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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / D17.2 Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace App
- By IbrahimIbrahim Date 08-07-2013 17:58
I have a questions on D17.2

on page 19 table 13, I can't figure out the number of welds need for Production witness welds, test lot.

in the 1st row of the table 13, I can't determine how many welds should I do for Class A, B, or C.

Is it 3 Shear  and 3 metallographic?
Or it is 3 Shear and 1 metallographic ?
Or it is Only 3 Shear?

If someone know the answer, that would be really appreciated.

Thanks a lot
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / D17.2 Specification for Resistance Welding for Aerospace App

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