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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / An ELEMENTRY Explanation of Gun Control.
- - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-20-2012 01:21
Let's hear the Arguement on this one !!! This should be good. !!!!!
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 12-20-2012 18:37 Edited 12-20-2012 18:56
I think they're more concerned about how quickly people die in mass shootings with guns then they are about how many people get killed with an ounce of meth or smack.  Believe me brotha I'm not looking forward to what's coming, but I think we might be out numbered on this one.  I think there are two solutions to this matter.  One is either more guns or the other is no guns at all.  More guns in that we need to arm schools, malls, movie theaters; places of business etc etc or have armed security in them. The problem with no guns at all is bad guys will still have them and we will have just lost our 2nd amendment.  The problem with more guns is you've got the hippie generation running the show and they aren't going to let the more guns solution happen.  So the solution comes back around to there is no solution. :lol:

My stance on the so called Assault rifles is, if you can buy a rice rocket that can go 180mph I should be able to buy a gun that I can put 30 rounds down range as fast as I can pull the trigger. Then the argument comes into play, well, guns are meant to kill people.  Really, well, I say AR-15's are for hunting and target practice which equals fun.  Can you kill a person with an assault rifle, "yes", but Golf clubs are meant for fun as well and I could kill someone with a golf club too. Anyway, AR-15 semi automatic rifles are replicas of assault rifles.  M-14's and M-16's which look like AR-15's are Assault rifles and are capable of semi auto, 3 round burst and fully automatic firing. Those are assault rifles.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 12-20-2012 20:24

Overall I agree, BUT, in it's day... the musket was an assualt rifle.

Almost every gun ever made started out coming off the development line because of military and/or police needs for a new weapon.

That makes them all assualt rifles by their definitions.  And, I'm afraid it will never stop with the 'reasonable' bans of magazine capacity, semi-auto, etc.  There are way too many quotes from their own people- THEY WANT THEM ALL!!

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By Kix (****) Date 12-20-2012 21:00
I like your quote about the musket being an assault rifle.  The 2nd amendment during it's time of origination allowed for the american people to be able to have the same weapons as the military did to form the militias and be used for hunting/protection.  I'm not saying I should have access to an A-1 Abrams tank or anything, but tweaking our constitutional rights just doesn't sit well in my outlook on this once great countries future.  I mean we can't even say god or Merry Christmas in schools anymore.  What's this country coming to?
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-21-2012 03:38
Taking guns away from people won't stop anything. Look at the Bath massacre of '27. Only time he used a gun to kill was when he detonated the dynamite in the truck to kill himself. 32 dead, 58 wounded, no guns required. Look at Timothy fruit loop in Oklahoma City, 168 dead, no firearms or assault weapons required. The sicko that liked to play with boys.....then eat them, literally. No firearms required. I can do think that something needs to be done. I still wonder why they had no safety officer in the school. My kids have an armed sheriff there all day, good idea and creates jobs.
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 12-21-2012 04:21
From an article in My local paper today:

"According to the most recent BI statistics [2009] there were 13,636 murders committed that year. Guns were used to kill 9,146 while rifles were used to murder 348. Of those rifle killings only a tiny portion were with "assault rifles" In that year, according to the FBI, almoast twice as many were murdered with "hands and feet" than with rifles."

"There are an estimated 5 to 10 million AR-15 type rifles in circulation today"
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-21-2012 19:26 Edited 12-21-2012 19:37
"gun control"/gun bans/dis-arming "haha really"     All will result in one thing, gun trafficking becomes really lucrative in this country like it is in other parts of the world.  Then we can become the biggest importer of cocaine and other drugs as well as compete for the largest importer of weapons illegal or not.  Like Cactus said, they have done a great job outlawing the drugs and stopping it right?  The Secret Service themselves stated: We can prevent almost anything but there is little we can do about crazy.

How many soldiers come home and have trouble finding decent work?  A few guys in uniform with their sidearm at a school or any where else is a great deterrent.  Not a guarantee nothing will happen BUT it assures it will not get very far.  They have police on duty at my kids school but he has way too much to cover, they need at least one guy at every major building to really have a bit of security in my book.  Would all that cost a good chunk of money? Sure it would when you think nationwide, what are the people and kids in those buildings worth??  WHats the dollar value on each one?

I apologize for the following paragraph because it is inflammatory at best.  I am sure some of those parents in Connecticut either now or in the future will believe firmly in gun control issues

The type of people that are promoting this dis-arming of the public.  Have never had a gun in their face, been robbed or likely have had family killed by violence..a generalization I admit.  Here is another; They also believe that no military action is ever necessary, we can talk our way through any problem even while being attacked or shot at.  Course that is just because they are watching/hearing/talking about it not actually in it.  I wonder how they would be thinking when a guy has a knife or gun on one of thier kids or loved ones....."boy if we had just worked a little harder on that mental illness program, gun control law...maybe a little more funding would fix this, I wonder if this fellow grew up in a bad home or did not have the financial opportunities he should have."   Yea I am sure that is all they would be worried about.

Obama really impressed me with his statements.  "We are going to need to work on making access to mental health care at least as easy as access to getting a gun," said President Barack Obama.  REALLY? What a political BS statement.  Even in the most rural area in this country if someone WANTS/needs mental help they can get it.  You cannot help anyone with mental issues that does not want or think they need help. 

It is just a fact:  If somebody goes off the deep end, with or without a gun if they want to kill people they are probably going to get away with it until somebody steps up and stops them.  My uncle was murdered with a freaking heavy bookend off a shelf in his house for gosh sakes.  How many joe average in the mall do you think could wrestle a butcher knife away from a reasonably strong fella hell bent on using it??  Exactly; Somebody will be hurt, some likely fatally.  I guess we need a nation wide ban on cutlery too!

Personally I would rather be in the mall with some other law abiding citizen who was packing and well practiced in the use of their weapon...they have at least the chance of stopping something without putting themselves or others in harms way.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-21-2012 21:18
Where are the statements from the other side???  Please tell me how it could all work out and improve the current condition?
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 12-21-2012 23:01
Well, as an outsider from over the pond but presently working/living here, let me tell you a story about the UK that happened in around 1996. A man with less than full mental capabilities sexually and morally but with a full arsenal of weapons (all Handguns) decided he wanted to shoot some kids, so off he goes to the local school! Sixteen children and one Adult death later, Handgun ownership in the already strict UK Firearms scene, for law abiding citizens was over! Illegal gun usage was not really affected, as it was already underground.
Whilst I think the US citizenship has a few years left of gun ownership, Semi-Automatic assault type firearms are history from next year. Once they are gone, the establishment will start work on the other categories! Big Mags etc. - gone!
I think this will be fact more than fiction, given the current political climate present in the US! The do-gooders will out weight the voice of reason on this argument everytime!
If I was present in a ‘Mass Shooting’ type incident, I would hope to god someone was there with a CCP, and the good sense to use it as they saw fit!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-22-2012 06:07
46.00   I don't know if they will have a full on ('big quotes') "assault ban" next year...but that is the likely place to start.  Kinda funny as handguns are really the man killers of choice...they serve little other purpose then that.  Yes it is fun to hunt with a big bore handgun with optics on it but it is not a necessity by any means.  I remember the last assault rifle ban by the feds, basically it severely limited clip size I could get legally in a store, it did nothing to stop private sale and I could get 30rd stacks all day long with little effort.

I completely agree that what you said, it is the agenda of a certain political segment here in the US.  I also completely agree that they can only achieve anything by piecemeal, little by little.  If it was declared for citizens to turn in their weapons and they went around trying to collect registered firearms (probably only about 5% of total), you would have some colorful news to watch over there because it would become almost Syria here overnight.:evil:  No matter what they put on paper, they lack the CONVICTION and the resources to implement what is on the paper, just like the drug war.  Which in the end is just sad and a complete failure of the government to do its obligation and fill its "charter" to the citizens who make its existence possible.

I am by no means a gun nut/survivalist type person, sorry for the stereotype but it makes it simpler.  I am just a realist, and the gun control argument is just stupid because it has no logical thinking behind it.  At least none that I can wrap my head around.
Parent - - By JLWelding (***) Date 12-22-2012 15:45
Making a sicence project out it is not the answer. Open carry will stop the majority of it. Would you go into a movie theater to kill people knowing there are 50 out of 100 carring? I dont think you would ever clear your holster.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-22-2012 18:44
Open carry is not always a good thing. Open carry and your the first target by the next looney unless your sharp as a tack and have eyes in the back of your head. I open carry at times but depends on my environment, line of sight to the exits/entrance, what I'm doing, lots of variables. 

Read an article on reactions to the NRA's comments and they had mixed reviews. Some folks are for it, others firmly oppose. The people that oppose are the ones that feel a gun free America is the answer. A gun owning America I would guess has something to do with why other countries would rather not invade our shores. Estimates say some 45%-52% of American households have guns.

I do think that there will be a change of some sort. What can you do other than roll with the punches.
Parent - By lo-hi (**) Date 12-23-2012 02:20
guns are not the real issue. the social issues that causes these situians will take years to turn around, all we can do is protect and defend our basic right to live in peace.if six shots arnt enough then you live to close to other people.
Parent - - By weldwade (***) Date 12-24-2012 02:05
Cactus, being a smart a$$ here... That kid in the pic could pass for your baby picture!
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 12-24-2012 02:30
Who said its not ?
- - By weldwade (***) Date 12-23-2012 04:42 Edited 12-23-2012 04:45
Looking back at my own childhood and teenage years one thing rings true in my mind. I was raised for the most part on a small farm. I had chores, school work and a paying job that had to be done every day. My mom was a stay at home mom and you better not cross her because she would give you a beating and when dad got home you got another one! The kids I went to school with that had both parents working and not involved with their kids had children who got in trouble or pushed the limits to well over the edge on a very regular basis. Not all of them got into serious trouble but when the cats away...

Today is a completely different story. It sickens me to see kids screaming at their parents and doing what ever they please. Blaming everything on something or someone else. I was Christmas shopping and witnessed a young girl probably 8 or 9 years old call her mother a ***** to her face and the mother acted like nothing was wrong???

There is a huge disconnect between the family unit! I see selfishness and greed everywhere I look. I am now numb to the lazy, crybaby non talented younger generation of people who are coming into my line of work. I can count on one hand the kids I have seen in the past 5 years who have busted their buts and earned their money in my opinion.

Makes me think of a tv commercial that said parents who use drugs have children who use drugs. Parents who lie, cheat and steal raise their children to do the same. I see a downhill cycle that gets worse as time goes by.

It is my opinion that most of the problems that we have currently are the result of the breakdown of the family unit. It is also my opinion that as the majority continues to shift to the liberal left that the family as I know it will become non existent. So what does this have to do with gun rights? I don't personally know one conservative who wants to impose gun laws.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 12-23-2012 06:18
Very well said. About the same way I was brought up.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 12-23-2012 18:34
I would be wearing my azz for a hat if I even came close to saying that to my mother.
Parent - - By gndchuck (**) Date 12-24-2012 06:05
You know I'm 42 (just turned) and if someone told my mother that I didn't eat my veggies, she would beat me first then ask if I did or not.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 12-25-2012 02:23
I see my fellow ar**ehole of a country man, Mr Piers Morgan is stirring up the rhetoric on your TV channels! Why do you give him a job? we have more or less banned him in the UK!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 12-25-2012 04:56
cause the average iq in the US does not break 3 digits.
Parent - - By 99205 (***) Date 12-25-2012 05:41
Don't even get me started at about that "American Way" hating, low life degenerate.  Who the hell anointed him the voice of America.  Deport the moron.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 12-25-2012 06:11
Wow! Piers for President! I think he has a unique view of the US way of life!
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