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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Soldering/Brazing Costs Questions
- - By mjd Date 07-06-2012 14:38
Sorry I didnt see this thread, I earlier posted in wrong thread. Sorry

Hi there,
            I am doing a study of how much material it takes to join 2 pieces of copper tube, by soldering or brazing.
Can anyone suggest the cost of flux, solder, gases etc it takes to make a joint. (ive been able to find fittings cost but am unsure how much of these other materials are required)
If there are any papers out there on this subject please point me in the right direction
Thanks so much in advance!!!!!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-07-2012 03:49
If You are soft soldering, the cost of solder, flux and propane are quite small when compared to the cost of labor.
Having said that, I understand that You still need to allow for it when estimating the cost to produce a product.

If You are using a brazing alloy with silver and oxy-acetylene the materials cost will be much greater than soft solder.

Since You have not said weather You are joining 1/4" tube or 4" tube, even someone who COULD tell You what it costs would not be able to give You an answer. Like they say, SIZE MATTERS.
Parent - - By mjd Date 07-09-2012 21:29
Thanks Dave, yes using a brazing alloy with silver and oxy/acetylene, tube sizes 1 1/8" and down. Si there an industry calculator or study you are aware off or could you guestimate costs?

thanks so much!
Parent - - By DaveBoyer (*****) Date 07-10-2012 01:43
There may be resources that would help You estimate the costs, but I don't know of any. I don't even have a guess at the costs, but the silver brazing alloys have always been expensive, and gotten worse recently, and acetylene has increased quite a lot as well.

You might be able to save some money using oxy propane, as it is a less expensive fuel, and will still get hot enough.
Parent - - By mjd Date 07-11-2012 16:52
Thanks Dave, i assume there must be a calcuator our there. If anyone has any leads to where i might find it I would be very appreciative.
Parent - - By dariussemaj Date 06-22-2013 11:36
If you want information related to it then you can visit additive manufacturing metal.
Parent - By Tomwalz (*) Date 06-24-2013 15:23
Here are the names of reps from two excellent alloy suppliers.

They will be happy to explain costs and help you figure your costs. 

David VanDerVaart
Regional Sales Manager
Cell Phone# 310-691-0043

Emmet Finnegan
Prince & Izant
800 634-0437

also consider various gases.  I am using Chemtane over acetylene for cost and especially cleanliness. 

Tom Walz
Carbide Processors
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Soldering/Brazing Costs Questions

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