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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Oh good, a bailout
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-04-2012 12:22
Here's some news, a bail out for Egypt.

23 million jobless, 13 trillion in debt and we're sending money out? In my household when I'm in this type of situation I tend to STOP spending.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 09-04-2012 17:17
I've been saying that for can we keep bailing out and sending aid to others when we are in the shape we are in here?  It doesn't add up.  And especially now, we are so far in debt and borrowing more and more from the Chinese as well as others that it doesn't make any sense for US to be sending any form of aid to others.

I also would ask this question, How is it we don't just call in all the debt owed to us that we have appearently written off?  Other countries have outstanding loans from us.  Sure, we have also just given them money, but we have also loaned many of them money.  With NO payback.  So...Call it all in.  And if they can't pay, we take what we need.  OIL.  FOOD.  Resources. etc.  Our banks, oil companies, and government own most of it anyway.  Their greedy governments just steal all of it for themselves.  Not even their populace. 

Off my soapbox.  I agree Shawn.  How does this work?

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-05-2012 17:40
Not that it makes much diff but the debt is quite a bit higher then that.

Don't watch it too long or you are very likely to throw up on your monitor.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 09-06-2012 03:02
It's been planned that way, how else would you explain it.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-12-2012 22:04
Yeah, I had looked at the debt clock about a week before and it was just breaking 13 trillion I believe. Unbelievable how fast it climbs!
Parent - - By Mikeqc1 (****) Date 09-12-2012 18:03
then they storm the embassy and kill americans
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-12-2012 21:16
This is from earlier this year but I have not heard him say anything to the contrary yet.  Not real impressed with his response about the two embassy issues either.

What kills me about it is when we do "loan" money to these goverments, we never get paid back.  Most of it just gets wrote off in the next "political deal" as a buyoff for something or another in "our foreign interests".  But by and large we simply just give away massive piles of money every year to a lot of so called countries....what do we get in return?   

about the debt

It is all coming to a head folks, we are all going to have to bleed some to solve what Washington is doing to matter what your political view is.....numbers do not lie and they do not care what your political party is.  We can knuckle down and give a pint now or wait a bit and get bled absolutely dry.  I personally am sick of washington having the ability to borrow money on its whims....I have to live by my means and they should be forced to do likewise.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 09-12-2012 22:16
What gets me is I watch one of these peaceful guys on the news this morning yelling at the camera saying this is what happens when you insult Mohamed(?) Americans made the Muslims mad and we will kill.

It's funny that an "Israeli-American" wrote, directed and financed the movie that has p.o. the Muslim world. Unfortunately for us this Bacile guy lives in California so now everybody hates us for what one loud mouth, tree huggin goober said and produced in California. Ship this fool over to Israel and let them deal with the hate.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 09-12-2012 22:32 Edited 09-12-2012 22:58
Cummins, IMO, We have a president who is WEAK and a "Mooslam". From what I have read over the years "Mooslam Extremeis"t believe Israel ( jews in general) should be "eradicated"!!:eek: He has "insulted" the jewish prime minister in the last few days as I've read in the papers which Doesn't LOOK GOOD and sends a terrible message to our/Israels enemies, then on top of that we have an anniverary hit on an embassy!!!!!:mad::mad: My take is the terrorists/ al queda feels this might be the last chance they get for awhile to cause the  U.S.A. some heartache and grief because Osama is on his way out!!!!:grin::yell::yell::yell::yell: He shouldn't even be releasing political statements concerning Romney, thats the least of his problems:mad::mad: He should be using all the might that he wields as president to punish those who are even remotely responsible for this cowardly act !!!!:mad::mad::mad:
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-13-2012 00:14 Edited 09-13-2012 00:40
Two Destroyers headed that way right now.   That puts a total of 5 in the Med.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 09-14-2012 22:46
We've been stirring the pot since 1991... Its had long enough to simmer, by now it should have been burned.
Parent - By 99205 (***) Date 09-13-2012 02:48
The Extremists have been a problem for the US for the last 40 years.  This is a fight that will never end and as long as the politicians try to coddle the crazies.  The more the Extrremists think they have the upper hand politically, the more they are going to try to get on CNN Headline News.  A Taliban leader recently said that fighting the US is hopeless and they want to have peace talks.  So there you have it.  Drones overhead and peace will eventually come.  Just keep blowing up the leaders and the others will decide that there may be a better way to live within their religion.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 09-13-2012 12:42
Smoothoperator- How in the hell do you connect the presidential office to that? Are you so ignorant that you do not know how long this has been going on?

Do you not know who (which president invaded the Muslim countrys and you have been paying for it all along and now so you want to blame some one else who came along after the fact and is trying to deal with all the BULL **** that comes with it.

Who you going to punnish the whole nation when chances are the doers weren't even local hands. When there is big money involved, your a fool to think you know who's innocent and whos not.
Parent - By KSellon (****) Date 09-14-2012 22:44
Wonder if we're backin out of the bailout yet??
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Oh good, a bailout

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