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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Another TIG question
- - By Mathius (**) Date 02-15-2004 04:48
Hi all,

I'm working on 2 more certifications at my vocational school. I'm working with aluminum currently on 3/16" 6061, with a 4043 filler on the t-joint, which I'll be running in the vertical position (3F). I'll be taking the same test with stainless using 1/4" plate.

My question concerns horizontal and/or flat welding of aluminum with TIG, more specifically the motion you use. I've done enough welding to know that a lot of how you weld has to do with what's comfortable with each particular welder and that there are many different ways to get the job done.

My current teacher had me setup a t-joint to run practice beads on. He wanted me to run the bead right to left (filling with my left hand). I felt very comfortable and was able to run my nicest bead when going right to left with the tungsten, while using a welding motion with the filler rod to create my bead. My teacher then switched me to creating the bead with the tungsten, while adding the filler rod to the root of the weld.

Is there going to be any difference in penetration with either technique? It seems to me that the filler rod flows into the puddle with either motion and as long as the tungsten is centered towards the root, I'm going to get penetration.

What do you guys think?

He said stainless will be easier because I'll be able to see discoloration of the material being welded which will help indicate proper penetration.

Parent - By magicmarker89 Date 05-21-2004 04:54
the best way i do it for alum. on flat is just basically stop and go. just start when the puddle connects and move. move and stop and move the filler rod into the puddle and remove and move on. but that is the best way i can tell you to do that from my exper.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / AWS Learning & Education / Another TIG question

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