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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / If we ignore it it will go way/ doesn't exist
- - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-21-2012 23:05
Another screw up by Osama and his band of political hacks!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell: Typical liberal B.S., If we don't call it "TERRORISM" then we have eradicated it from the face of the earth!!!!!!:confused::confused::confused::confused: Not only did this administation of misfits not heed the requests for additional security, they also REMOVED the existing security strikeforce that was in place in August of this year.:eek::eek::eek::eek: Why?????? So the USA could save face in the Islamic world, and SHOW that we as a nation, feel that they(Islams) are not percieved as a threat to us anymore and, that the third world countries "securitiy forces" could handle any incidents that arose. :razz::razz::razz::razz: Typical screw up by a president who is in over his head in both domestic and foriegn affairs.:red::red::red: Alls' I know if I was a military guy(seal,green beret,special forces, etc) who devoted all that time,sweat,agony,pain and who knows what else as a true patriot of this country and was put in this political JACKPOT, I would have been cursing Osama and  his administration with my dying breath!!!!!!! WHAT A P.O.S.!!!! From Pittsburgh: Home of dem' old injured Stiilers!!!!!! :cry::cry::cry:
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-22-2012 01:10 Edited 10-22-2012 01:24
"also REMOVED the existing security strikeforce that was in place in August of this year."   Where did you get that info Smooth?

This has been a football that only a very few journalistic media has touched on if at all.  Personally I consider the matter of it being called a protest action offensive...then finally admission that it was a planned terrorist attack.  I understand waiting until you have clear that case you say nothing until you do!!!  Obama's comment on the Daily Show, "If four Americans get killed, it's not OPTIMAL" made me almost fall out of my chair....that is not a gaff...that is utter shatting upon the unfortunate souls families that lost their lives that day.  In the long run many people will not make much of this blunder, but to me it is very telling of his character as a human being.

IT is utterly clear that this man has a poor handle on foreign affairs.  Yes it was up to others under him to prevent this from happening.  But if he was on top of things and had a clear course...well...I do not believe that consulate would have fell.  He did make the call to proceed with the attack on Bin Laden, considering the intel they acted on, it was a gutsy call...give him credit for that.  But I wish he would give credit to all the people that made it happen....He says "I" an awfull lot when talking about it.....Let me tell you something MR. President.....those seals and CIA guys do not even know how to spell "I".

BTW right now the Bengals  (??really) are up 14-3 against the Steelers 8min to go 2nd 1/4.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-22-2012 02:38
Tommy, Was on a fox investagative report Sunday afternoon "death and deceit in Bengahzi " interviewed a Colonel Woods who was in charge of some kind of security forces from the US call SSIS or ISS force says he was given orders to pull out by end of August says he was frustrated because he didn't ask for more help just to keep "status quo" also stated wasn't a money or budget thing because the money was already in place and operating. In his opinion everything was in place and if anything "was a waste of money" having forces pulled had to do with Osama's politics.  AMAZING how dem' Stiilers can't catch wonder why they get paid so much!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 10-23-2012 03:42
I have one thing to was urine in the head of the United States of America, (us), to negate public viewing of a dead osama... A burial at sea, no pictures, no dna, no nothing, except, "trust me", (Alfred E. Newman style)......

Yeah, my money is on stinking crap all the way through this presidents' term.....but isn't it always.....
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 10-23-2012 07:31
Hey Sully!

They didn't bury him at sea... They launched him to his watery grave!!!!!

Here's the way they did it:

Parent - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 10-27-2012 05:47
I agree Sully i wanna see Osamas head on a stick stuck in the ground at the gate. I dont believe for 1 second they killed him. It was just a mockd up scene and story to maybe help him get reelected.
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-24-2012 21:57
Well on the news today the investigative body has come across messages sent to OSAMA and his half/arse administration. 2 HOURS after the attacks happened in Benghazi a Libyan TERRORIST group claimed responsibility for the attack!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: At least OSAMA and his political hacks have a future.......... JANITORS (love to sweep there piles of cr#p under the rug!!!!!!):razz::razz::razz::razz:REMEMBER if its hidden/not there it don't exist!!!!!!!:evil::evil::evil::evil::evil:
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 10-25-2012 17:22
September 11th ie 9/11 ~ what better time for terrorists and wanna be terrorists to celebrate a "great" terrorist attack anniversary date. Unprepared Americans won't suspect/think that an attack on 9/11 could possibly happen.
BTW who might the "government" info leaker about all the terrorist's events, times & places known with 2 hours of the attack and not responded to by the White House occupant for 17 days? Leon Panetta ~ Hilary Clinton ~ is somebody being pushed in front of the bus? CBS & Reuters were the recipients of the e mail about who knew what & when. Why wasn't FOX News on the email recipient list?
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 10-27-2012 05:45
fox news has been showing copies of the emails for days
Parent - By 357max (***) Date 10-27-2012 13:53
It has been reported that BO was on Jay Leno and was asked the question if Hilary was going to serve a second term. He supposedly said that she had other plans and couldn't be talked into staying.
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 10-27-2012 14:10
Another fuc# up by OSAMAS administration!!!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell::yell: "STAND DOWN"......."STAND DOWN"......... The response given to those that requested TWICE to help at the consolate when the on site security plead for help!!!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell::yell: WOULDN'T even send in a gunship to take out a mortar position that security forces from the compound had laser painted for "HELP TO DESTROY ":eek::eek::eek::eek: OSAMAS RESPONSE: " I wasn't aware of the situation":red::red::red::red::red: A father of one of the dead security force speaks out and says "THIS ADMINISTRATION HAS MURDERED MY SON" (gee I said something about that at the beginning of this post):mad::mad::mad::mad: New slogan for OSAMAS campaign for a second term  "STAND DOWN" ......" STAND DOWN"........ What a P.O.S. administration!!!!!!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell::yell::yell::yell: From Pittsburgh : STAND DOWN........STAND DOWN........
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / If we ignore it it will go way/ doesn't exist

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