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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Time to move, which State to look into?
- - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-09-2013 22:53
Hello everyone!
Sorry I haven't been active on here in a while, I hope everyone is doing good so far this year.

I currently live in upstate NY and I really want to leave. The current assault on my second amendment rights by the NYS govt has pushed it too far for me, on top of all the taxes. Now I want to live in a state with far fewer people and much less restrictive laws.

So with that preamble where should I start looking into? I'm not a huge fan of heat and venomous critters like scorpions so the south is not my first choice, but is still an option. I would not mind living in Texas but i'm sure you guys want nothing to do with another yankee... ;)
Montana and the Dakodas are starting to seem like the best bet to me.

I prefer to work in shops vs outside and have spent my welding life in various job shops welding on everything from trains, fire sprinklers, .005 thick steel tubes (leak tight against helium), titanium dynamite holders, and the lady next door's broken patio chair... Showing up for work on time and actually working when i'm there are not issues for me, neither is a drug test.
So whats a guy to do? Is work out there for a lowly shop welder? Is buying a RV loading my junk on it and heading west a viable option? I know I need to research this before I jump in, but NY seems to be forcing my hand to a degree and the sooner I get out of here the sooner i'll start feeling better.
Any advice about where to start the hunt would be great....
Thank you all and here are some funny pictures to make everyone's day better. ( If I can remember how to post them.....)
Attachment: Confidence.bmp (549k)
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-09-2013 23:55
How have ya been man!!  I still have that sticker on my roll around LOL.  I dunno what is like to live there but Ohio seems to have a decent share of aerospace work if your looking for something easy.  Honda jet is finally kicking in gear in North Carolina...the engine plant would be a very interesting place to work.  I have heard the area is really nice.  Anything they are doing will be world class.  Anyplace I have lived for any length of time is right off the list for you...jungle hot.  Arkansas is no place to go if you want to work, retire maybe but not work.  Montana and the Dakotas are pretty spread out, that definitely will be a huge change for you.  I like Colorado a lot myself but I have not lived there, just went there to blow off steam and have a good time.  Colorado Springs had great real estate prices relatively when I was checking and the market was hot, lots of aerospace work there as well, nice town.   If I was to base the move purely on quantity of shop work I would say Louisiana, Alabama, Florida...possibly Texas and Georgia.  There ya go hot climates again.  This is just opinions, based on my limited info.

Ever thought about just tossing caution to the wind and rigging out or starting your own company?
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-10-2013 22:19
Hey tommy! I've been good up until recently... And I still have my sticker on my tool box too :)
I haven't totally ruled out the hotter climates, still trying to gather info but from the sounds of it I may be out of time.
I am kinda leaning to the north western part of the country more than the south east.
Not quite ready to start my own business or set up a rig yet, but we'll see how it all goes in the next few weeks.
I really don't want to move, all my friends and family are around where I am now, But I also don't agree with the notion that I have to give up my legally owned and acquired fire arms because of the actions of a deranged waste of life...
Last night I was reading a bill that was put forth in the NY senate that included language along the lines of being a felon for owning more than 3 guns, confiscation and no grandfather clause for anything....
It's not the law yet but its deeply troubling that anyone would even suggest it, and I hope that the rest of the leaders of this state would not be willing to make legal gun owners into criminals over night...
I just don't know anymore...
What I do know is my head is pounding and I'm going to lay down for a while.
Thanks again for the replies and Stay safe out there.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-10-2013 23:04 Edited 01-11-2013 12:35
Far as the gun laws go as they stand now....Colorado has the most open gun laws you can read.  I am glad your hanging in there.....   Hell if you want to just live your life as you see fit.....NY state is not the place to be.  Moves are hard choices bro....I made one 15 years ago that was definitely life changing but I do not regret it one bit.  Since you are free and single it makes it all the better....go were your heart lies and it will end up fine.  Jeez a go getter can make it no matter where he lands eh?
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 01-12-2013 01:49
Vermont has the Most relaxed gun laws in the US. They are trying to Impose a $500 tax if you DO NOT have at least one firearm registered to your residence !!
Parent - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-14-2013 21:51
These forums need a "like" button....
Parent - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-17-2013 22:18
Crap Cactus, they heard you and are doing something about it... :confused::cry:
So its starting to look like the north west once again...
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 01-10-2013 01:03
Plasma, If your a young guy w/no attachments Billings MT. would be my choice ....... Just saw an ad on cl for shop workers making oil field products for up in N.D.   also a HUGE shop along I-90 that services the fab. industry in  Mt.,Dakotas, Ut.,& Idaho..... That whole corridor from Billings to Butte is gonna develop soon...... Just  my opinion!!!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol:
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-10-2013 22:21
28/ no wifey/ no debts.... not sure how much more unattached I could be ;)
That's the area of the country I was looking into so its good to know jobs are around and things are booming.
Parent - By hillbilly delux (***) Date 01-16-2013 03:47
Go where you wish. If you have the arm to do it.... I've been all over the country and have worked.  Contacts. Contacts. Contacts. Worked North for years. Never worked the south, it did'nt pay what I could find there. But moved to Oklahoma a three years ago. Took a year to get new contacts but havent left three states from my home in almost two and most all just pay as good as the north.
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 01-10-2013 22:08
For the immediate future, I'd say Sabine Pass. Sabine LNG trains 3 and 4 will be happening in the very near future. (Louisiana)
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 01-11-2013 01:52 Edited 06-24-2014 11:57
One thing to be wary of with the boom states is the housing shortage problem.  I have read news reports about the Dakota oil boom which claim that a simple bedroom only rental can run $3000 or more a month, and there are waiting lists for those.  But, people with an RV are good to go I suppose.

I have also heard of reports of people with RV's that travel from nuke plant outage to nuke plant outage from state to state....not a bad lifestyle for people who like variety and a freelancer's life.
Parent - By JLWelding (***) Date 01-14-2013 00:33
Let's not forget all those cozy pythons. lol
Parent - - By supermoto (***) Date 01-14-2013 14:50
I recommend North or South Carolina.  I moved from MI in 2005 and I love it down here.  I recenlty worked at the V.C. Summer Units 2 and 3 new construction addtions to the Nuclear plant.  It is near columbia, SC and would be a great place to come work at.  Check out Shaw Group's website for welder postitions.  If you can GTAW, SMAW, FCAW, GMAW-Pulse and learn how to run automated GMAW-Pulse then you wouldn't have a problem making close to $30/hr with good benefits.  If you run the automated system you would be in a building.  Boeing has a new facility in N. Charleston.  I know of a lot of fab shops paying great money including Siemens here in Charlotte is an awesome shop with spotless floors and a 600ton overhead crane, which was impressive. Not that it would matter to you as a welder, just something cool. seems pretty good about gun laws around here.  I have a lot of people with CCW and own lots of guns and have plenty of places to shoot them.  The weather here is great as you will get used to the heat and you will be able to do anything here as you would in NY except snowmobiling.  We have mountains, oceans, and everythign in between.  The people are super nice, some can be a little closed minded and a little redneck but great people!!!!!!
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 01-14-2013 21:56
I hide during the winter anyways, so I would not miss things like snowmobiles or skiing. And a 600 ton crane! *drool* I'd love to see a picture of that monster in action. I thought the 175 ton at the train shop I worked at was big.... It was a fun moment the first time I saw a full locomotive flying over another full locomotive.
Parent - - By Rafter_G_Weldin (***) Date 01-15-2013 04:21
Might as well load your toys in your wagon and come to texas young lad. As you leave NY You can tel them int the words of Davey Crockett " You can go to Hell I'm going to Texas"
Parent - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 01-16-2013 00:15
Too HOT , and alot of illegals from south of the border for me !!!!!!! (from what I see on TV with the illegals bringin' over drugs):eek::eek::eek::eek:
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-18-2013 01:20
I seen a 500 ton once....I could not count the wraps on the spool. You could slow dance on the flange...beastly.  The building itself was impressive as well...looked more like bridge girders stood upright then anything else....
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-17-2013 03:12
Well, you might want to stay away from Tennessee. Not so great. New York, land of taxes and bunghole deep snow and cars with rotting bodies! My Aunt has maybe a half acre and pays over $3000 in property tax alone, leave out State income tax, sales tax, snow, tax, did I mention snow? My other Aunt and Uncle have around 10 acres in the boonies and I swear the county thinks his last name is Rockefeller.

Only other place I have experience living in is Japan but pretty sure your not interested in that.
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 01-19-2013 07:11
Live in upstate NY also.
Never let laws stop you from where you want to live.
Because laws can always change.
Love my family, friends and home here, never want leave.
Thank you for your time and consideration
Parent - - By Tex (**) Date 01-22-2013 11:07
I have'nt heard anyone mention Wyoming yet. The area I live in is known as the Energy Capitol of the World. Coal, oil, gas and uranium. I have worked in the shops that cater to the mining industry as well as worked a few different field jobs building and/or repairing mining equipment. For the last several years though, I have been running a rig truck catering to the oil and gas industry. The outfit I work for is always looking for guys to weld in the shop. Most other outfits around are looking for quality welders on a regular basis too. This is a great area for a welder.

For quite a few years I traveled allover chasing industrial construction jobs, but I always had my eyes open for a good place to settle down. My mother would always ask when I was going to quit leaving tracks and settle in one spot. My response was always, "When I find the place where I can run a few cows, have a few horses and still make the kind of money I am used to". Since I came to Gillette, Wyoming I have never been out of work unless I wanted to be and I have never had to go out of town looking for work. There is alot of steady work here for talented and quality hands. Most of the time welders end up working and staying busier than what they actually want. It gets to where a person has to ask for a day off just to rest or they will get wore out from all of the hours.

Wyoming is a pretty conservative state filled with people who have a libertarian bent that just want to be left alone. There is no state income tax and propety taxes are'nt bad. We are also within the top two or three states when it comes to reasonable gun laws. We can concealed carry here without the ned of a state issued permit. Dont get me wrong, this place is not a magical utopia, but it is a freedom minded state. We do have winters here, but we also have the other seasons too. And dont forget the wind. We have that too, but a person gets used to it. If you have any questions, dont be afraid to send me a pm and I will try to answer them for you.

Good Luck
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 01-22-2013 14:24
Now that I've been in Houston for 2 months, that Wyoming wind don't seem so bad at all...:lol:
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Time to move, which State to look into?

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