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- - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-19-2013 05:28 Edited 02-20-2013 16:35
The title of this book is "Steel metallurgy for the Non- metallurgist" Here's the link:

*edited out the link*-moderator

Then look under the book's title and you'll see where you find the link that says "Download .pdf"

Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-19-2013 14:16
And as a confirming and thank you to Henry note, Several of us saw this when he posted it on another thread and it does work.  We downloaded it in it's complete format. 

Thanks again Henry.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-19-2013 14:48
Do you have another link to the book?
I D/L'd this book at this think in Henry's post and Adobe says the pdf file is corrupt and it can't be repaired.

Thanks for sharing...hoping to get to read this.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-19-2013 16:20 Edited 02-20-2013 16:36
Try this one John, this is what Henry had on the other thread: (BUT, BOTH HENRY'S AND MINE TAKE ME TO THE SITE WITH NO PROBLEM, AND, THEY LOOK THE SAME)

*edited out the link*-moderator
Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-19-2013 16:30
IDK Brent, that one worked...thanks for the help.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-20-2013 04:03
File sharing on the AWS site???? :eek: Last I looked this was copyright material and selling for around $100 on Amazon for a hard copy any how! Is it OK to download standards or reference books without paying for them any more than music or films? I'm sure it's neither legal or ethical! Maybe I'll get a fresh copy of AWS D1.1 2010!
Don't let the site fool you, it's actually Russian in origin.
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-20-2013 14:58
Well, we may have jumped the gun because if your research is correct then that is not something that I would support.  I did't look that close, just noticed the button to click to download a 'free' pdf.  I am not real computer literate but will see what I can find.  Hopefully we are not dealing with anything that is giving eveyone viruses.  :roll:  :confused:

Thanks for the heads up.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-20-2013 16:35
Don't worry about downloading a virus because I already ran this through a non-commercial antivirus scan and it checks out clean as whistle...
I also got in touch with one of my buddies who is light years ahead of practically most, if not all of the so-called guru's that are familiar with this site and he says it checks out clean! So, do what you want with it or not! It's really your decision to make.:wink:

Gentlemen except one... We're now subject to being monitored for even the slightest hint of any supposed wrongdoing for whatever reasons he might have in doing so!

In other words; We have a "rat" amongst us!!! Beware! You might be nextLololol!!! Hey Glynn!!! Get a life already and while you're at it, lighten up!!!

Anywho, I'm officially ending my consistently and helpful for some, contributions to the forum. You can all blame 46.00 A.K.A. "Glynn" the RAT P.O.S for this to happen!!!
There now, are you satisfied son?
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-20-2013 16:41
The links were edited out of the thread. I tried to confirm whether or not the material was in violation of copywrite laws or be honest, I'm not 100% sure, so I deleted the links. There are dozens of books online where there are free pdf versions but if you wanted a hard copy, you had to purchase the book to help recoup the expenses of publishing and printing....I thought this may be one of those, but I could not confirm that.

Since someone has brought it to our attention, I have to take action.

Henry, I hope you reconsider and stay with us.
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-20-2013 17:01
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-20-2013 17:54
Thanks John, and I agree...

Henry, I really don't think Glyn meant it as anything personal.  Even if he did, don't let it detract you from being the helpful, resourceful, Henry.  Besides, you need us as bad as we need you.  Keeping your mind active and challenged is a good thing at this point in time. 

Just my two tin pennies worth... but I hope you will think about it.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-20-2013 21:52 Edited 02-21-2013 22:50
I never said I was leaving Brent & John!

I just wrote that I will no longer contribute so freely as I have before on many occasions because time and time again there's always some folks that just don't appreciate what I come up with to post in here - that's all. They're miserable boneheads that have nothing better to do with themselves and thrive on pointing their fingers and screaming OOOH!! oooh!!! "That's not right or that's not fair, etc." Well then, I'm no longer going to give that schmuck, and you know who you are, anymore excuses for acting like such a P.O.S.

I'll still be around but instead, I'll let the"Benedict Arnold" do all the contributing from now on and I'll just sit back to enjoy the show! I'm not going anywhere... Not by a long shot Brent & John.:grin::twisted::yell::wink::cool:

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-20-2013 21:58
:lol:  :lol:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-21-2013 11:32
First of all let me emphasize that I personally value all your posts on this forum. Your library of reference is outstanding. The knowledge you have imparted to all of us from your unique method of searching for welding related reference material would take several lifetimes for most mortals to absorb. This is the first time in many years’ worth of links from yourself, which I have had a problem with. No one is perfect, and if you feel I am some sort of ‘Policeman’ or RAT then fair enough, I can handle that!
Secondly, I HAD no malice toward you or anyone when I felt I needed to post about possible copyright infringement. It quite clearly states on top right hand side of page 1 ‘Copyright ©2007 ASM International ® All rights reserved’ I had considered just contacting Admin but these types of files can have virus’s which can wreck peoples computers, personal files and even business’s. I am certain you did not have any intension of this, but other files from the same site maybe infected even if this one is not, and I know full well the average person’s reactions from finding such sites is to explore and download. Your Guru must have pointed this out to you after the fact?
Try going on Youtube for 10 minutes…………………..2 hours later………you realise your late for work or a date. This is how scammers, bot farmers etc. work and entice you into delving deeper and deeper!
Another thing, I can download ASME IX 2010 Edition for free from the same site, can that be right? I am sure you disagree with this blatant abuse of intellectual property!

I’m pretty good with computers; in fact I am very good!

Thirdly, can you imagine the hassle a site like AWS would have if one of these copyright law firms came after it for illegal file linking and then after the members who had downloaded the file? You would not want that nightmare to befall this site or its members, I am sure. It is unlikely they would, but, HEY IT’S AMERICA!!! SUE! SUE! SUE! Google it!

Finally, I am never going to be your best friend, but I do respect you for your immense input into this forum. I don’t consider myself a RAT and I’m not sure what P.O.S means but I can guess it’s not complementary given your inclusion of the word “schm**k”.
You really need to read up on the history of Benedict Arnold before you post, he was betrayed by his own before he jumped lol!
We seem to have lost quite a few valued people from this forum, Stephan, Nantong, and Electrode to name a few, due to this eternal infighting.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-21-2013 22:39 Edited 02-21-2013 22:43
There you go again talking down to just about everyone you communicate with in here... Like I said before, You can go to the site and download it if you want but, if you notice that the link I initially provided was link to a website that just happened to have a copy of the book to download... You did notice right? It was NOT a direct link to the book itself correct??? So you see Glynn? You simply don't understand the difference between a direct and an indirect link which eventually led to the book if anybody was truly interested in downloading to view... Now if the individual decided to save the .pdf then that was an action & decision for the individual chose to make!!!

This shows me and anyone else paying attention that you do not have the computer skills or knowledge you claim!!! You just flat out made yourself out to be who you truly are... A "RAT SNITCH" who couldn't understand the difference!!! I did not commit any copyright infringement at all yet, you blindly infer to me of doing so! What an obtuse ignoramus you are Glynn!!! "Illegal file linking" happens if the file is "directly" (Key Word so pay attention now) and only "directly" links the individual with the copyrighted material upon clicking that specific & direct link!!! If the posted link leads the individual to another web site outside of the AWS forum then the forum is no longer responsible for whatever action the individual pursues because of the obvious fact that the individual is no longer operating from the forum!!!The individual is now in a different location independent from the forum and can no longer be accused of doing anything that you think is illegal from the forum CAPECHE??? Whatever the individual does from there on in is their own responsibility UNDERSTAND???

Then you react because and I'm being sarcastic here, only you know about these things called "malware" which I go to great lengths to confirm that every link, and I mean EVERY LINK that I ever posted in the forum is malware free!!! In fact, it's so clean that one can see themselves on the surface just as detailed & clear as one notices with a mirror!

You still fail to accept that I am not your "average person" in anything related to computers especially as a result of the unorthodox methods used to train me.. And I won't go into details because it would take too long to explain and that's if you could even comprehend my explanation which your track record clearly reflects... How's that for "Pontificating" snitch - err I mean Glynn??? So what you say about You tube holds true with the forum or for any other website also??? WRONG!!! I mean, everyday an individual takes a risk just walking out of their residence and all sorts of scammers work & entice you into delving deeper and deeper into your pockets for your money depending on how hard it is to complete the sale, or to trick you into dishing out more cash to continue playing in a game called "Three Card Monty" or, in a simple poker game as well and it's certainly done in epic proportions by the television networks everyday 24/7...

And to answer you following sarcastic question about downloading something like a file which contains a book that's normally purchased but is available to download which when the individual does decide to do, prior to the actual downloading begins, a dialogue box will always appear to give you the option of viewing or saving... And I might add that the box will always appear with the choice of viewing the content with the first choice being "Open Document" instead of saving it with the second option shown as:"Save file" which is a totally separate and independent action that's optional on the part of the individual and is illegal to do. On the other hand, it's all right to view the contents of the downloaded .pdf without saving the file... Nothing illegal about that!!!

What's really laughable is when you explain the scenario showing what can happen to the AWS which is simply and obviously incorrect because what I just finished explaining to you... Then you go on to sort of explain how you will never be my best friend which is something I never knew that you dream about!!! ROTFLMFAO!!! You are what you are based on you actions... The last sentence really settles it IMO... Btw, I have built three computers from parts I scavenged & bought @ Goodwill and they do perform better than anything being offered @ any "Brick & Mortar" outfit these days son! You have no idea where I'm from or where I have been nor will you ever... You're the type of person who always thinks that they are far superior in every aspect than anyone else anywhere you're @! Yet, you don't agree with what I observe to be examples from other individuals besides yourself, that by far are so brilliant compared to what you come up with... And then proceed to discredit anyone who's either on the same level as you are, or @ greater heights than what you cannot ever achieve which only makes you even more miserable than you were when you woke up this morning...

That is what I think of you and I'm standing by it... Oh! And btw,  you mention what you did about Benedict Arnold because he's a lot like you are and besides, the British admire him for his actions against the Continental Army in the War of Independence yet treated him like a pariah afterwards! Get your facts correct before being so biased.

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-22-2013 04:53 Edited 02-22-2013 04:56
Hi Henry!

Congratulations, seven paragraphs and not one emoticon! Although I'm sure I saw a "ROTFLMFAO" in there somewhere!

OK gloves off, fed up of taking punches and trying to be nice. Let the Admin sort this one out!

The fact of the matter is you posted a link to a site that offers illegal copyrighted files to download. You then gave instructions on how to download said files and took responsibility:

"I'm going to give you a gift... Just remember where it came from and from now on treat people here and elsewhere with Respect and you'll go a long way son.

The title of this book is "Steel metallurgy for the Non- metallurgist" Here's the link:

*edited out the link*-moderator
Then look under the book's title and you'll see where you find the link that says "Download .pdf""

Several forum member's did just that!

"Thanks for that FREE download. I've been wanting this book for quite sometime, and keep forgetting to buy it."

The link was then removed FOR A REASON by the Admin.

Remember, this is not your personal site. You have driven off several valued people by your intolerance to disagreement with your views. I personally am growing tired of your elitism!   Remember this too, I am a Welder, just a Welder. Not a professor or even an engineer, a Welder! I have no delusions above my station. I'm here to learn and if possible, educate with my experience. I AM an average guy who likes to learn.I try to treat people with respect and if I come across as "talking down to people" then that is because I'm British and that's how we talk! You seem to be a cantankerous person who resorts to name calling and obscenities when questioned over any of your opinions. If you don't like my take on things, Block Me. I will not be offended, CAPECHE! BLOCK ME! You have insulted nearly every poster on here who has dared to question your views because of your inability to adapt to critic.
Don't tempt me, cause I can name several! I even have some old PM's ohhhhhh!

I can tell you never made it to be an Inspector!( Is this the reason for your huge chip on your shoulder?)  Bet you 'Taught' Welding where you could bully people if that was your nature! I had 18 months doing that! You wouldn't last two minutes on a proper job with your attitude. It's easy to be a big hitter from behind a computer screen, face the real world and it's slightly different!
You see Henry, I do know you! I could go on, but I wont!

I can more or less guarantee that my computer skills are greater than yours! I spell your name correctly for a start! The force is strong in the UK! I have been building computers since the late 1980's, so I guess that's more than three! I also use better and more secure browsers than IE (LOL)!

I can't decipher the last part of your rant, I guess the old blood pressure was venting? You need too use punctuation?!

At the end of the day, I was trying to help people on here avoid possible virus and scare ware/malware infection primarily. Also avoid the possibility of downloading copyrighted material, if they were not aware that they were doing so thru your shoddy link and finally protecting this site from potential legal repercussions. I did try and protect your reputation, but" HEY!" the dog bit me!  

Notice how you scare people away from topics? There all your friends, but when you rant off, they're gone? I, on the other hand have no alligencies here! what you see is what you get. I guess from that rant you may have figured out I found out what P.O.S meant?  Well, I asked at work today and was told! Along with the correct definition of Sch**ck! Which is highly derogatory and somewhat racist BTW! You are pretty low level on insults given your projected intellect! I guess some of the EX members of this forum were correct about your computer reliant intelligence! No Links - No info!

Oh by the way, Never in a million years will I be your Son, heaven forbid! My father was a man of honour and compassion, 26 years as a marine and never a cross word spoke in our house!
Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 02-22-2013 18:31
I moved this down to the Off Topic area. I'm not getting into this, you guys sort it out between yourselves.
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-23-2013 02:42
Probably the right move!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-23-2013 21:10 Edited 02-23-2013 22:34
Thanks John.

As for you 46.00 You couldn't be so more wrong in your rant that it was so hilarious to read some of that crap!!!

I could go on and on but, I really don't need to prove anything to you or anyone else in here so enjoy yourself trying to figure me out because that so far is becoming an example of futility:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::yell::yell::yell::yell::roll::roll::roll::roll::roll::lol:

But hey, you're certainly entitled to express your opinion however, you seem to fail miserably in what little you actually think you know about me grasshopper!:yell::eek::roll::lol:

Finally, I also got a whole bunch of stuff about you so I'll leave you with this: "Bring it on son!":yell::yell::yell::roll::roll::roll: Oh, and fill this out:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-24-2013 16:53
Hi Hank,
I have a blister on my finger from having to scroll so far down to reply to your latest verbal outburst! I am so sad to see the return of the dreaded emoticons and also the childish whining forms! It was funny at first but when you keep playing the same joke time and time again, it sort of loses it's impact!
Exactly what part of my 'Rant' did you find so funny? Was it that you never made inspector or you were a bullying teacher? The chip on your shoulder is a fact!#
What exactly do you have about me? Is that a threat? I thought you only did that via PM's
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-24-2013 18:20

You need to go see a psychiatrist son!!! you're really loosing it!!! Why? Because you're talking gibberish!!! Either that or just fill out the form already and stop your whining already!!! I mean it's really sad to see someone like yourself fall apart like you have in this thread... Maybe the overwhelming sense of guilt is what ails you???

I don't know glynn... I think you should seek some professional help because you're becoming nothing short of pathetic.

Now, this the last time I will post on this thread because it too is becoming pathetic so, enjoy yourself as much as you want glynn but, I will no longer participate in your state of psychosis.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-24-2013 18:43
I guess reading your posts about this subject would drive most able bodied people insane. At least I get to have the last word:grin::grin::grin::grin::grin: Regards you PM's to myself, I don't answer them:grin:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 02-24-2013 19:11
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 02-24-2013 19:25
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 02-24-2013 14:20
Thanks for the link John! $20 cheaper than ripyouoffzon! Plus I don't have to worry about getting a "tax report" at the end of the year from them! Going to bookmark that for a future business expense!! :lol:

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / A Gift

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