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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I saw the light!!
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-13-2013 23:40 Edited 04-13-2013 23:42
Was back on a tower, this time I had to do it, had to go straight to the top while I waited on the ground crew! A lot easier the second time around! Second pic is one of the guys I was working with. Got my new harness with seat, new positioning lanyards and was literally swinging around the leg talking with this guy. We got to talking and decided we needed about a 200 to 300 foot lanyard so we could just use a couple decenders and work the hole tower and just climb up once!

Got in some free advertising for Stumpf's as well, note my hardhat!!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-14-2013 18:07
Looks like a great day for it too!  Heckuva view!  I am a tad jealous I just don't have the legs for that anymore.  Glad you took care of the b**tch kittys on that and put it behind ya.  On to the next eh?  Hey add that pick of the trucks from the top, gives a nice perspective.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-15-2013 00:19 Edited 04-15-2013 00:30
Trucks from the top. It was a great day for it. When I was all done I just tied off on the outside of the top of 120, stretched my legs out and hung out there eating a snack and having a drink of water. Figured I had to wait on the inspector to show up so was not going to leave the tower until I pleased the God's. Guy called up from the ground wondered if I was done or what. Told him yep, just relaxing. He laughed and said, alright. It was a cake walk this time. That lanyard setup was the shiznit, needs some other things on it and me and the other guys are talking over a couple different ways we would like them to make them perfect. Needs a decender/ascender combo. Get up there and get into position and have to lower yourself down and you have to find your footing and lower the rope grab down then reseat yourself. A decender and you just squeeze and drop down. This lanyard was 1000 times better than the strap or chain turds available, those two pieces of crap should just be removed from the market. Carried my strap lanyard up there and didn't touch it once. The rope was perfect for the most part.

Yep, it's over but dang, that is some fun stuff right there! Family, relatives nervous as long tail cats in a rocking chair factory but this is the first job where it's almost hard to believe it's called work. The one guy called it his very own playground, I know where he's coming from now.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-15-2013 00:45
20 yrs ago it was a "playground"  when I hit my 30's it was work when I hit my 40's it became hell.:grin:
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-15-2013 01:32
42 this year brother!
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 04-15-2013 02:02
Ya I know.....makes me frickin sick!!!!  Oh well I think i had way more fun in my formative years then you did...cashed my coupons early so to speak.:eek::grin::eek::grin::grin::grin::grin:Bwhahahahahhahahahahahahahahahaha.   Just be my buddy and back me up in those bar fights to come...Semper Fi!!!!!!!!!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 04-15-2013 18:16
We do that and I'll be sure to bring my Sasquatch....aka, my helper!! :lol::lol:
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / I saw the light!!

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