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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Induction Brazing Equipment Manufacturer-Recommedations
- - By jd369 (**) Date 07-11-2013 03:12
Hello All
I need to source out a 10-15kw induction braze system for brazing .25"x .375"x.5" carbides onto 4140 material, induction brazing is not my area of expertise. There seems to be lot of manufactures of this equipment, can someone recommend a good reputable company to purchase this equipment from. I would like an American made machine that has good support or any future issues with the equipment. Any brands I should stay away from?
Thanks for any recommendations.
Parent - - By Tomwalz (*) Date 07-11-2013 16:35
I bought Ameritherm.  Not the cheapest but I am very happy with it. 

Girish Dahake (Du Hock) is the head technical guy and he is incredible.  Great personality and really knows his stuff.

When i bought the equipment and was trying to understand induction I wanted to buy a couple of coils to experiment.   Sales was hesitant to sell me something that might not work.  I called Girish and he understood that I wanted to experiment.  

We had a couple issue orignally with the new equipment but nothing major.   It has been about 8 or 10 years now with no problems.  It is easy to train people to use the equipment.

We spent the extra money for the remote head and I am glad we did.   

We braze a lot of carbide to steel with torch, ovens and induction. 

We pretin a lot of carbide. We greatly improve our cycle times with induction by putting the carbide on a steel bar.  Induction heats the bar which heats the carbide which heats the braze alloy.  

Feel free to call me with questions. 

Tom Walz
Carbide Processors
800 346-8274
Parent - By jd369 (**) Date 07-12-2013 00:37
Hi Tom
Thanks for the response, I will request a quote from them. Very, much appreciated!
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / Induction Brazing Equipment Manufacturer-Recommedations

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