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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The Missionary
- - By Superflux (****) Date 10-05-2013 10:57
A young missionary out "spreading the word" in the darkest of jungles is captured, dragged naked through the swamps and over the mountains, then locked into a bamboo cage. The natives immediately start a huge bonfire under a cauldron filled to the brim with succulent fruits, vegetables and aromatic spices. THE DRUMS begin to pound.. incessantly... a haggard, white bearded man in a cage next to him bounces around in joy. "The drums, this is good" he says. "When the drums stop, it is bad".
All night long the drums beat incessantly... Bouncing around like a monkey on meth, occasionally the bearded man ecstatically shouts; "YES! YES!!!! "Drums are good!", glancing at the missionary he says repeatedly; "When the drums stop, it gets bad, really BAD!!!" Naked native women are dancing around the fire, thrusting their pelvises in provocative gyrations until sunrise!!!!....
Suddenly, without warning the drums cease....
The bearded man begins to howl as if his scrotum had been seized in a tiger trap, and screams... "OH NOOOO!!! the drums have stopped!!!" "It's going to be horrible!!!" The poor missionary inquires: "What?" Are they going to kill us?" " "Are they going to eat us?" "Are they going to eat us BEFORE they kill us?????!!!!!!"
"Now comes the BASS Solo......"
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 10-05-2013 22:56

How many lead guitarists does it take to change a light bulb?

One: he holds it and the world revolves around him


Did you hear about the bass player that locked his keys in his car?

Took him four hours to get the drummer out.
Parent - By Paladin (***) Date 10-06-2013 00:37
Researchers at MIT wondered what the LEAST  asked question in the Universe was.
So they programed this problem into the largest supercomputer.
The answer:

     Is that the trombone players Porsche?

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / The Missionary

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