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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS B2.1:2009 Interpretations
- - By Jorge Giraldo (**) Date 09-21-2013 22:27

I have two questions about AWS B2.1:2009.

1. Table 4.1 Test Methods required for Procedure Qualification.

Among tests required for groove welds are included "Guided Bend Tests" wich I know the details and specimens, and -in a different row- "Bend Tests". Somebody can tell me what kind of tests are these? May be I am loosing some part of the standard.

2. Figure B.2C - Transverse Side Bend Specimens. Note 1 says: "...If a recessed ring is used...".

What is the meaning of Recessed Ring? Wich are its applications?

Thanks and good day.

Jorge Giraldo
Parent - - By J.82Nathan (*) Date 09-23-2013 02:18
More information please! Are you referring to  AWS B2.1:2009 - Base Metal Grouping for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification? If so, this book doesn't have Table 4.1 as you mentioned earlier. Could you please re-check and confirm!
Parent - By Jorge Giraldo (**) Date 09-23-2013 02:30
I re-checked in my book.
Is AWS B2.1/B2.1M:2009 Specification for Welding Procedure and Performance Qualification, Second printing (March 2012).
In this standard effectively apears the "Table 4.1 Test Methods for Procedure Qualification".

Parent - - By J.82Nathan (*) Date 09-25-2013 04:16
Dear Jorge Giraldo,

It is unfortunately where I have read a different edition (2005 edition) from yours which made me a little bit confusion. Back to your enquiry I would like to extract a paragraph from AWS Welding Handbook Volume for your understanding about bend tests as below:
Question 1

"Bend tests provide a means to evaluate both the ductility and the soundness of welded joints. These tests are performed by bending a strip of the weldment to a specified radius. The outer surface of the bend specimens is subjected to extensive plastic yielding in tenson, which can cause fractures or fissuring in less ductile material or open existing weld defects such as porosity and lack of fusion. Thus, when weld defects or hard, brittle zones are present, bend tea specimens consistently fail.

Test specimens can be bent in a tension test machine (free bend) or wrapped around a mandrel of a specified diameter (guided bend). Most codes require guided bends but provide for the use of alternative test equipment, such as the bottom-ejecting guided bend test fixture, roller-equipped guided bend fixture, and the wrap a round guided bend test fixture..."

So, once code mentions "Bend Test" it means you can perform "free bend" or "guided bend", if the code requires "guided bend" it means you are not allowed to do "free bend".

Question 2

Recessed Ring is a kind of backing ring used for welding. It is applied for one side welding in certain cases where we are not able to access the weld from both side.

Hope it is clear enough for your enquiry or if you may have further requirement, let us keep on discussing...
Parent - - By DMZast Date 02-21-2014 15:13
I just had the same question.
I understand the guided bend test but Jorge replied "test specimens can be bent in a tension test machine (free bend)".
The AWS welding encyclopedia indicates the free bend test is "bent without constraint of a jig. Since this test can be hazardous, its use is not recommended." so I'm still confused about what makes the bend test different from the guided bend test.
Parent - - By n4v4rr0 (*) Date 02-21-2014 19:27
the other bend tests for groove welds are for test weldements less than 1/16" see is an alternative bend test.
I think is the same as AWS D1.3 figure 4.1

Parent - By DMZast Date 02-24-2014 14:26
Excellent!! Thank you for the help.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / AWS B2.1:2009 Interpretations

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