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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Eco Welding Lead Reels January 2013 GIVEAWAY
- - By EcoReels (*) Date 01-19-2013 16:35
We hope that all of you are having a fantastic beginning of 2013!!

Eco Welding Lead Reels will be giving away a free Heavy-Duty Double Welding Lead Reel
(a $300 value!) to one lucky winner on January 31, 2013! We're even gonna ship it to you for free and let you choose the model and color of your reel!:lol:

We will have a drawing at the end of this month and will notify the winner immediately~

You may enter simply by liking our new page (below) on Facebook.

Also, we are collecting pictures of all of your trucks (especially those of you that have our reels!) to post on our new page.  If you send them to me I'll post them!
Thanks and good luck to everyone!

Eco Welding Lead Reels
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-20-2013 06:54
ECO reels suk ass.....I got a set on my truck.  I hate em.
Parent - By rcwelding (***) Date 01-20-2013 15:49
Hey Tommy what don't you like about them.. I have been kicking around buying some.. I didn't know of anyone that owned them.
Parent - By Paladin (***) Date 01-20-2013 21:35
Tommy, that's funny. And I bet you are not joking.
Parent - - By EcoReels (*) Date 01-28-2013 19:50
Hi I'm the owner at Eco Reels... I really hate to hear that you are unsatisfied with your reel.  If you could give me a call at 281-332-7473, I would really like to know what went wrong with your reel and why you're unsatisfied, because our reels are backed by our lifetime warranty.  If there's anything at all that we can fix on your reel, or even if we need to replace it completely then we would be MORE THAN happy to do that for you (at zero cost of course). Thank you and have a wonderful day!
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 01-28-2013 20:54
I got your PM.  Well since I drug this out/commented deserve a chance and a response. My issues are related to design problems with your reels not necessarily a mis made product.  That and the fact that your reels are inexpensive and hassling with a warranty claim typically would not be worth it.  Your standing up for/behind your product and I respect that, I will be in touch with you. Besides all that your still 100% USA made right? That is very important to a huge percentage of us in the trade.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Eco Welding Lead Reels January 2013 GIVEAWAY

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