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Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / need help with 6g pipe
- - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-24-2013 10:25
I am working my way through a welding program at my local tech school and was wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on tiging a 6g pipe all the way out?
Parent - - By MRWeldSoCal (***) Date 07-24-2013 13:49
What part are you having trouble with exactly?
Parent - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-26-2013 09:59
mostly having issues with the root and still working out the best way to do the left hand side without messing it up.
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 07-24-2013 19:24
Keep your arc length short, your tungsten uncomtaminated, and your grip on the torch soft.  Weld the left handed part left handed.  Dry up the puddle before snapping out and never snap out over the root pass, get on the bevel face first.  Don't spend much time on 6G at the exclusion of 2G and 5G.... some guys in some schools practice way too much for test welds, but overall competence needs to be the goal.  When you get good in the open, add restrictions to your access.
Parent - - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-26-2013 10:01
thanks.  got any tips for the root?  im having issues getting it in right, although I believe I noticed yesterday that I had been trying to put it in too cold.
Parent - - By MRWeldSoCal (***) Date 07-26-2013 13:58
Make sure you are no over dipping or pushing in too much rod, Once you see it blend keep moving or you are going to create build up on the inside.  Also not too much of a land on the pipe unless you are comfortable, sometimes you think you are melting through and there is still a lipped edge on the inside. 

Are you doing this free hand or are you walking the cup?

Parent - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-29-2013 09:48
Sometimes I walk, sometimes I freehand, it depends on where my hands are in relation to my body.  Also, I had been instructed not to use a land.
Parent - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-29-2013 09:52
My problem is, generally, either I get suck back (too slow) or over fill (too much rod).
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 07-26-2013 23:53
Keep the electrode over the rod.  Don't swing the electrode side to side, rather rotate the the cup on its axis so the electrode does not swing wider than the fill rod, or free hand the torch.  Keep the fill rod tangent to the pipe.  Keep the speed up so the inside of the pipe doesn't get cooked.  Use a fill rod 1/32 larger than the root opening.  Don't overlook 5/32 filler, it can put in a nice root if you have a 1/8" plus root opening.  If the root starts to close, don't hesitate to go to a smaller fill rod.  Personally I like a 3/32 root and 1/8 filler to start with on carbon steel.
Parent - By JPSweld (*) Date 07-29-2013 09:51
I have been instructed to use an 1/8" gap (no land) and a 3/32" filler? I will try your suggestion on my next attempt though.  thanks.
Up Topic Welders and Inspectors / Education & Training / need help with 6g pipe

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