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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Here's some more good news about "Green Energy"
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-22-2012 01:27
Saw this story on the news the other day, oh yeah, not mainstream news cause they surely don't want the average Joe to hear about Obama's wonderful energy plan and how well it is going.

Add in Solyndra and the other business failures all done on our dime. You lefty lib's can say all you want but when this guy is booted out of the White House they need to use the old phrase, don't let the door hit you in the arse on the way out.

edit: oh yeah.....I'm stirring the pot again! Can you imagine me if Barry get's back into office!!! LOL!!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-22-2012 01:41
Isn't that the real world when you start sweeping the floor no job at all is soon to follow....but since we got all this goverment money to spend ...we will just fund a full payroll every week until we can't pay the electric bill anymore.

Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-22-2012 03:01
Hey AL!!!!!!!!:confused::confused: You should really be proud to be payin' taxes on these typical type of fiascos put in place by a goverment thats in over their head!!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell: I know let's throw some more money at this debacle that will surely help !!!!!!!( If you are a liberal) Reminds me of the wind farm fiasco ( 29 yrs. to payoff and the parts have a 30 yr. life expectancy but hey ITS' TAXPAYER FINANCED so what the he!! ):razz::razz::razz::razz:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-22-2012 05:28 Edited 10-22-2012 05:33
"Weapons of mass destruction..."  "Nucular" "Yellow cake from Africa!" a couple of trillion later and still no Osama Bin Laden even though when Bush was the President, Tora Bora was so close yet so far eh??? What's the real story about Tora Bora??? Well let's just say that the war lasted longer than it needed to... I could go on and on but then what's the point???

Now Obama is no genius and certainly no Roosevelt but, he's so far gotten the US out of Iraq and is on target to getting us out of Afganistan and bringing our men and women back home but, because things are not as rosy as he promised, because he's a black man, because _____, because____, because____, etc., fill in the blanks will you???

Some folks will not stand for it and will not want him to be reelected!!! Now the conditions in the USA, they're certainly better than when he took office and are getting better every day as we speak! and IMHO, if he's been able to manage that, he should be given the chance to finish the job he promised to accomplish by re[electing him for FOUR MORE YEARS!!!

Vote for "Romnesia" and you'll be voting for the antichrist!!! We'll soon be off to another war in Iran this time and once again this country will suffer so many casualties  it has not experienced with since Viet Nam!!! He'll sell us off to China and make the great depression look like Happy days compared to how bad things will get in the USA!!! Of course he will not worry about that at all because he's got most of his money stashed in Swiss & Cayman Islands bank accounts and would just open up some new accounts as President of the United States of America... What a nightmare!!!

I do agree with you Tommy in that we all must go out and VOTE!!!

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-22-2012 12:25
Yeah, Bush was no Rockefeller but I was in the Marines the first time we went to Iraq and Suddenly Insane should have been taken out then, use the old Patton ideology, push all the way to Moscow. We should have gone all the way to Bagdad in the first place. We did not, Suddenly Insane kept on after we mamby pambied around with embargo's and all that other stuff that was supposed to work Fast forward and low and behold old Suddenly is back at it again, helping terrorists.

Now we have cleared Iraq, thanks to the men and woman of our military. Now that we are pulling out, it's falling apart again, kinda life Affyganstaland. Taliban is just waiting for us to leave, reports saying Al-Qaeda is moving back into the mountains as we pull out. I agree we should stay out of Iran but with crazy akmudoodoo in the drivers seat he makes me think of Suddenly Insane. So we are going to create embargo's and starve them into submission, yeah, cause that worked years ago didn't it.

At least with Bush we had, a budget, some clear policy and foreign policy. Ol' Barry seems to be peeing in the boots of our allies and patting the enemies on the back, saying, "it'll be alright". Entitlement in this country has run wild. It's not about paying taxes it's about bums getting my tax money and not doing a f'n thing except breathing air and breeding so they can get more benefits. Everybody I know works their balls off to basically get by, have a nibble left over at the end of the month to maybe do something.

I can't see Romney doing any worse, the debt is over 16 trillion, what, more than half of that created by Barry and his cronies? Darn money presses at the fed have not stopped since this guy took office. Wish I could run a business and a household like this, just keep printing money and handing out I.O.U's to everybody. The antichrist? Wow Henry, really? Guess it's because he's a Mormon? That issue should carry about as much weight as the Presidents ethnic background. Which means it should carry no weight at all as it is a non issue.

As far as the "war in Iran" goes I do believe that Barry said a month or two ago, excuse me, threatened military action in Iran. I remember this because I was shocked since he has been talking up bringing our boys and girls home to further his political career, get votes more or less. I'm sure that back in 1944 families here wanted their boys and husbands back home. People were fed up with the loss of life, the war was taking to long. It would have been interesting if we pulled all of the American troops out after establishing a beach head on Normandy. "Well, we're done, let's get our boys home". I wonder how that would have panned out? The Germans would have spanked the English, Aussies and everybody else back across the channel in no time. I don't think the job is done over there, but then again it's a breeding ground for hate. Guys I talked to coming home say you don't know who to trust, the guy at the px selling you the coke might be the guy who blows himself up in the same store on the base the next morning. We opened a can of worms over there.

Now, watching the news and Obama and his cronies are still calling the Fort Hood shooting a work place shooting? What? A guy shooting and screaming Ala ahba and he's a disgruntled employee?? I guess all the Vets returning from Affyland and Iraq were just involved in work place accidents?

I can't agree with the better economy. The false idea that banks are now giving away money for loans more freely, yeah, ok. The fuel I fill the truck with at over $4/gallon, inflation, every bit of food I buy the package has gotten smaller than it used to be and costs more(I do the shopping in my house so I see it every week). My kids in debt more than they will ever know and neither one of them over the age of 15, oh wait, they know, I told them they owe over $300,000, more taxes on the way if Barry get's into office and by God don't tell me it's my duty. More taxes so they can take what I bust my hump for and give it away to lazy bums. We can't explore for oil off of our east coast, west coast and barely can do it in the gulf. A guy asking for more security in a known hot spot(known since I have been alive some 40 years) and an administration that is shoveling dirt over it to cover it up. Panetta telling the Generals that they can not answer questions asked by folks looking into this matter. He can't meet with foreign diplomats because he's to busy doing a taping for "The View"??? WTF?? This is our president? Then throw in Obama care that has every elderly person I know worried they are gonna be turned away for healthcare cause they are "to old" then aloud to die. All I see is that Mr. Jones has left the farm and the pigs are in the driver seat with their dogs and all of us other animals are starting to realize that if we don't get the pigs out we're screwed.

"Reagan fixed the economy in three years", Obama wants for more years? He has added $5 TRILLION dollars to the deficit, so I need to elect Barry for another $5 Trillion? We are about to hit a point where our debt to income ratio is out of whack. I keep hearing folks talking about this and how concerned they are about it. I'm supposed to elect him and we are upside down in debt? That is so weird because in my household we usually stop doing things, work harder to earn more money, don't eat out, don't buy fancy things(not that we have anything anyhow), all the things a logical person would do. Not this administration, "well, heck, just print off more money, it'll be alright. Don't worry about inflation or debt, just keep the presses going".

Selling us off to China? Uh, seems that's what has been happening for the last 4 years, why does Romney have to do it, seems like it has already been done.

Don't worry Henry, I still respect you! Your alright, just don't think we can talk politics!! LOL!!
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 10-22-2012 17:45
Henry you can't be serious!!!!!!!!  Romney = antichrist?   Come on.........this is nutjob talk!!   And I can say with no fear of contradiction that the ONLY people who are better off now than they were 4 years ago are the ones who got GOVERNMENT HANDOUTS.  We survived Carter, we'll survice Obama; but to say we are "better off" now..........nope.  

My business and financial status is quite insulated from the political process (thankfully) and has prospered in spite of what has gone on for MANY years......Bush's terms were no cakewalk.  This is NOT about dem vs runs MUCH deeper.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-22-2012 17:52
Maybe the Chemo is getting to my brain and scrambling it a bit... Then again, maybe not!:yell::yell::yell::eek::eek::eek::twisted::twisted::twisted::wink::lol::cool:
Parent - - By SMTatham (**) Date 10-22-2012 18:03
Men, we need to take a longer and deeper view of our Republic; and of how our Constitution has been bastardized over the years.  Our Congress and private banks have spent us to the brink of ruin.  The Presidency is important; BUT in some ways the hype of a presidential election is a convenient distraction for everything else that goes on.

Please, let's all do more and better research...........get past the right/left paradigm and realize the death of our Republic and all we hold dear MAY be very close.  Having said that, Barack Obama was, is, and would be a lousy choice for President.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-22-2012 18:28 Edited 10-22-2012 18:30
I overwhelming agree with your first paragraph and I'm overjoyed that there's finally some folks in here that understand that the congress and the Banks are the real reason for the way things are today...

However, I do not agree with you on Obama being a lousy President since he did after all is said and done, initiate the order as commander in chief to kill Osama Bin Laden and for myself, that alone is not the only reason, He did save GM and Chrysler also, but it sure is the game changer that convinced me that both candidates are lousy choices yet, Obama is the lesser of two evils and can do a better job than twinkle toes - Romnesia! sorry but, I just couldn't resist!:yell::twisted::eek::grin::lol::lol::smile::wink:

SMT, I do acknowledge your civility in this conversation and I commend you for it... I only hope that this example could be replicated by others in here who have their own not so nice opinions of our Commander in Chief, and that really bothers me when folks don't show him or his office any respect at all!

Finally, we'll see tonight whether or not the President has what it takes to earn another four years so until then, it's a pleasure discussing this with you. Btw, Thanks Shawn! I still respect you too!!!:lol:

Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 10-22-2012 23:38
Henry, I know you see and hear a lot.  But how you can say without blushing that Obama is the lesser of the evils we have to choose from is beyond me!  The OBL kill order is a non-starter.........if Daffy Duck was President the order would have been given.  "Saving" GM and Chrysler??  How happy are you to be in the car business?  ANY Constitutional authority for that? about the lack of accountability (as in ZERO) as to where all the bailout money went?  How about the Chicago thugs he surrounds himself with?  I just don't see it.  He HATES industry!!!  The "growth" in drilling he brags about is ALL on private land......all while his "HIS" Interior Dept. has reduced the amount of leases and land available for lease..........uggg...I could go on.  I do respect the office he holds but have ZERO respect for the man.
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-23-2012 00:12
Henry, Romney can't be the anti-christ,:roll::roll::roll::roll:I was sure Hillrod Clinton was when she set such a fine example for women every where!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell::yell:Husband lacks morale character????? He!! go on TV in front of MILLIONS and swear to GOD he is faithful !!!!!! When the evidence surfaces just look the other way!!!!!:eek::eek::eek: Still married, but typical behavior of a liberal..... (just ignore the problem kinda like OSAMA has been doing with this countries problems):confused::confused::confused::confused: Henry glad to see your posting, I like the discussions I have with you & AL even if I know your WRONG:grin::grin::grin::grin:
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 10-22-2012 05:59
Well, to be fair, how many of those new Green Energy jobs were lost to competitors in China?  Well?  Many of those so called failures came about because of new Green Energy start-ups in China that drastically undercut the manufacturing costs, out sold the US companies, and bankrupted them.  That was not the President's fault.

And now we say that we want to elect a corporate raider who made his billions by outsourcing jobs to China?

Sorry, but I don't see that as a plan that will make things any better.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Here's some more good news about "Green Energy"

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