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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Big Break!
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-30-2012 10:24
Well, after many years of wanting to be in the ditch and get that big break I think after much patience, hard work and good welds I think my chance is upon me! Did some work for some folks awhile ago and they deal with lots of people in the gas business. They called the other day and he told me that he wanted me to call these two guys, they have a project for a big gas company and will need a welder and was going to call them and give them my name!

I talked to one of the guys yesterday and he was going to call his "guy" at the gas company and find out what I need to do for testing to weld on their system. Need to get out there and start warming up sort of speak. He said once I get my card from them I can do with it as I please!! Haha!! Been waiting a long time for this break, been stuck in ornamental h_L_L lately with a little gas work here and there.

Just got to say thank you to the guys on here who have answered my dumb questions, called me on the phone and helped out! Keeping my fingers crossed and need to get this darn gate finished so I have a day or two to crank out some warm up pipe welds. Think I need to call this guy I met around here and see if he can show me a branch....yeah, still have not done a 12 on 12 branch. Not worried about welding it just don't know how it should look(gap) for welding and inside root. Keeping fingers, toes, legs all crossed!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 10-31-2012 00:37
I tried welding with My fingers & eyes crossed, didn't work so good. :grin:

I hope Your pipe job works out.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-31-2012 01:53
Congrats Shawn

On the job opportunity + finishing the gate from hell!!:grin:  I am not worried one bit, you will take it on and just knock it outta da park as always!!!!  Got your text did not see a pic...I was rolling up about 4-5 hrs later.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2012 10:13
Talked to a second guy yesteday and he was the one bidding the job. Half the time I think I need to try and get into that side of it. Lots of relocation jobs around here and would be better if I could do the whole job instead of just the welding part!

Yeah, got the gates loaded on the trailer last night and the upper hinges apart and ready for powder. Got in the house around 7 last night. Got a steel detailer that is doing my bridge stuff and he's been sending me bids left and right. Got a gate to bid for him today actually. Been doing the early morning thing again, 12-14 hour days and job is done and woke up without alarm at 3:40 a.m!!! The client picked a wicked cool color for the gates so really looking forward to how they turn out. My buddy is going out to install the underground operators in the next few days so hope to get this installed next week sometime.

Gonna sit in the office today and catch up, shoot out more bids! You about got that job done out there!??
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-31-2012 21:56
Ahhh I miss that chair, lately I have only been in it long enough to pull my boots.  Which job...heck I was juggling four or five over the last 10 days.  The rails?  ummm yea that was on the same site as those concrete tilt walls.  What I need right now is SOMEBODY to write a freaking check.....I no longer will finance any materials PERIOD.  Be my dang luck one of these slow paying bastages will go belly up and leave me holding.  I am seriously looking forward to the AFB job.  I am only allowed on base for 9 hours a day, sounds like a vacation right now.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2012 10:16
I hear ya Dave! Tried it with my eyes crossed and didn't know which weld I should be welding on!! Was thinking I was going to need another stinger to follow the illusion root!
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 10-31-2012 03:05
The trick is to use two stingers at once.  Right eye on one, left eye on the other, then turn and burn, lol.
Parent - - By Pickupman (***) Date 10-31-2012 03:39
Shawn I have a little power point I made. If you're interested I would email it to you.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2012 10:00
Check my profile has both my email's there.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 10-31-2012 10:15
Just stradle the pipe like a horse and start with the right hand then follow with the left down the opposite side. At the halfway point get on your back under the pipe and start all over. I prefer getting a helper to stradle the pipe on top with two grinders and he'll hit the top while I'm welding the bottom. When I start the hot pass he'll grind the root on the lower end!!!
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Big Break!

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