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Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / SS braze using Harris silver alloy.
- - By Ruben Date 12-18-2013 20:50
Hi everyone, I would like to know about brazing of boiler ferrite SS  using Harris silver alloy.
I used a maximum leeway of 0,2mm and minimum leeway of 0,1mm between pipe (connector) and boiler body with a heating flame.
I has a problems of leaks tests using salt solutions non pressure!!! They showed problems in 120 hours.
Parent - By Tomwalz (*) Date 12-23-2013 16:33
What does Harris say.

Personally I have found Lucas Milhaupt better at Tech support the last year or two. 

I always start with surface prep as that seems to be the most common reason for failure especially with SS. 

Might start with this guy.  I don't do much consulting any more. 
David VanDerVaart
Regional Sales Manager
Cell Phone# 310-691-0043

Tom Walz
Carbide Processors
Up Topic Welding Industry / Processes / SS braze using Harris silver alloy.

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