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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / Stainless Steel Plate shrinkage after welding
- - By shapg Date 04-04-2013 19:54
Hoping someone can give some input on this issue.  We are having fabricated a 316 stainless steel shelf angle.  The angle is 8" high, 10" in depth and approx. 85" in length.  The material thickness is 3/4".  The top shelf, 10" piece, is water jet cut, then machined to +/- .005 of the required finish size.  After machining, the plates are welded together at a 90 degree angle with a full pen weld.  After welding, the machined plate is .175" shorter on the welded side compared to the non welded side.  Overall bow after welding is less than 80 thousandths.  Has anyone seen this happen before?  This is a first for us.  Thanks.
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-04-2013 21:01
I have seen it happen for configurations different than your own.  I have created hundreds of different tube weld procedures for various high temperature superalloys as well as different stainless alloys, and we always had to predict and compensate for weld shrinkage.  It was a common question in design reviews.  I sometimes had to pull a ballpark number out of my hat, and other times we had to run experiments during our welding development to get an average number to work with.  But, in every case, we had to add the nominal weld shrinkage to the piece part lengths in order to hit our final print dimension.  Rarely did we ever machine for overall length after welding.
Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-04-2013 21:05
Try the backstep procedure. Look at the sketch below.
The full and the dotted lines represent a stitch. The numers show the sequence in which they should be applied. The arrow show the direction in which they should be applied.
Let's begin with stitch number one, to be applied on the plate end. It might be, say, 4 inches (100 millimeters) long. The sketch shows that the direction is from right to left.
Then you pull to stitch number 2. Same length and same direction. Then to stitch number 3. Same length and same direction. Then to stitch number 4 and so on, until you complete the first pass.
My advice is that you complete the whole welding in the same way.


Test the procedure once, and if it works weld all of the angles the same way. Let me know the results.

Giovanni S. Crisi
Sao Paulo - Brazil
Parent - - By Tyrone (***) Date 04-05-2013 11:16
Hey Shapg,
Stainless can be a nightmare when it comes to distortion.  Keep your heat input low and backstep like Giovanni suggested.

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-06-2013 18:25
Is your concern shrinkage or contraction?

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-08-2013 04:48
....and what would be the difference?
Parent - By OBEWAN (***) Date 04-08-2013 07:55
Is it related to directionality?  I could be wrong, but I vaguely seem to remember something about uniform "shrinkage" in all directions being possible with some alloys.  If this is possible, might it be called contraction?  If heating is localized, the "contraction" might be in one direction and called "shrinkage", but what happens if the heating is uniform?
I have never had to contend with dimensional changes after heat treating, but that is because all of the processes I dealt with in the past held off on final machining until after heat treating was completed.  Of course, this is not always possible.
When I was in school they showed us an old film put out by Lincoln Electric on weld shrinkage.  It had a cartoon figure named "Mr. Shrink".  I don't know if they have the same thing in print form, but the Lincoln Foundation might be a good place to check for literature on this subject.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-08-2013 05:51
This oughta be a good one!:confused::eek::lol::yell::wink::roll::lol::cool:
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-08-2013 06:31
I agree Henry - should be interesting. LOL !
Personally, I would have thought they were the same thing but I did a word search on AWS D1.1 2004 and there were 23 examples of "shrinkage" and 7 examples of "contraction" so maybe they are not considered exactly the same thing.
Will sit back now and prepare to learn.
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-08-2013 11:03
Shrinkage is the volumetric change that occurs when there is a phase change, i.e., liquid to solid. In the case f iron ad steel, the shrinkage is on the order of 3% of the volume of liquid change to the solid phase. In the case of aluminum, the shrinkage is on the order of 6%.

Contraction is the dimensional change due to a change in temperature. Distortion can be the result of differences in temperature from one location to another. The larger the gradient, the greater the distortion. The distortion is permanent if stress caused by the delta T gradient reaches the yield point of the base metal. The delta T for steel and aluminum are on the order of about  220 degrees F. Te greater the gradient, the greater the distortion.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-08-2013 19:53
....can you have one without the other? Are they not the same?

According to "Dictionary of Industrial Terms" By Michael Holloway, Chikezie Nwaoha:

"Shrinkage: The contraction that occurs when a forging cools. Metallurgy"

TWI Job knowledge site:

.... Interesting!
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 04-08-2013 20:00
All I can think about is George Kastanza from Seinfeld. "Do women know about shrinkage?  the water in the pool was cold" :lol:
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-08-2013 20:33
Following Al's examples I would think you could have one without the other as far as:

If, contraction and expansion are from many variables of temperature and are relative to the material grade, thickness, and how it deals with convection, conductivity, thermal expansion, etc, THEN, you get contraction that is not necessarily classified as 'shrinkage'.

But, to achieve 'shrinkage' you must pass beyond the range of heat in the material that would contribute only to expansion and contraction by taking it to the molten state.  Depending upon the dimensions of the molten state involved you will get varying amounts of shrinkage that are beyond normal expansion and contraction so that the material will now be reduced dimensionally from where it was at the same temperature previously.

Thus, you can have expansion and contraction without shrinkage BUT you will go through varying amounts of expansion and then contraction when dealing with shrinkage. 

The bottom line is that shrinkage brings your material to a state where it is dimensionally reduced from where it would have been previously at exactly the same temperature.  While expansion and contraction will not permanently change the material dimensionally when checked at the same temperature, shrinkage will give a resultant dimensional change.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-08-2013 20:39
...which is the opposite of Al's reply.

"Contraction is the dimensional change due to a change in temperature."
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-08-2013 21:36
I don't think so Glyn.  Al, I believe, is using the term "dimensional" to describe the 'normal' expansion/contraction that takes place with atmospheric temperature changes.  While I am using it more as the dimensional comparative measurements at a given temperature before and after application of the molten state produced by welding that causes the material to encounter shrinkage. 

But I believe we are talking about the same thing when it comes to a comparison of contraction and shrinkage.  Another one of those cases where one must be very careful with definitions of terms.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 00:02
I agree we need to be careful with definitions.  I'm sorry if I have misinterpreted your's or anyones response.

Whilst I can appreciate Al's excellent statement (didn't we used to have post # on here?), and it is truly a good answer to my question and one I could easily agree with and was tempted too as to, is your's. However, Volumetric change sort of cover's dimensional change and volume change (both are measurable, which is what Volumetric means, after all), distortion is the resultant, so that kind of made me question things.

Thought: If I place a standard C/S test plate held at ambient T, into a liquid N flask, does it undergo a phase change? No, it's still solid. Is it still the same length...............? I don't know the answer, but I could hazard a guess. Would that be 'shrinkage' or 'contraction'? My thoughts are that to have shrinkage, you must have contraction. The two are inseparable.

I can find no reference in AWS or ASME for definitions of 'Shrinkage' or 'Contraction' not that I was expecting too. Maybe Al can offer a reference for his definitions?

Maybe we need to start a new thread as we seem to have hijacked this one?
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 00:30
Shrinkage in being Volumetric covers all of the dimensions that make up and are within the perimeters which make up the shape of the base metal.

Contraction Distorts and changes one or some of the location dimensions which make up only some of the perimeter or silhouette that shows a change in the shape of the base metal... This is usually temporary and only permanent if the heat applied has made the base metal reach it's yield point which puts too much stress thus making permanent change...

A Revision from Henry's dictionary of Industrial Terms.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 00:56
I can see the difference between temporary and permanent distortion, I would have thought shrinkage would be the most permanent type of distortion, given your arguments? I am getting very confused!
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 01:03
That is exactly what I'm saying! Shrinking is permanent and contraction is usually temporary and can be reversed unless the yield point of the metal has either been reached or exceeded causing too much stress to result in for example: stretching or bending.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 01:10
I think I am understanding what you are trying to say! However, shrinkage in the everyday definition does not cover this phenomenon, so it is your verdict only, even though I may agree with it! You need to back this up with a published or definite  definition.....
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 01:22
I already have in "Henry's Dictionary of Industrial:lol::roll::wink::cool: Terms"
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-09-2013 02:22
I believe that is what I was saying as well... but not being in any way a metallurgist I am probably a long way from adequately describing my position.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-08-2013 23:43 Edited 04-08-2013 23:50
Shrinkage = Volumetric - Meaning some or all of the dimensions which make up the shape of the base metal "shrinks" as a result of a phase change and is usually permanent...

Contraction = Distortion - Whereby only one, or some of the location dimensions that make up the shape of base metal has changed as a result of increasing the temperature the base metal is exposed to along the specific location... And yet, the perimeter distances from one location dimension to the next or adjacent location dimension hasn't changed unless the temperature that the base material is exposed to will reach it's yield point causing too much stress to result in a permanent change in the perimeter dimensions which makes up the shape of the base metal...

Henry's Dictionary of Industrial Terms:yell::eek::roll::twisted::lol::wink::cool:

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 00:20 contraction not volumetric?

Why talk about increasing T, think outside the box and consider sub zero T! Lateral expansion is tomorrow's buzz word
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 00:43 Edited 04-09-2013 00:59
Not if the heat or cold is applied locally to only one of the edges that are part of the silhoutte/perimeter which makes up the shape of the base metal...

Now we're talking "Buzz" words? How about "longitudinal expansion?" or "Cryogenic Reduction?" :yell::twisted::lol::wink:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 01:01
Are you talking about the stupidly estrocentric and mind numbingly 'longitudinal expansion' & 'Cryogenic Reduction'?or the fact that Concorde grew by 6 inch when flying?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 01:10 Edited 04-09-2013 01:13
No, but that's one heck of an example there!:eek::yell::lol:

Funny! I didn't know that we were arguing... I thought we were merely discussing and having a  conversation.:roll::eek::wink::confused::cool:
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 01:16 Edited 04-09-2013 01:20
And now that you mention that, the SR-71 did some crazy stuff also... Oh and much faster therefore having more heat applied from friction.:eek::roll::cool:

A nuclear Submarine changes shape when it reaches a certain depth and goes back to it's original shape upon surfacing.:twisted::cool:
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 04-09-2013 01:33
is this a phase transformation?
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 04:18
No, it's just a "brain fart" :eek::roll::lol::twisted::yell:
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 04-09-2013 16:56 Edited 04-09-2013 17:02
First, I think I forgot previously, 


Now, as to a more precise answer to your question:  YES, many of us have seen it before. 

When you read through all the definitions and reasoning for the occurance, the bottom line is that you probably had a fair root opening with a 3/4" thick member and especially with SS your "shrinkage" is going to be significant and easily equal the slightly less than 3/16" measurement that you mention.

As one of the previous posters mentioned, it is best to leave your members slightly overlength and finish them AFTER welding.  It may be as much a 'by guess and by golly' method of trying to get it close before welding but it beats messing up parts because of shrinkage.

While doing a manifold plate one time I had several holes to cut into a piece of 1/2" thick stainless.  The holes were plasma cut at a shop for us.  When we received it all but one of the holes was too tight.  We didn't have anything but 9" grinders to use to get them corrected.  While grinding I discovered why the rest were wrong.  That whole plate expanded so much so quickly that soon all the holes were the correct size...UNTIL YOU LET IT COOL.  We had to take all the holes to quite a bit oversize so that when the plate cooled back down we had the size we needed.  At this point, we didn't have 'shrinkage', we had thermal expansion and contraction so that when the plate returned to atmospheric temperature it was the same size it had been when we started.

BUT, after placing the pipes through the holes and welding them we had both distortion and shrinkage.  For it's application it was tolerable but it still complicated things. for the weld around the outside perimeter to place it in the 'box' that contained the pipes.  This unit was about 18" X 12' with 6 of these pipes running through it. 

It all comes back to a combination of many of the metallurgical factors that have been discussed here.  Thermal Expansion & Contraction, Convection, and a whole bunch of other fancy words I can often only remember when I am reading them in either the 'Welding Handbook: Welding Science and Technology' or 'Jefferson's Encyclopedia of Metallurgy' (I hope I got those name right). 

Regardless of any disagreements on exact phrasology about contraction and shrinkage I hope we have answered your question as well as possibly enlightened some as to the why and how of this problem.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By ozniek (***) Date 04-11-2013 12:58
Hi shapg

A lot has been said about welding distortion, so I will not go into it too much, other than saying that as a general rule, a weld (along with the base metal in close proximity to the weld) will always "shrink" relative to the plate that is further away. So, if you place a weld along one end of a plate (Which is what you have done.) then the side that has been welded, will be shorter than the side without a weld deposit. This is basic, so no surprise there. I think your "deeper" question is why there was so little "bowing". If you had placed the weld only along one side of the plate, without having the second plate attached to it, you would indeed have seen this excessive bowing. The reason that you did not experience the bowing has to do with the relative positions of the two plates to the "neutral axis" of the weld. (You have not described the weld configuration, other than a full penetration weld, so I can only make assumptions about this.) If the effective resistance to the shrinkage is "balanced" by the presence of the two plates on either side of the weld, then there will be very little bowing, because there would not be anywhere for the plates to move to, without actually breaking the weld. If the plates were much thinner, (or much wider, as the issue here is the length to width ratio) they would not have been able to withstand the compressive stresses placed into them, (away from the weld) and then you would have a "buckling" problem.

Hope that answers your question.

- - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 03:45 Edited 04-09-2013 03:51
There are four states of matter: solid, liquid, gas, and plasma.

When pure metal is in the liquid state and it is allowed to cool the metal changes from a liquid into a solid. This is a change in state. If you are heating the metal from a solid and it turns into a liquid the magic temperature is the melting point. If you are cooling the liquid until it solidifies it is known as the solidification temperature. For a pure metal the melting point and solidification temperature are one and the same. Beginning with a liquid, the temperature drops steadily and then it plateaus or stabilizes and the temperature no longer drops. The temperature stabilizes (called temperature arrest) as the latent heat of fusion is dissipated by conduction or convection. Once the energy, i.e., latent heat of fusion, is lost, there is a phase change from a liquid to a solid. Upon heating, the reverse is true, i.e., it is a reversible process.

The phase change from liquid to solid is accompanied by a reduction in volume. The volumetric change resulting from the change in state is call shrinkage. It is on the order of 3% for iron and steel alloys. It is on the order of 6% for aluminum and aluminum alloys. 

If you have an alloy system the metal neither melts nor solidifies at a distinct temperature, but rather solidifies or completely melts over a temperature range. The temperature at which the metal is completely liquid is called the liquidus temperature. The temperature at which the alloy is completely solid is called the solidus temperature. In between the liquidus and solidus temperatures you have a mixture of solid and liquid. As the temperature approaches the liquidus temperature the liquid fraction increases. As the temperature drops and approaches the solidus temperature the solid fraction increases. An analogy would be slush in the winter; it is a mixture of liquid water and solid water in the form of snow and ice.

If you have a pure metal in the liquid state and you allow it to cool slowly without any vibration, you can experience a phenomena called super-cooling. An experiment can be performed using water that demonstrates super-cooling. Water typically solidifies at 32 degrees F, but slow cooling without vibration will allow the liquid to cool well below 32 degrees F. If you tap the container it will instantly turn to ice. I always have bottled water in my car. On winter mornings when I get into the car the bottled water is in the liquid state even if the temperature is down in the 20’s. If I give the bottle a shake, it turns to ice almost instantaneously. Try it, it still cold enough in many places to try this experiment. 

Back to the original conversation; Again, shrinkage is due to phase change, i.e., going from a liquid to solid.

Contraction is the dimension change associated with changes in temperature without a phase change. So, if you heat a bar of iron or steel alloy, it changes dimensions. The bar gets longer, the bar increases in diameter, thus there is a change in volume, but there is no change in phase. The dimensional change is linear. That is, there are changes in dimensions that are proportional to temperature.

The coefficient of expansion for iron is 6.7 X10-6th power or 0.0000065 inch per inch degree F. Ce for carbon steel is 7.3 x 10-6th and 304 stainless is 9.6 x 10-6th, while aluminum is 12.3 x 10-6th. If you heat the bar it gets bigger and the amount of increase can be calculated pretty precisely by multiplying the coefficient of expansion by the original dimension by the change in temperature. The relationship, i.e., coefficient of expansion is the same as long as there is no phase transformation. So, for practical use, you can use the coefficient of expansion for temperatures up to 1335 degrees F for carbon steel. That is the temperature where iron starts to transform from ferrite or pearlite to austenite. Then the coefficient changes to a different value. We all know that the dimensions gets larger upon heating, and small upon cooling. The process is reversible.

Now, when dealing with carbon steels, that temperature, 1335 degrees F, has special meaning. At that temperature the body centered cubic structure starts to transform into a face centered cubic structure. At temperatures below 1335 degrees F the iron is in the form of a body centered cubic unit cell. The BCC has 9 atoms in the unit cell (in the box), whereas the FCC has 14 atoms in the unit cell (in the box). When you start with 200 oranges (iron atoms) and you pack 9 oranges (iron atoms) in each box, you need roughly 22 boxes to hold all the oranges (iron atoms). If you repack the boxes and place 14 oranges (iron atoms) in each box, you only need 14 boxes. Clearly the total volume decreases by 8 boxes. That is a significant change in volume due to the change in phase, i.e., BCC to FCC or FCC to BCC.

Summing up:
Shrinkage – a volumetric reduction associated the change in state when the iron changes from a liquid to a solid.
Contraction – a change in volume due to a change in temperature (but does not involve a phase change).

Here’s a definition for shrinkage:
McGraw-Hill Science & Technology Dictionary
(metallurgy) Volume contraction of a metal during solidification.

I can’t quote a source or which book I took this from. I’m on the road in Toronto this week, so I don’t have access to my books. Sorry.

I don’t know if this helps or muddies the water even more.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By Shane Feder (****) Date 04-09-2013 04:02
This is from the McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Engineering.

contraction [MECH] The action or process of becoming smaller or pressed together, as a gas on cooling. { kən_trak_shən }

shrinkage [ENG] 1. Contraction of a molded material, such as metal or resin, upon cooling.  { _shriŋ_kij }

Not sure if that helps at all,
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 05:19
Another good book to look @ is: "The procedure Handbook of Arc Welding from Lincoln Electric..." Look in Chapter 3.1-1 Title is: "Weldment Distortion"

This chapter covers: The reasons for distortion... How properties of metal affect distortion such as the coefficient of thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, yield strength, modulus of elasticity... And they cover the comparison of properties in these metals: Mild steel vs.Stainless steel, Mild steel vs. Aluminum andMild steel vs. High-strength steel...

The next topic is Shinkage control starting in section 3.1-4 through 3.1-7... Covering several practical ways that can be used to minimize distortion caused by shrinkage such as: Do not over weld, using intermittent welding, use as few weld passes as possible, Place welds near the neutral axis, Balance welds around the neutral axis, Use Backstep welding like Giovanni mentioned in an earlier post in this thread... Anticipate the shrinkage forces, Planning the weld sequence, Removing shrinkage forces after welding, Minimize welding time... With many corresponding figures

Then starting from section 3.1-7 through 3.1-9 the book covers: Equations for calculating shrinkage such as: Transverse weld shrinkage and Longitudinal bending along the pertinent equations included in the figures...

Examples of distortion control such as a T section, Three member column, Unsymmetrical beam, Welding sequence, Buckling and Twisting, Horizontal or Vertical web, Slender, Light Gage columns, Control of camber, Distortion correction by Flame shrinkage along with corresponding figures from section3.1-7 until 3.1-17...

Then there's Shop Techniques for distortion control and stress relief along with a check list for minimizing Distortion along with corresponding figures. Starting from section 3.1-17 until 3.1-19 There's also Prehaeting and Stress Relieving covering the when and why, The amount of preheat required, Methods of preheating, Interpass Temperatures, Preheats for Quench & tempered steels, Pointers on Preheat and Stress Relief along with corresponding figures. Everyone that works around welding should have this book @ the very least!

Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 16:22
Hi Al,

In other words:

Because of "Solidification Shrinkage" and "Thermal Contraction" of the weld metal during welding, the workpiece has a tendency to distort.:lol::wink::cool:

There are several types of weld distortions... We'll cover these types: (a) Transverse shrinkage in a groove welds. (b) Longitudinal shrinkage in groove welds.
(c) Angular distortion in groove welds. (d) Angular distortion in fillet welds.

The welded workpiece can shrink in the transverse direction. It can also shrink in the longitudinal direction
along the weld. Upward angular distortion usually occurs when the weld is made from the top of the workpiece alone.The weld tends to be wider at
the top than at the bottom, causing more solidification shrinkage and thermal contraction at the top of the weld than at the bottom.
Consequently, the resultant angular distortion is upward....

In certain circumstances only solidification shrinkage will occur as a result of the metal converting into a different phase due to melting of the base metal which then solidifies reduced in volume thus the term "volumetric." Or only thermal contraction if the yield point wasn't reached when the heat is applied to the base metal @ a temperature that doesn't result in a phase change, causing only dimensional change instead which is linear as opposed to volumetric....

Solidification shrinkage = Volumetric change and Thermal contraction = Dimensional change only.

- - By 803056 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 16:38 Edited 04-09-2013 16:45
There are a couple of things to consider;

1) if there is a dimensional change, there is also a volumetric change.

2) permanent distortion occurs when the applied stress exceeds the yield point of the base metal.

3) the stress resulting from shrinkage is very small because the strength of the metal as it undergoes solidification is nil. However, as the metal continues to cool the strength increases and the material contracts with a force equal to the yield strength of the metal (at the specific temperature). The strength  increases rapidly as the temperature approaches ambient temperature and is equal to the yield strength of the base metal once cooled to room temperature.

4) any base metal heated to a delta T of about 220 degrees F has reached the yield point, thus the residual stress for the entire region heated to the delta T must be considered. The majority of the residual stress is from the surrounding base metal heated to a temperature above 300 degrees F (ambient plus the delta T). The volume of base metal causing the residual stress and resulting distortion far outweighs the residual stress and distortion of the weld alone.
In the final analysis, the weld only contributes about 10% of the total distortion. That is why "peening" is of such limited benefit.

Thin plates experience less angular distortion than thick plates because the thermal gradient is less in the thin plate. This plates, welded with multiple passes experiences a higher thermal gradient in the through thickness direction, thus experience more angular distortion. The thermal gradient, the difference in temperature from point A to point be is responsible for he majority of the distortion. With that in mind, efforts to reduce the thermal gradient will reduce the total distortion. Preheating is an effective means of reducing thermal gradient and final distortion.

Fun stuff this distortion thing.

Flame straightening can be an effective aid to reduce existing distortion, but only if you maximize the thermal gradient. That is, you only heat a localized area, not the entire member.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 04-09-2013 18:05
The residual stress of the weld zone may only contribute to only 10% of the total distortion and yet the weld zone is where the heat originated from...
So I believe it's not getting enough credit Al.:roll::eek::lol::wink::twisted::cool:

Parent - By G.S.Crisi (****) Date 04-09-2013 18:28
Al has pointed out a very curious situation that I'd like to stress:
when heating iron or low carbon steel from room temperature to melting temperature, when it surpasses 1335 °F (723 °C), the metal is still solid but it contracts instead of expanding. How it comes? It's heated but it contracts instead of expanding? Yes, and the reason Al has explained: the ferrite (unit cell body centered cube) changes into austenite (unit cell face centered cube), that occupies less space.

Similarly, when iron or low carbon steel is cooled down from freezing to room temperature and it arrives to 1335 °F, it expands instead of contracting. The reason is the same: change of unit cell configuration.

Giovanni S. Crisi
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