgic but, it just doesn't foot the bill with the need to run multiple processes with numerous different aplications all the time. Seems like everyone I know still running 200's are either at the gas pump or repair shop all the time. They don't weld good enough to keep throwing money away with them.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-26-2012 06:24
2006 Strat,
This IS the ARMY! and US government. If I were to order 6 Lincoln SA 200s tomorrow, in 3 years from now, Some genius in logistics would see "Lincoln", ignore the specs and parts numbers and could order 6 Lincoln 2000 Town Cars or I might get 600 Lincoln car alternators. 
Besides, an SA 200 would not be my preferred choice of power sources to run .045" Pulsed arc Spray...
A machine is just like YOU. Go swing a 10# hammer when it is 107º. Then come over here and see how long you can work at that same pace when it is 130º or more.
Parent - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-26-2012 18:13
Hell yea i know what you mean about some dumba$$ for the goverment not knowing what the hell he his doing.  Seem's like thats been going on for the last 10yrs.

  But, i would run mine at 140deg heat whatever.  There is a diffrence of when you pay for all your own tools then rather using a rental or one that someone bought and your working for them.  People dont care when its not theirs.  I bet even as hot as it is you dont even look at the thermostat other then when you turn it on(if you do). People run the hell out of machines when its not theirs.  Some times people dont have a choice on where they work,  i do.  YOU wouldnt catch my ass working in 128deg heat.  MONEY, just paper, cant take it with you.  128deg is unsafe for long periods of time.  Have fun in the sun better you then me.

Also,  if you have some body who works "in the aramy" who can not disinguish the diffrence in a welder and a vehicle.  I hope his ass dosent work some where it matters.  Cause rubber pellets and real bullets will make a diffrence...
Parent - By shorthood2006 (****) Date 08-30-2012 01:46
i got a good belly laugh out of that one cactus!!!!
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-25-2012 21:57
Where are you working that it gets to be 128F outside..?
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-26-2012 00:12

He's in Kuwait.  And it is cooling down there. 

While I've seen days top 120F in areas of AZ, it doesn't happen often and I personally have not seen 128.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-26-2012 02:15
I have seen 118 While working in Florance Az.. I thought that was the hottest place on earth..!! I didn't know there was a place hotter than Florence...!! It couldn't be any uglier.. LOL
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-26-2012 06:31
I think 117º was the hottest I'd ever been in until coming to the Middle East.
It has cooled down in the past couple of weeks.
Everyone said end of August, beginning of September was the hottest time of year, but I guess I must be lucky and got here for some unusually cool weather. I really wanted to video the egg on the sidewalk test at 140º, but seemed to have missed my window of opportunity and so far, the high has only been 134º since my deployment and that was a month ago. No one here is complaining.
Parent - By Pickupman (***) Date 08-26-2012 13:01
I'd probably melt into a little pool of butter. I'll just stay here and put up with 90+ with dew points in the high 60's. Superflux, watch yourself over there.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-26-2012 13:07
HOLY SMOKE.  134...?  That is crazy.  Is it even possible to work in that heat.  A prim rib is considerd medeum at 140 degrees and rare but eatable at 125 internal temp.  What the heck do you have to do to work in that place..?
Parent - - By NMWELDING (**) Date 08-26-2012 17:33
Some may think is not wise,but to me it is like night and day. About 5 years ago I started to pour water over myself every now and then to cool down. It is the difference of nearly passing out or making it bareable. I just make sure my gloves are dry and I do not lean on the part being welded and I am fine. It really makes a world of difference. And cold water if possible.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-26-2012 18:29
We have a nice airconditioned shop probably 150' wide 600' long.
But last Summer, I would go to Jalalabad (where they launched the final raid on BinLaden) and it would be 127-128º in the shop. There was a huge swamp cooler with 7' diameter fan, but could not get water delivered except once or twice a week or so. After lunch, we would dump a few cases of bottled water into the reservoir and cool the air down to just over 100 for an hour or so, but had to save the water for drinking. You make do with what you have, get creative and make concessions when in "The Zone".

For those that think being a support contractor is a piece of cake in Afghanistan...
When you hear on the news that civillian contractors were killed or injured, it is NOT always BlackWater or Rambo type Mercenaries.
I wont go into details in public, but I've heard the stories about things I witnessed, and its amazing how the legend can get blown up (no pun intended) out of proportion from people that were no where around.
Parent - - By rcwelding (***) Date 08-26-2012 23:01 Edited 08-26-2012 23:56
Well I respect you as well as all our troops over there.  I don't always agree with the cause but I respect the people that are living in that hell with an American flag on there shirt.  I don't think its a place for me but congrats on being tough enough to work there.  I don't care what they are paying you..!  That's nasty heat..! !

   Strat I own a VANTAGE and NO in my opinion its not the greatest machine on earth but it does weld good. Its not GREAT but it pays my bills and passes X-ray and UT.  I'm not in LOVE with my Machine but its good enough to make me money on any and every job I have put it on.  Stainless tig, stick, or hooked to an LN25 or a Miller 12vs.
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-27-2012 00:38
I know they can get the job done. 20% machine 80% welder.  Its just a little fun bringing up the disadvantages conversation.  Kinda gets the thread moving.  I wouldnt buy one for sure, but if i had to use one i would adjust.

  To really start something i want to weld with a miller pipe  pro.  That might be my next purchase if i dont convert my shorty to diesel.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-28-2012 00:34
Let me demonstrate just how good a Vantage is. This is a PORN Thread. Just the Mention of a Vantage derailed the entire Thread !!!!!  :evil::evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-28-2012 00:50 Edited 08-28-2012 00:52
To bad there not like wives, if you find a better one just chunk your old one and go get it.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-28-2012 01:18
Hard to find one Better than a Vantage
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 08-28-2012 01:25
I am not so sure I need to know about this "Vantage sex".
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-28-2012 12:54 Edited 08-28-2012 14:40
It is alot like a Moped or Fat Girls......"Fun to ride, just dont let your Frends see you doing it "!!!  :lol::lol::lol::lol:
Parent - - By Francisford (**) Date 08-28-2012 15:37
I have welded with a few vantages and loved the way that they burned the rod.
As far as the heat goes I was in alasad Iraq in 07 and we got to go to the big dermo place and we were able to get a old green light sa-200 going from parts and peices.  It welded just fine on the hottest days in june july aug and september.
I have never figured out why there is such a debate over what machine is better. they all have their own applications.  I have owned a couple of pipeliners and would love to own a vantage but, I have a good welding job for the airforce and dont do much contracting anymore where I need a portable.
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 08-28-2012 18:07
We are not approved to use SMAW, FCAW or even Carbon Arc gouging where an SA anything would be a viable option.
Unlike last year when I was in Afghannyland, this is a controlled shop environment. I have welding procedures approved by TACOM that must be adhere to, eg. a CV power source is specified for GMAW.

To get back to the O.P., I can't get anyone to donate their lingerie for the video. Sorry Cactus.....
Parent - - By 2006strat (***) Date 08-28-2012 21:53
I got some tighty whity's i can send you!!!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 08-28-2012 23:34
I don't believe I woulda told that !!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / CACTUS Porn

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