1.2.1 - Acceptance shall be as agreed upon between the Manufacturer and the Owner (purchaser). etc. etc... Acceptance criteria for production welds different from those stated in this specification may be used provided they are suitably documented by the proposer and approved by the Engineer. etc. etc..
9.1.4 - Procedures previously qualified under earlier editions of this specification, AWD D1.1, AWS B2.1 or ASME IX for equivalent welding shall be acceptable under this specification, subject to the limitations of variables in Section 9. etc etc SWPS ok, etc. New qualifications shall be made in accordance with the requirements of this specification , or the latest edition of B2.1, subject to the limitations of variables in Section 9.
So, the short answer is yes, depending on the circumstances and prior approval, but D14.1 Section 9 takes precedence.