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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A statement: if tempermental unselfcensored DONT READ.
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 11-21-2012 19:33 Edited 11-21-2012 19:42
This ain't a political thread spare me/us your drivel/blathering and foaming at the chops PLEASE!

I woke up from the weirdest nightmare I ever had this morning:  I was dreaming about trying to keep my biz together and deal with the economic was not going well.  ///////  I have been reading what I can gather on the health care is a helluva lot to read folks.  From what I understand of it, if truly implemented it will cause a lot of strife.  I can understand the viewpoint of both businesses and Insurance companies trying to cope with this and the results in my mind are ugly.  I am no genuis but even a dimwit can see what this will drive businesses to do...eliminate coverage all together....the penalties as I read them are a far better choice or restructuring their employment.  Everyone of the blue collar class will be driven to the "Federal" options.  From what I can understand this inmho will hurt those working lower income jobs the very most.  Those poor guys mainly young people working fast food/restaurants/Wal-Mart etc. are gonna be kicked in the nuts.  Stop and imagine how hard it is to live on minimum wage (for your region of the country) for a think about having your job cut you to 30hrs or less.   Far as I am concerned personally this is nothing more then another tax on my family....the insurance to meet the standard in the health care bill costs far more then the penalty applied, hence a tax to provide the Fed version to those who "cannot afford it" according to them. I will survive it, but you know what, it is cutting my kids throats.  I am not talking out my butt daughter manages a restaurant for a chain and anyone not on salary has been already cut to less then 30 hrs a week

I have edited myself from the rest of what I would like to say....whether truth or fiction it will not help.  Folks forget being redneck, liberal, conservative or what have you.  We have a great concept with piss poor implementation that is right now the law of the is going to have an impact on your life no matter what your income level is.  I think the Supreme Court is fixing to have to truly earn its keep.

Best wishes to all you folks

To all you moderators:  if people are stupid, don't lock the thread, just freaking delete it...who cares anymore.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-21-2012 22:39
So true. My wife has insurance but my concern is will it meet the government standards and if not will her company pay the extra cost to bring it up to what they(gub'ment) thinks is best or will they just drop insurance and we'll be searching for our new gub'ment plan? Or is her plan considered a "Cadillac" plan in which case the company will drop our insurance down to a lower coverage plan. Then throw in the fact that the employers will be paying more towards premiums (an employee pay raise in my eyes) in which case will it be better just to drop employee benefits and pay a yearly fine? They have almost 400 people where she works so it will affect them for certain.

Applebee's was one of the restaurants that I've read about concerned as they have part timers that are/were less than 40 hour per week, young kids, college kids that juggle schedules. They were talking about the "New Full Time" hours being 30 hours a week due to the healthcare law. A tax on your family, that's for sure because constitutionally they cannot force us to do what they are forcing us to do unless disguised as something a "tax". Might as well go to the National Archives, crack the glass on the case storing the constitution, drop it on the floor and take a whiz on it. Supreme Court, "SOLD" to the highest bidder, one more crusty old fart kicks the bucket know who is in office....and we're fooked for sure.

Going to be some interesting times in the future. Have to give my aging relatives a call this weekend, I've got an Aunt that is quite knowledgeable on the healthcare as she and my Uncle are in that age group fearing they will be led off to slaughter at the next sign of the flu that they have! For some reason this just don't work in my head. The gub'ment is trying to make it better, so, do the insurance, MAKE them get it. Minimum wage I was lucky to have $2000 left over in a year let alone have it for required insurance, I mean an extra tax(as they cannot make me do this against my will). Now throw in that in order for my company to keep me they knock me down to 29 hours a week max which is, a whopping, $210.25 before Uncle Sam krinkles your nads. $841/month, take away your $400/month apartment or should I say, hovel and then taxes and you have $350 left maybe for food, electric, your healthcare tax....or healthcare? So, now, why this don't work in my head. We now drop hundreds or thousands more into poverty, or deeper into poverty because we have cut the hours(I know blame the big bad corporate right) and now we have thousands more in need of, you guessed it, welfare, food stamps. If I may, sounds like a giant poop sandwich and we're all being forced to eat the whole thing!

Canada, no Tommy, I've got two places I would rather move to if the need arose! Both I could care less what I did for a living, I could raise sheep or shovel shyte or drive a trash truck, would not matter to me, being in either one of those places would put a smile on my face for the next 40 years! Get the kids gone from home and I just might make the leap! Went from mechanic to welding shop owner with no 'perience, next logical step would be a business owner in another country right! Besides Canada has to much of the awful white garbage...yuk, a thousand times yuk!!
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 11-22-2012 00:30
It's all about more dependants.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 11-22-2012 03:54
I have had the same health ins. company for 12-14 years, I don't remember exactly. Last year I got a note from them saying that My policy did not meet the requirements for Obama Care, but it was grandfathered in because it was already in effect.  This means I don't get the fine. I don't know what was deficient about it, but it cost over 10K to cover only Me for a year. I have no idea what a conforming policy would cost.:eek:

Having cancer, I don't get the good health rate anymore...:sad:
Parent - - By dbigkahunna (****) Date 11-23-2012 16:07
I have a friend who owns a business with 145 workers. He cleared 200K on a little over 11Million of revenue last year and is projection about 13 million this year. A Subchapte S corp. The Healthcare Affordability Act will eliminate any profit next year. This is a business he started from nothing. He is struggling with just shutting down. Not laying off some workers but shutting down, and liquidating. He has estimated in RE and equipment he could clear about 4 million.
This is the result of Obammacare. There are consequences to elections. As the Hostess workers have discovered.
I think this will be dupliected hundreds of times the coming year. A lot of small business owners are looking at what is coming down the road, and while they can pay the fine for 2 years, after that time, they will be required to provide the .gov approved health care plan or face draconian fines.
And you can bet as this develops and more and more companies drop full time workers, and try to keep the limit below the 50 employees the benevolent leaders will require this for part timers and ALL workers, regardless of the number of workers.
Elections have consequences!
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 11-23-2012 18:52
db, Doesn't it SUCK to have to do 11mill. of work/sales to clear only 200k !!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:At first glance it seems like ALOT but you don't do that kind of work (11mil.) without a LOT of grief, sleepless nights,hours working,employee problems, etc,etc..... And the bigger you are/get the more peoples' hands get in your pocket!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:EPA,IRS,OSHA,etc,etc.......:yell::yell::yell::yell:And now health care!!!!!!! Thats exactly why anybody that has made a livin' growing a company will at this point look real hard at CASHIN' OUT:razz::razz::razz::razz::razz: REASON : Why give away/fight to make more money now after making money the last 20-40 years and risk the money you have already made????????? :confused::confused::confused:Know the feeling, feel bad for your friend (also maybe along his journey in this delemia someone will also take a shot at him "hey dipsh!t, you think your the only on who has ever built a business, get over it"):yell::yell::yell::yell::yell:
Parent - - By qcrobert (***) Date 11-28-2012 22:58
<<<Went from mechanic to welding shop owner with no 'perience, next logical step would be a business owner in another country right!

But remember Shawn, "You didn't build that!" :razz:

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-28-2012 23:04
(hanging head, hands in pocket, kicks stone) Yeah, your right, I was given this business, found the license in my cracker jack box.....:lol::lol::lol:
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 11-22-2012 01:02
I will never forget seeing a news clip with Nancy Pelosi, standing in front of a bunch of news people saying, "Lets just get this Health Care Bill signed, we'll figure it out later".  I knew things were going to be bad right then and there.  Watching Romney and the Republican Party self destruct during the last two elections made something clear to me.  The far Right and far Left cannot control either political party because they leave out the center of the country.  During this election I got the feeling the country was picking the lesser of two evils.  Just my opinion, for what it's worth.
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-22-2012 11:20
Haha!!! So funny, I remember seeing that and thinking what???! We don't know what's in this bill but let's pass it anyhow. That's like going to buy a house and just looking at it on the internet and saying what the heck, I don't know anything about it other than what it looks like but sure, I'll drop $200,000 on it sight unseen. How many of us are dumb enough to do that?
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 11-22-2012 01:48
The worst part about the whole matter is that this unconstitutional legislation made it through 5 collectivist Justices on the Supreme Court.
Parent - By RonG (****) Date 11-22-2012 03:26
Now that’s confusing. I was of the impression those 5 justices were the final authority on Constitutional issues.

I have no love for Nancy but she did get it right. Now that it’s in place it can be improved kinda like your PC's OS there still working on it too and just as you get accustom to it they change everything about it.
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 11-22-2012 03:56 Edited 11-22-2012 04:06
A lot of thought went into the wording of the Health Care bill.  The people that drew up the bill knew that there was going to be a Supreme Court challenge and worded it in such a way, as to side step the legal challenges the States would bring.  It's just another example of the Republicans being asleep at the switch.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 11-22-2012 12:52
All 178 Republicans in the U.S. House of Representatives at the time voted against  Obamacare in 2010, before the legislation hit the President's desk.

How is this an example of Republicans being asleep at the switch exactly?
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-22-2012 18:38
Not asleep, just out numbered.

my rant.....

Go back some 200 plus years to the 55 delegates who attended the constitutional convention. If one of them stood at the podium and said, We don't know exactly what is in this but we need to sign it so we can find out. How many of those 40 signed names would have actually made it onto that infamous paper we call the constitution? Can you imagine somebody babbling about, "Well, there's ahhh, some stuff in there about ahh, free speech and uhhh, yeah, something else about guns.....but, that's all irrelavant at the moment, just sign it and we can work it out later".

Not wanting this to sway into left, right or whatever but if a person signed this, did not know exactly what was in it then I say they are idiots.

Any number of us go out to a job and the GC drops a 1 inch thick contract in front of us and says, "Just sign it and we'll figure it out as we go" and we will laugh in their faces and walk out or at least tell them, no, I think I will need a few days to read this over or have my lawyer look at it. 

Has the stupid gene made it this deep into our genetics? For a person to stand in front of people and state they should just pass it and find out later????? I won't even begin to type what I am thinking.....
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 11-22-2012 19:35
Cummins,   WTF........ My insurance was up, agent came over with new policy,didn't have exact price and I really didn't have time at the moment to go over the coverages,,,,,, I said "WHAT THE HELL I'LL JUST SIGN THE BINDER AND WE'LL WORK THROUGH THE DETAILS LATER":yell::yell::yell::yell: Oh ya !!!!!  I have never lost money on a job,never have employee problems, never BUSTED a test and my pickup ( F350 drw crewcab,diesel) gets 35 miles /gallon.  Only people that don't worry about money are people spending OTHER peoples money and don't have to worry about repercussions!!!!!!!!:eek::eek::eek::eek:
Parent - By Blaster (***) Date 11-23-2012 01:33
Cumminsguy - I don't think it is stupidity.  I firmly believe that a comfortable and soft life style has lead to rampant apathy and complacency of the electorate.
Parent - - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-24-2012 15:30
Well Tommy, my man.....maybe that president oughta invest in his own private ER, right there in the white house. He could call it obamacade, cause if he don't barracade himself in.....well, how many people who go from making a good living to destitution will want to get to him in a bad way? I'm just saying....I'm not paying crapola, nor am I afraid to go to the pokey for insubordination. There are more people like me out there than folks realize. It will flop, big time, and put the biggest dent in our system than any president has done for many moons.

But.....we Americans are pretty much sheep anymore. Nobody stands up. Those days are long gone. I'm building a space ship.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-24-2012 18:03
"I'm building a space ship" LMAO!!!! :lol::lol::lol:
Parent - By Sourdough (****) Date 11-25-2012 01:13
I'm calling it, "abortion"....
Parent - - By CWI555 (*****) Date 11-25-2012 12:58
It is my opinion that we crossed the point of no return as a country with the passage of Obamacare, Frank Dodd act, and recent revisions of the NDAA.
While that may sound like and indictment of Obama, it is not. Those bills would not have happened without the last 30 years of federal laws that set the stage for them, along with the ever increasing federal power grab.

The feds cannot control a person who thinks for themselves and is self sufficient. That's what it's more about in my opinion.
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 11-26-2012 03:46 Edited 11-26-2012 03:48
I think we passed that point with the illegal passage of Social Security in the 30s.

Once the politicians realized the electorate will not hold them responsible for violating the Constitution as long as an illegal law is popular with the masses, there has been minimal restraint or desire to follow the rule of law.

The oaths of office are a joke.  Those who take them don't expect to keep them, and there are no criminal penalities to enforce when they don't.

Truely, there is no rational reason to expect any adherence to the Constitution at this point.  There will be serious consequences for all, eventually.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-28-2012 13:22
The oath of office is a joke because honoring your word has gone out the window. Just a bunch of words, a hoop that needs jumping thru in order to obtain the position
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-28-2012 14:29
While there is much truth in that for this present age Shawn...  I most definitely don't believe it was like that when the oath of offices were originally established and not even the case up until a very short time ago.  Has become more and more so for the past 50-75 years with the past 20 years being a major downhill slide as far as people saying what they mean and meaning what they say and being willing to stand behind their promises, rather in business, family, church, or especially, POLITICS.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 11-28-2012 19:44
Very true Brent, sign of the times I suppose! :lol:
Parent - - By lo-hi (**) Date 12-04-2012 13:01
Its good to hear that someone else thinks national health care is a good plan but, has been twisted into some evil scheme to destroy America.We have medicare,medicaid,the V.A.system and dont forget workers comp.These are working goverement plans.Except for the V.A. they are full of abuse and fraud.Not really sure  what the ratio would be if a study was done ,but i bet at least 50/50 with crooked docters giving treatment to insurance fraud claims.A lot of it is greed but some is fear of lawers and lawsuits.If our elected dirtbags spent the time to write a working policy to elimanate fraud and bring the almighty insurnace companys under control, then we would have a chance.I have had young people want to work and learn the trade,but at 22 dollars a 100 i cant really afford the comp.
Parent - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-05-2012 03:13
It just goes round & round. If there were fewer fraudulent workers comp claims, the insurance wouldn't cost as much.

I worked at a Dana Corp. auto & truck frame plant. There were people there who made a living on the insurance claims.
They only came back and worked long enough to open another claim, then they were off again.
The injuries in some cases were real, but while "off" they worked under the table jobs, and the injuries never healed.
Another guy faked a limp so long, the GOOD leg developed problems.
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A statement: if tempermental unselfcensored DONT READ.

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