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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / different metals
- - By lo-hi (**) Date 09-06-2013 01:14 Edited 09-07-2013 00:21
During my early welding years sometimes I ended up in a repair/machine shop, welding anything and everything that was brought in the door. A machinist had a belt buckle he really liked and thought was brass. He busted the belt loop off and asked me if I could braze it back on, of course I can was my reply. It was actually bronze plated lead so when the puddle looked a little glossy and I hit it with the brazing rod it popped like a balloon and lead went everywhere.  On the plus side he never bothered me again for favors.
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 09-08-2013 00:01
hahahhaah  I always love those jobs that must be preceded by a speech "this may very well guarantee it will work...will try to...(my favorite) lots of hours and may fail I got to have a deposit".  Thing is when you pull it off those always feel really good.   I remember long ago when I was being taught to do cast iron...had a steam pressing machine (dry cleaner) that was vintage and very well built.  Had a 1 ft long crack in a three inch thick piece on one of the arms...lets go with this fancy nickel rod the salesman dropped off....full bevel, constant preheat....halfway through we broke for lunch leaving a rosebud pulled back on the joint...come back from lunch to see a 2 lb or so of nickel neatly split off one side. 4 hrs labor, lot of acet/oxy and 2 lb of rod gone.  Ok broke out the little square iron rods and flux and I got a lesson in how to apply it..
Parent - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 09-30-2013 02:12
I was lucky enough to dodge this job...
Co-worker a few tables over got it. :twisted:
Random customer came in with a little tea pot like thing, kinda old and fancy, seemed to be made out of silver.
The handle had fallen off, so the co-worker went to silver braze it back on.... had the oxy-act out and was heating it up oh so gently...
I happened to be walking past his table while he was heating it... the second I turned past the curtains I heard *TINK tink tink...*. I stopped, thought "That didnt sound right..."  and walked back around the weld screen.
The whole thing fell apart. All of the soldered on pieces fell off. :eek::eek::eek::eek::cry::cry::cry::cry::eek::eek:
He was sitting at his bench, silver braze rod in his hand, torch still lit shaking his head and looking like someone kicked his puppy. The 30 min quickie turned into a 2 day jigsaw of how the hell does it go back together...
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / different metals

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