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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / There's no place like home...
- - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-16-2013 19:34 Edited 08-17-2013 10:25
forget it. was a post about the feeling everybody would get coming home after being gone not splitting hairs about who stays gone the longest or the exact terminology used to determine who is a legitimate "road whore" in the eyes of others. What drives people away from this site? People splitting hairs over stupid shyte. Your not a road whore cause you don't spend 365 days a year from home, your not a pipewelder cause you don't do it 365 days a year, not a structural guy cause I don't do it 365 a year, not a tower dawg cause I don't do it 365 a year. For that matter I guess I'm not really a rig welder cause I don't live in my truck 365 days a year. Not a shop owner cause I'm not there 365 days either. This year I guess I'm not even really a welder since I did not weld a thing for 4 months this year, still managed to rake in $2500 a week though.  Yep, guess I'll just go load up the truck and head for Misfit Island. While I'm not out on the road not welding or working if anybody sees me and my not rig truck don't bother approaching me.

To all my buds on here, you got my email.

signing off......
Parent - - By JTMcC (***) Date 08-16-2013 22:19
Being gone for a month or two isn't "road whoring" as you say.

It's doing some short term light travel for work.

Don't overdo the drama. Some people really do travel, a lot.

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-17-2013 01:32 Edited 08-17-2013 10:11
comment not worth writing.....
Parent - - By Smooth Operator (***) Date 08-17-2013 00:16
Ouch........ Think JTMcC   ......Been away way to long.......Chasing that money all over the west.........
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 08-17-2013 08:07 Edited 08-18-2013 00:35
What is the minimum travel requirement to be officially a "RoadWhore"?
Am I an "AirWhore" since I seem to fly around 50 - 100,000 miles a year????
No place like home is the topic. Whether you are 50 or 10,000 miles from your family and all that is familiar and comfortable.
I know when I hit my little hovel after dealing with management pukes and folks that have minimal to no grasp of either's language, I just kick it back for a few days and revel in the beauty of being an American in the wild west and all it has to offer me.
I come back every so often to this little piece of wilderness 30 miles east of Yellowstone Park and soak in the quiet, naked beauty of nature and embrace the solitude...
Attachment: ClarksForkCanyon.JPG (0B)
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-18-2013 03:22
Hi Shawn!

Man! Don't take anything personally by any of the persons who made some rather disrespectful comments towards your original post...

I know that you have been working away from home for many years now even if during that time, you weren't away from home every day of each year...

When I was a journeyman Boilermaker many moons ago, I was considered as being a road whore for quite a few years even though I wasn't away from home working 365 days out of the year for every year and that's a given because of the fact that some years were very lean work wise and some were so busy with work that one would probably come close 365 per... Then again, there were times when if you were on a particular job site and they closed down during the holidays or peak operating seasons, you were either off, or laid off until the shutdown/maintenance season returned...

Still, I pity the fool who would ever try to tell me that I wasn't a "roadwhore" back in the day!

So don't let these petty differences in definitions and how semantics can lead to confusion from different folks in here get under your skin Shawn because I know and more importantly, you know what you have to do for work in order to support your own family... The problem is that some folks come in here itching to pick a fight, or show just how superior they are to other folks who genuinely like to share their experiences, and it only shows that there's either a reaction of envy/jealousy or they're just plain combative all the time as well as miserable all the time... And really do not come close to what you, and others in here contribute in order to keep this forum as interesting to just about everyone who either participates or visits in this forum...

Don't ever let anybody tell you otherwise my good friend! Please continue to share your own experiences out there on the road pal because I for one always look forward to your posts and the nice pics you attach to them also okay? From one "roadwhore" to another: "Hope to catch up with you on that highway to hell brother!" Enough said!

Respectfully to most,
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-20-2013 00:16
Your right Henry! I just grow tired of bothering with some that are that way. 

If I am ever around your way I would be glad to grab a good cup of joe with ya! I'm not a beer drinker, well, a six pack of Guinness a year! Maybe every two years! With the stuff I'm doing lately you never know.

I'd repost but they seemed to have killed the mood in me! LoL! Maybe I'll read some Chauser tonight before I hit the rack!

I like how you signed off! LMAO!!

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 08-18-2013 07:26
I'm not sure what happened to the original post but with regards to the topic title, I fully agree! It's strange that no matter were your from, and no matter how long your away....there is no place like home! I have spent all of my working life either working away for long periods or only getting home at weekends if I was lucky! Getting home is the ultimate highlight! On the other hand, you do get to see some sights that most people would never see. All in all I guess I wouldn't change much.
Parent - - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 08-20-2013 00:07
I took down the original post as it seemed to have offended some of the elitists on this site when I said I was doing "the road whore" thing. Ironically I say this as I type while sitting in a hotel room watching a movie on my travel dvd player, drinking a cup of hot tea from my very own hot water brewer, in my very own travel ceramic mug packing to leave out for state number two in the morning... :lol::lol:

Basically it was about hitting the state line when you get home. How the eagerness builds up because you know how far home is from any point in your state because you have been to all points. With more writing about the events leading up to the point where you pull in your driveway. Others considered it to have to much "drama", I kind of thought it was poetic.

In Nebraska at the moment, never been here before. It's not Paris but it is neat to see! That's the joy I get from it, seeing places most won't get to or think about seeing. Where I am now is not what I would call a tourist hot spot! The country is great though, flat, corn as far as you can see! Heck, you can smell the corn in the air like perfume! LoL! Got a picture of a road that goes for miles and miles. It disappears over the horizon and the thing is straight as a pin! I agree, I wouldn't change it.
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-20-2013 21:50
Who cares what a few very old and cranky hands think!

Being a super expert does not make you super nice apparently...

Since changing jobs I've been out of town every single week... Flying home for the weekends.. (you get what you negotiate,;  for those who take pride in living somewhat harder lives)    This will continue long after I relocate to Houston, and even that is taking longer than expected.  

I traveled quite a bit in the airline biz... But not this much... So far it's enjoyable because there is a great big challenge/mess waiting for me when the wheels touch down... 

Much to my surprise, folks these days are a bit more willing to consider change, and are actually looking forward to somebody coming into their domain and get problems fixed.  (Henry I know you thought I would drown)   So far so good  :)
Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 08-20-2013 22:38
Don't mean to jack the thread, but I was wondering how things were going, Lawrence. Sounds as if you have been plenty busy and will continue to be. Enjoy and take care, Allan
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-20-2013 22:44

I'm in your backyard this week... Spokane!

Never been here before...  Pretty nice so far.

If you have any strong program grads who want to live here let me know..  There are some jobs for welders!    There may be even more jobs open by the time I leave Friday   :)
Parent - By aevald (*****) Date 08-20-2013 23:01
I was over there a couple of months ago and bought a "new" pick-up and dollied my car back home. Spokane is a really nice area and a lot of good fishing close by. That's right up your alley as I recall, isn't it?

As to program grads, you would think that these folks have some sort of magnets attached to their bodies that won't allow them to venture out or too far from "home", I just don't get it some time. But thanks for the heads-up, if I talk to anyone that is looking and thinking about relocating, I'll give you a shout. Best regards, Allan
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-24-2013 00:14 Edited 08-24-2013 00:20
Larry, You're plum dyslexic or something like that if that's the way you read what I wrote when you announced your departure from academia for crying out loud!

I remember very clearly that I told you that it would be a rough road to adjust to, and from what you describe already it hasn't been as easy as you thought but, I'm really happy that you're adjusting you freakin "airdale!!!":yell::lol::yell::lol::yell::lol::twisted::wink:

Seriously, I'm glad the transition isn't so bad and it seems like it will be getting better as time goes by...
So I don't know what you might have been thinking but I knew you weren't going to fail hombre!!! I just wanted to give you a little motivation to remember me by and hot dang if it didn't work!!!:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

Well, I'm really happy that things are turning to your favor and should be more stable once the move is complete because then your adventure will really start with your family there to help with exploring your whereabouts.:wink::lol::cool:

Keep us informed how you're making out because we're all praying that your transition goes smoother than it has so far. Take care Hermano!

Dios te Bendigas Siempres!!!

Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 08-26-2013 12:04
I knew that would get your attention Henry :)

Happy as a clam so far !

When time allows I'm going to PM you with a few questions... There are a couple of plants with a majority of Spanish speakers from top to bottom and I would value your opinions on a couple of ideas.

Running PQR's this week (D1.3) with CWB auditor oversight on both primered and galvanized.    Pre-trials ran perfectly so I'm looking forward to picking the CWB auditor whilst he observes.

Hope you are doing well Henry!

More soon
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 08-27-2013 08:06 Edited 08-27-2013 08:16
Sure thing Larry!

Anytime when you find some time is okay by me... Looking forward to help if I can...

Btw, I'm happy to report of some improvement in my breathing capability... For over a year now I was in need of continuous Oxygen due to my COPD...
I was @ 4 liter per minute and have recently switched down to 3 liters per instead which is progress in my book however so small as it may be, it's
still nonetheless PROGRESS!!! I'm still on chemo but off the radiation so that's also PROGRESS!!!

Next goal is to achieve remission no matter how long that takes!!! So friends? Please P.U.S.H. for me because I'm gonna need some okay?
                                                                                                                 (Pray Until Something Happens)
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-27-2013 14:39
You have been on my list for some time Henry but we will do more diligence and see about adding a day of fasting with prayer. 

Best wishes.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Roadtrash (*) Date 08-20-2013 15:02
Wouldn't worry about it. I'm not a "road whore" either.. sold the house years ago and where ever I park the RV is home!!! My only ***** is that wherever I am I never get enough time off to see all the awesome **** around me!!!!
Parent - By CWI555 (*****) Date 08-21-2013 12:43

No one on this planet exist in an isotropic manner. Anyone claiming to be 'the' guru of anything, or discounting anothers experience by simple virtue of time in is simply full of bovine excrement.

The words of the azzhats only have that power which you given them.

Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 08-21-2013 14:32

Back in my youth when I travelled with the Boilermakers I was often away from home.  My family usually joined me within a month of getting set up on a job and when the third child came we went 'home' to OR and stayed there until we moved the whole lot to AZ 17 years ago.

Every time I left was hard even when my family was with me.  The farm was HOME.  Family, church, community where I grew up and had friends and much more.  In many ways that part of OR is still home for us though it would be hard at this point to leave what we have established in AZ.

You will go through times of self evaluation.  Wondering if you are doing the right work, in the right place, for the right people, for the right money, for the right reasons, etc, etc.

These times are good.  BUT, don't let them overwhelm you.  Make your decision and go forward.  There is no bad, wicked, evil aspect to any part of our profession.  Only bad attitudes, character, choices, and results of our choices. 

The worst is how it affects family and just like in politics, religion, business, it all rises and falls on leadership. 

Get wise counsel, make your decisions for YOUR life, and move on and accomplish your goals.

Have a Great Day, and you are in our prayers for guidance and wisdom,  Brent
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / There's no place like home...

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