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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / few pictures of some chopping I have done
- - By Chris2626 (***) Date 11-15-2012 03:20 Edited 11-15-2012 03:31
I've asked a lot about aluminum welding and stuff lately and well this is something i had been working on trying to make my boat go faster and well I'm almost there with this setup. Some pictures of some homemade adjustable trim tabs that have worked out great and made me a tiller extension. 75 hp evinrude short shaft is my winter project and will be getting a tiller on it. Hardest part finding the bigger 56.6 ci powerhead which I'm working on right now. 49.7 isn't to bad that came with it but that 56 will crank more ponies.
Thanks everyone who has helped with answering filler metal questions and i'm sure i have a lot more to asj because next winter i'm gonna build me a boat to go with this 75.
This weekend will get mph with the gps, it's dam fast.
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 11-15-2012 11:32
Good work Chris!
The trim tabs look pretty thin.  Have you seen any bending?
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 11-15-2012 12:28
nice work, what did you paint the trim tabs with?
Parent - - By Chris2626 (***) Date 11-15-2012 13:05
The tabs are 1/8 inch aluminum and someone I think on here told me to go with 3/16 or maybe it was 1/4 inch but when I was told that it was to late i had already bought the 1/8 but so far I have no problems with bending. The hinge is aluminum and I bought it from and it's real low grade aluminum I think 3003 but again no problems with it either. I've got a lot of hours in this boat and motor testing to go faster and I have had this boat at times really hopping and thinking god i'm gonna tear these tabs off but no there really pretty strong.

I was able to order a FREE one quart cane from Alweld the builders of this boat which was for touch up well didn't tell them I took a grinder to the boat LOL. I bought a cheap 58 dollar gravity fed spray gun from auto-zone and man it's amazing how well that cheap gun sprayed it although must admit the V that I ended up having to modify later i just took a paint brush and dabbed it on there under the motor but it came out really well still.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-16-2012 00:30
Nice work Chris! Got something to keep you busy!
Parent - By Chris2626 (***) Date 11-16-2012 02:25
Thanks, the speed bug has seriously bit the sh*t out of me :grin:
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / few pictures of some chopping I have done

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