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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Redneck Home Maintenance adventure of sorts.
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 05-19-2013 01:50
Well I decided to give up on a little project in the shop and my lovely wife Nickie was helping me.  "well we are out here working, we need to be productive today"  Hence the list of honey dews comes out and here we go.....

We debated some serious tree cutting I need to do, not normal tree felling but like cutting down trees leaning over our house...leftovers from storms two years ago.....ahhhh no.  Well you need to cut those big limbs touching the power lines...yeaa maybe, after all I just bought a new big long nice safe ladder to replace my aluminum suicide stick.   Well after being analy probed buying a new faucet, installing and some light cabinet repair in the house.  "Hey you gonna trim them trees before the power company rapes our shade or what"  least that was the gist of what she said LOL.   OK get one of the boys to drag the ladder and chainsaw out. 

Ok this limb is like 6-8" ish and it is actually holding up the power line and cable phone etc.  NO problem.  25Ft up cutting the limb left handed and backwards...sux but yea no problem.   Limb hinges down grabs cable wires...ehhh no big deal.   Cut it off let it go.   Ummmm   Ummmmm

When that power line and associated wires started bearing its own weight again.....the 30ft power pole beside my house starts pulling itself out of the ground.  UHHHH  UHHHHH............I run and grab a stick of 2x2 tube out of the shop and try to make a makeshift prop...then start looking for points to winch the pole back in position....nothing to hook too.  Great I just got my house fixed two years ago now I am looking at dropping this pole and a lot of wires on my new roof.  

Well as I type at my desk directly under the not yet impact zone...I am waiting on the power company "emergency crew" to come replace/reset the pole.....yeahhhhaaaaaaa.  Glad I got plenty of cold beer!.

Sorry I don't have video tape but I assure you if I did it would have been entertaining.
Parent - By JeremyW83 (***) Date 05-19-2013 03:06
Where was your infamous photography crew?
- By Dualie (***) Date 05-19-2013 04:33
sounds like you have the same luck as me
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Redneck Home Maintenance adventure of sorts.

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