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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 2006 6.0 powerstroke
- - By weld4JC (*) Date 11-06-2012 16:57
I am thinking about buying a 2006 6.0 pwerstroke low miles . Is there any issues with this motor or is it a good one? I am just trying to do my homework to see if it is worth buying or not.
Parent - - By dringge (*) Date 11-06-2012 18:06
I have a 2004 6.0. there are definately some issues with them. EGR on mine is being deleted today because they are prone to leak. probably set me back $1000. Head gaskets are also a problem area. The cab of the truck will need to be removed for that repair and can be costly. How many miles on the one you are looking at? They tell me the 2006 's dont have as many problems as the 03 and 04's.
Good luck
Parent - - By weld4JC (*) Date 11-06-2012 19:17
it has 40,000 miles
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 11-07-2012 00:46
4JC,  Got a 05' 6.0 w/250,000 miles on it, finally blew a head gasket:cry::cry::cry: COMMON PROBLEM w/this engine, did alot of research before pulling the trigger on the repair!!!!!! Problem stems from BAD quality head bolts that stretch when a little heat gets to them. The solution is to keep the heat down, this is caused by the the EGR system they use. Solution is a EGR delete kit. I'm having an engine (another 05' w/65,000 mi.) installed now. Cost $5600.00 for engine, $2500.00 for base install verse $4000.00 for a "reputable" head job on a 250k motor. Only other choice ??????? A new rebuilt $13,500.00 which is a good down payment on a new truck!!!!!!! SPEND $150.00 for a EGR DELETE kit well worth it to protect this weak point on this motor...........:red::red::red:
Parent - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-08-2012 02:06
The 6 is a pile of junk. Look around and you can get a 7.3 if you look hard enough. Ford is trying to build its reputation back, but they KNEW the 6 was junk, and they still put it out.
Parent - - By 522029 (***) Date 11-07-2012 00:55
Major issues with that one;  fewer head bolts/poor clamping, egr cooler leaks, radiator.....

Best to pass on it.

Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 11-07-2012 22:58
Get a Dodge
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-08-2012 01:56 Edited 11-09-2012 04:29
A friend of Mine had an '04 & '05 6.0, issues with both. He got rid of the '04 a few yeaers back.

For what it is worth these are F550 dump trucks. The problems were with computers/sensors, fuel pumps & EGR.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-08-2012 10:51
We had an 05 F550 and had issues with it around 45,000 miles, glad I was not responsible for repairs. From a Ford mechanic I know he told me in his experience that as long as they were not chipped that they seemed to be alright, no real head gasket issues but some egr things. He told me to stay away from the brief 6.4L twin turbo international(last engine international did for ford I believe). Actually said he would go with the 6.0 before the 6.4.

Look on some of the Ford forums, the diesel......????? I forget, it's all Ford talk, Ford diesel talk. As somebody said, look for a 7.3 2000-2001 but be prepared to pay a premium price. You'll pay as much for a 10-12 old truck as you would a 2006.

As of yet I have not heard of any issues on the latest Ford in house diesel. Reading the articles talking with engineers Ford really thought this one out but have not talked to my friend in a few months but last I knew he hadn't touched a new Ford diesel, but it is a small town so maybe they can't afford them....I can't!
Parent - By SMTatham (**) Date 11-08-2012 13:07
I would stay FAR away from the 6.0.  As has been said....Ford knew they had issues but still pushed them out the door.
- - By weldwade (***) Date 11-09-2012 06:15
I was so disappointed with the 6.0 and even worse the 6.4

I have a 2011 6.7 Cummins now with all the Emissions garbage removed using an H&S mininax. It's a crew cab 4x4 dwr. I now average 19.8 mpg empty and 14-15 mpg loaded depending on where I am going etc. I am very happy with my Dodge. I am sold, no more Fords in my future.

I learned a very expensive lesson with the Fords. I won't be buying another!
Parent - - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 11-09-2012 13:48
Weldwade I hear ya on the fords.  I have done all the emission removal on my 08 Dodge and a minni max as well.  Something else you might want to conisder as well. Dodge makes an addintional fuel filter that goes inline with the regular filter.  They say it greatly extends the life of your injectors.  I just had one put on.  I figured three hundred dollar saftey net is better than a 1800.00 injector.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 11-10-2012 09:07
Great advice Stan. I bought a universal spin on adapter and mounted it with a clear shot to the ground so when changing it I don't spill diesel all over the shop floor. I use Donaldson filters with it that match my welder. They are 4micron and I change it on my truck at every oil change. Clean fuel equals happy injectors!
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 11-10-2012 15:36
Donaldson filters are the top tier and I use them when I cant find Baldwin filters.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / 2006 6.0 powerstroke

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