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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Brazing material compatibility with sulfurized oil
- - By Joe Kaczmar Date 03-21-2013 19:30
I need to braze together some 300 series stainless steel tubing to a 300 series stainless header.  The tubing will be exposed to sulfurized oil used in a machining application.  Several suppliers have suggesed using Bag-24 brazing rod (50% Ag, 20%Cu, 28%Zn, 2% Ni).   No one can tell me if this brazing material will hold up to the sulfur in the oil.  I know the sulfur in the oil will eat through pure copper very quickly.  This is a production application, so I really would rather not Tig weld each tube (very slow). 

Any suggestions on where to find a rating?  Any suggetions on a better material?

Thanks in advance,

Joe K.
Parent - By Matt Pohlman (*) Date 03-27-2013 14:16
Just talked with a silver braze filler expert and he felt the nickel addition would give your BAg-24 good corrosion resistance so it should hold up in your application.  But, it may still corrode with time.  It would be better if your customer wasn't using a sulfurized fluid.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Brazing material compatibility with sulfurized oil

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