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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hipocrits in here
- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 01:34
We have two individuals who seem to think it's okay to rat people out in here... One of them comes from the UK and it's really ironic how he comes to the OTB&G and starts critiquing us because of the kind of conversation we're having!!! Mind you, this clown comes here from another forum that I believe he was a part of, but left because that forum was out of control... He left there, unable to fix that one and now he's coming here thinking that he needs to fix it in here by asking all of us to act civil in the Off Topic Bar & grill!!!

One of the reasons why we came up (My Idea in case anybody is wondering!) with this part of the forum was to give us all a place to come to and say just about anything we wanted to in here less doing anything illegal and yet, because of a few folks who when attacked usually act in the same manner with the exception of not using as many colorful metaphors as most of us do in here... Clearly that is their choice but, for all of us to act in the same manner in here is ridiculous and totally against the very reason why this part of the forum was created in the first place!!! I personally think they're afraid of their own shadows but then again, that's just me...

So are you all going to conform to being civil in the Off Topic Bar & Grill??? That means no more posting of Jokes in here, no more arguments of any type, no more etc.,etc.,etc.
You all won't be able to freely discuss stuff in here in a manner that most guys talk to each other do so. well, If that's what you'll al settle for, then you're all afraid of your shadows as far as I'm concerned and nothing more than a bunch of Hipocrits!!! Prove me wrong then if you don't agree!!! I'm out of here!!!
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-14-2012 05:27 Edited 11-14-2012 13:51
Hank. You have spelled 'Hypocrite' wrong............:wink:

As I have just this evening received a PM from your goodself concerning this very subject, I will presume that I am one of the two individuals you are referring to?

I don't believe I 'ratted' anyone out. I merely tried to point out that calling people personal names is usually a sign of a lost discussion. I suppose CWI555 is the other 'ratter' as he echoed my sentiments?

I wonder, did you send him a nice PM, like my surprise one?

I don't 'come here' from any other forum. If your asking if I am a member of other welding forums, then yes I am:-

............and of course to name a few of my regular haunts!

I happen to live and work in the USA and I enjoy it here very much, it is truly a great country! I freely admit to coming from the UK.

I am also both a AWS and ASME member so I see no reason not to frequent this forum.

If you think that certain comments are justified because they are made behind the auspice of an 'invite' or 'applied' section of the forum, you are wrong, as proven when the thread was locked as it had turned into a car crash as well described by John. To be honest, I would like to see the whole thread removed from this forum as I believe it does it (the forum) a great disservice and reflects poorly on the professionalism of all parties involved. (I see some of the posts have been 'self deleted', well done)!

I frankly don't wish to read a diatribe of increasing venom between two parties in the OTB&G or ANY of the sections of this forum Bear in mind, many younger members may well have access to this verbal diarrhea.

I also see the sniping is continuing in other threads, so far contained within the OTB&G. I call it baiting! How long till it breaks out in the forum general?

May I also remind you, the internet is not as 'free' or as 'anonymous' as it once was. More and more web hosts and forum owners/posters/Admins are being held accountable for ANY defamatory, racist or 'harassment' remarks made on the WWW, in any form!

I am sorry if I have offended anyone by asking them to be civil towards one another, I have had many,many heated discussions without resorting to inflammatory remarks or calling people derogatory names! I was always taught that civility was what distinguishes the educated from the uneducated!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 06:17 Edited 11-14-2012 06:42
Go find the hole you crawled out of RAT and crawl back in!!! It's obvious that you do not know what a private message is do you??? Because if you did then you would have responded in the appropriate manner, but being the rat that you truly are you just showed your real colors...

So this speaks volumes about you, and what type of person you are in here, and it's definitely someone that I nor anyone else could, or would trust just from your actions starting with this reply,

What is your major malfunction??? Oh that's right, you're a control freak You ought to see someone about that because it's making you look really silly. ROTFLMFAO!!!


We don't have to behave in the same manner as in the regular forum Hence, the invite!!! If you cannot understand that then ignore this place!!! We Don't need a cop in here like you... ESPECIALLY LIKE YOURSELF!!!

THAT'S ALL I GOT TO SAY TO YOU AMATEUR!!! PROFESSIONAL MY FOOT!!! Oh and one more thing... Speaking of Baiting... You've been BAITED, HOOK, LINE, and SINKER!!!
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-14-2012 06:58
Hank, Think you need to check your PM's before you rant about what I do and do not know about forum etiquette :wink:

I think you will find this particular post is a response to your misspelled  'Hipocrits' thread, not your very personnel  PM to me!

If calling other forum members 'Retards', 'ingrain puke', 'Nahhh, I'm gonna call you uncle assh@le Punk!!! Watch out for Karma hill billy!!! She's coming to hit you right across your face when she catches up with you Clown!!!', 'Go find the hole you crawled out of RAT and crawl back in' among other insults, is considered casual then I ask to be removed from this section of the forum.

I'm sorry you don't feel I can be trusted, however as my employment demands several layers of trustworthiness scrutiny, please forgive me if I do not place the appropriate (or indeed any) importance on your judgement of my trustworthiness! 

Down here seems to be pretty god fearing folk, which I kinda enjoy the company of! I understand you are from a different part of the US?

Amateur:- maybe! professional:- I try my best! You have to start at the bottom! You never stop learning!
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-14-2012 11:21
Here we go again.

John Wright... Cleanup isle 9
Parent - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 11-14-2012 18:33
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 17:26 Edited 11-15-2012 19:53
So why are you still here???

I'm from Pennsylvania... One of the original 13 states that formed these United States of America just in case you are not up to speed with our history.

So you passed a background test so what??? I can do that standing on my head, blindfolded and in my birthday suit!!! You simply do not understand how most (except for some lily livered in here) Americans have a totally different definition of what the word casual means and by the way "Gyl" is that your name??? I intentionally misspelled the term "Hypocrit" to bait you into wondering why... Hippocrates is why!!! Try thinking like he did instead instead of pontificating your opinion in here like you're the Pope or something to that effect...

Too many folks in here are thinking that thjis country is done, and I say that it's just starting but, instead of getting ourselves together, they choose to start a fight, and think that folks on my side of the political aisle in this country will not fight back... Well I'm here to tell every one that this Democrat is fighting BACK!!!

I'm also not surprised why I'm the only one in here that you publicly scolded for using such language that you consider revolting, or unprofessional in here because god forbid that some kid reads it or worse their parents do as well!!! Is totally wrong because of the simple fact that the only way one can get into the OTB&G is by invitation only... Do you understand what that means??? So tell me then, why is it that I'm being singled out by you??? Why aren't you scolding hill billy also??? After all, he is the one who started all of this crap in the first place!!! Oh I get it... You're a sore losing republican also??? You put my friend John Wright on the spot with your whining and now you want me to respect your wishes???

In the words from a person whom I hold in very high esteem: Quote; "Why is it that some people fear God, their creator??? They shouldn't fear God because God LOVES them all and therefore, there is no justification for fear!! So don't fear God for God is LOVE." Stop fearing God Gyl... Where ever you are I take it, means somewhere in the south correct??? Well, here's another tidbit of information regarding These United States of America... It DOES NOT MATTER where some one is from in here so get off your high horse because it doesn't matter where you are from in here - CAPECHE???

I could go on some more but, why do I even bother now that I think about it... You have a lot to learn about all of us Americans Gyl, and my advice to you is to learn more about ALL of the different regions in the USA because if you only think as a southern person usually does, then you cheat yourself in not really getting to know the rest of this country which you have boasted you love so much... So that's my advice to you son. And remember that God walks with you, not over you.

Parent - - By devo (***) Date 11-15-2012 18:10
Did you mean Hippocrates?  Hippocratic oath..that guy??
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-15-2012 19:45
Yes, that guy.

Parent - - By RonG (****) Date 11-15-2012 20:13
I gotta tell ya Henry, I feel honored because the time you called me that you (when misinterpreted my intent) you spelled Hypocrite correctly “Your hypocritical response to my post”

Can’t help but think you were being your devious self and mis spelled intentionally.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-15-2012 20:19
:twisted::twisted::twisted::wink::cool: Yep! that's me!!! I can't help myself some times:lol::lol::lol:

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-15-2012 20:39

>Yep! that's me!!! I can't help myself some times

LOL...glad that you are back to feeling like your old self Henry.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-15-2012 21:02 Edited 11-15-2012 21:06
Yah think so??? Okay I'll take a pill to that... Relax, it's real medicine I must take around this time.:lol::lol::twisted:

I was diagnosed as being Multi - Polar (not true) for crying out loud!!! Uh oh, I feel a change a comin!!!!:yell::yell::yell::yell::yell::twisted::eek::twisted:

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-15-2012 21:12

>I was diagnosed as being a Polar Bear

fixed it for ya :wink: :evil: LOL
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 11-15-2012 21:57 Edited 11-15-2012 22:05
Poly-Polar rolls off the tongue better.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-16-2012 06:38
Could be,could be!

Then there's Tri-polar, Many-polar and oh,oh,ummmm Numerous-polar also... Infinitely-polar!!
Now that's catchy!!!

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 18:13
Oh and Gyl... Don't be so thin skinned because it doesn't suit you.:eek: You need to learn how to let what you depict as insults and let them go right over your shoulders and fire back man!!! Just because it's not the way they behave in the south, doesn't mean that it's the same in other parts of the country... In other words, you need to get around the rest of the country because this is a very big country!

Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 12:09
Henry...please stop for a minute and breathe. C'mon man. :wink:

BTW, The PM that I received was from yourself. Apparently others received PMs from you also.

Why must we continue to go on and on....whenever someone/anyone starts name calling and insulting one's intelligence...just stop, exit the thread, and for goodness sake don't take it to other parts of the forum and continue on. This "stuff" is like a infectious disease that infects the whole forum once it gets started.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-14-2012 14:06
Lawrence, John,

I apologize for allowing myself to be baited into a response. I have re-read some very good advice given to me in a PM from another worthy forum member that I had forgotten about (the advice, that is). I shall try to stay my typing from now on!
I understand these type of threads do the forum no good at all!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 18:17
Excuse me John but, where have I taken this "stuff" to other parts of the forum??? I don't remember where besides the OTB&G... Please let me know where you are talking about, because I don't recall this happening at all.

Parent - - By ronnie taylor (**) Date 11-14-2012 18:35
Hi Henry... I hope your doing well :smile:
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 11-14-2012 19:10
Thank you Ronnie!!! How's everything with you???

Man, I like your signature pal!!!

Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 11-14-2012 22:38
I can't believe this thread is still here.  I told a harmless little joke here, once, and got completely pounced on by a few of the "post gods" here, got some real interesting PM's and then had the thread removed.  Henry, as far as 46.00 goes, he can't help himself, he's British.
Parent - By qcrobert (***) Date 11-15-2012 19:34
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 11-16-2012 06:45
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hipocrits in here

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