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- - By bijupottayil Date 01-11-2014 03:39
Hi Gents,

I would like to request your expert advice regarding the WQT (Welder Qualification Test) using AWS D1.1.

AWS does not have a provisions for qualifying a welder on a single test coupon using multiple welding processes. AWS WQT is based on the range of the welder's qualifications is based on the thickness of the test plate, not the thickness of the weld deposit like ASME IX. Also AWS specified that the welders are qualified during the Procedure qualification. As per the Code There is no-where written that WQT can be performed with multiple process, except for procedure qualifications.?

Question 1: Could you please confirm that the above mentioned statement is correct “Welders shall be qualified with single process on single test coupon”? ASME Section IX where the welder is qualified for a range of deposit thicknesses. Thus, multiple welding processes can be used on the same test coupon and the welder can be qualified for multiple welding processes simultaneously.

Question 2: Client had accepted few Welder qualification in-past (Before I join the project) where it was qualified dual process in single test coupon using an approved WPS (R&H – SMAW, F&C – FCAW). Please clarify whether Engineer/Client has the right to accept a non-confirming quals accordance to AWS D1.1 Clause 1.3.1, just to make sure it won’t bite back me later stage.


Biju Kurian Pottayil
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-11-2014 17:24
The Engineer can accept welder qualifications that meet an alternate welding standard, but it is up to the Engineer to make the determination whether the alternate is applicable and sufficient to meet the job requirements. It is not automatically approved by the Engineer. Refer to AWS D1.1-2010 clause

As noted, the range of thickness for which the welder is qualified is based on the thickness of the test coupon, not the weld deposit. Thus, there is no means whereby the welder can weld with more than one process on a single test plate. If a different logic is applied, i.e., several welding processes are used on a single test plate you would encounter situations where the welder could use several welding processes on a single plate and be qualified for thickness ranges measuring several times the thickness of the weld deposited with each process. Consider a welder that qualifies using 3/8 inch thick test coupon. The root is welded with GTAW, the second layer is deposited with GMAW and the cover pass is deposited using two beads, one deposited with SMAW and the second with SAW. Based on the wrong logic, the welder would be qualified for materials 3/4 inch thick using either GTAW, GMAW, SMAW, or SAW. That simply makes no sense and would even be permitted by ASME Section IX or API 1104.

Now, if one were required to work to the Farm Code 2002, it is a different story all together.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-11-2014 18:00
Hi Al,

Question 1. Do you think AWS B2.1 would be able to help bijupottayil out regarding this first issue?

Question 2. I'm looking @ my older 2002 D1.1 I have available, and in this issue the clause is - "Previous WPS Qualification"
and then there's clause - "Previous Performance Qualification"... So, 1. Am I in the same neighborhood as to what you're referring to, and 2. Which clause are you referring to provided that the answer is yes for my first question and finally 3. Which edition of D1.1 are you quoting from? I think it's the second clause but then again, I could be wrong which is why I'm asking also.:confused::roll::grin::lol::smile::twisted::wink::cool:

OT -Did you folks over in New England thaw out from this polar vortex yet?  It was a balmy high of 52 degrees F here in East Brady which is 50+ miles north east of Pittsburgh, PA yesterday!!! Now it's raining and the temp is dropping again, and yet it's projected to stay above freezing for the next week, so maybe I'll venture out with my power wheelchair when the rain stops and I can finally relieve myself of this cabin fever I'm currently suffering from...
It sure would be nice to feel the wind outdoors again weather permitting.:yell::eek::twisted::smile::grin::lol::wink::cool:

Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-11-2014 19:26 Edited 01-11-2014 19:33
Henry, I didn't know where you were going with the "finally relieve myself" comment. It is raining hard here in New England. The cold temperatures are but a memory. The snow is nearly gone. I pulled out the tractor and plow. I figure the lettuce and peas can go into the ground in a week or so. Talk about wishful thinking!

The post cites D1.1. The changes relating to welder qualification have changed ever so slightly over the century, they can largely be ignored. :wink: AWS B2.1 has little relevance to D1.1. AWS B2.1  is infected with ASME Section IX philosophy, so to tie it into the philosophy of D1.1 would be a stretch. Maybe "infected" is the wrong word to use. Maybe I should has used the word "influenced.":grin:

I believe the clauses you are looking at are similar if not the same as what is stated by AWS D1.1- 2010.

Best regards - Al
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-12-2014 07:00
I agree Al... I think this gentleman is looking for an ASME "influenced" short cut in order to avoid writing all of those WPS's which I can't really blame him too much for that but, if there's no way around it then get the templates ready and start typing to fill in the blank spaces and start cranking them out... That's the only reason why B2.1 was something that may or may not have been useful to him although, there's so many other factors to consider for this particular situation that we don't know about that it's probably a good idea not to read too much into this query.:eek::roll::wink::lol::cool:

I relieve myself internally on a regular basis these days just fine Al so thanks for caring...:eek::twisted::smile::smile::lol::wink::cool: It's the agony of not being able to enjoy the outdoors that bothers me to no end when the weather gets so bad these days that sometimes I just want to go on a road trip where it's so much nicer weather wise, and the overwhelmingly frustrating reason why I cannot do this is because of the fact that I'm on Oxygen 24/7, and I require a minimum of 4 liters per minute flow rate (I can do 3 for a certain amount of time like 5 minutes max before I must switch back to 4lpm's) which rules out any existing portable O2 concentrators that have the capacity to deliver that much continuously even if I were to travel let's say just to my doctors in Pittsburgh these days...

I would need to have oxygen available @ their offices so that I don't use up what I have left in my portable liquid O2 containers which I have three available to use for the return trip back to where I live... Last year I tried to coordinate with my supplier which happened to be at the largest O2 home medical supplier in the country to deliver two 40 gallon liquid O2 vessels when I planned this vacation over to my best friend's ranch in the Pocono's, and they didn't have anyone close enough to deliver O2 to my friends place so he had to come pick me up with his truck because I don't have one, and didn't have anyone here to help me load a rented truck or a van for the trip so, he loaded two liquid O2 vessels, My home O2 concentrator that's capable of up to 10 lpm's, and my power chair to the back of his truck, and we were able to stop @ a rest stop just before we arrived to his spread on I-80 to fill up one of my portable liquid containers so I would have enough O2 for the rest of the ride there... But I can't do this on a whim which is why it's frustrating to be so limited in traveling these days... I couldn't even go to see my Mother and Sister with my Brother for Thanksgiving or Christmas because of my limitations and that sucks big time because I do miss being with them during the holidays!!!

So I'm limited in where I'm able to travel for an extended period of time these days, and this is the primary reason why I'm so vulnerable to experiencing these chronic episodes of "Cabin Fever" which I can only relieve myself from this condition by being able to at least venture out of my own residence and enjoy the air outside without catching pneumonia... This would definitely happen if I were to go out in the last few days of terrible weather... And the worst part of it all is that I really enjoyed being able to experience terrible weather when I was healthy but can no longer because of my frail health... Still I can imagine being some where yet only for so long! Maybe this year things will change for the better! To a better year than the last one!:lol::wink::cool:

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 01-12-2014 08:05
Henry, I'm way off topic in response to your post here but, YOU have MOXY! It also appears that your close friends and acquaintances see that and take measures to assist you in attaining your goals. I personally don't know of anyone who would go to the lengths that you have to continue with life and still contribute to the betterment of others in the process. Keep on Henry, I'm certainly rooting for you! With great respect and regards, Allan
Parent - - By 803056 (*****) Date 01-12-2014 14:56
I can only second the comments Allen made.

I can appreciate the need to get out and about. Even I get the itch when I stay around the house too long. I can only imagine the frustration of not being able to go where you want when you want to go.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-13-2014 05:13
Thank you Allen and Al for your continuing support and your kind words!

When I reread this thread again today, I just realized that earlier in my life I had some training and practice in being confined to one location which was a vessel while traveling to many different destinations and one of the slight differences from now is that when I was serving, I had many other shipmates that pulled together so that we could all get through each patrol we went out on, besides being so inundated with duties to keep us from going batty...

Currently, I don't have that camaraderie around me which was so important for me back then... And I just realized that it's as important to me today as well that I have been able to replace it somewhat with my continued participation in this forum as well as spending time with fellow seniors where I currently reside by teaching some of them how to go online and search the internet for whatever they want to know more of... And to show them how to use the word processing software, how to use various software applications including one that improves the condition of their photographs and to even show a few so far how to start a webpage of their own! And we have more projects on the table to be implemented once we get the funding for it which will pay for the hardware & software upgrades and added work stations!

So I guess as long as I'm able to have the ability to interact with people and stay busy with a sense of purpose whether it's online or in person then I'm able to adapt to the conditions of being limited in my ability to travel and to be somewhat confined to my surroundings as well as tolerating it better than if I had no sense of purpose... And was instead just existing as opposed to continued living my life as best I can... Oh I almost forgot, I'm also the editor of our community newsletter which covers the retirement residence and the community both in and around it...  We publish once a month and it has so far been a rewarding and sometimes crazy experience!:twisted::grin::lol::smile::wink::cool:

To the Original Poster bijupottayil, I apologize for hijacking this thread and I hope you're not offended by it.:smile:

Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 01-14-2014 03:31
Quote " There is no-where written that WQT can be performed with multiple process, except for procedure qualifications.

If this is allowed "Welder and Welding Operator qualification through WPS qualification". Then it's hard to understand why the WQT cannot be performed with multiple processes when it says that the welding personnel shall follow a WPS applicable to the test required.

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-14-2014 04:58 Edited 01-14-2014 07:17
If you're referring to ASME Section IX Joey, then I may lean towards your logic but, the OP is referring to AWS D1.1 which has a totally different approach to welder qualification regarding multiple processes or rather no approach as it doesn't allow it based on the logic being used...

To quote Al's earlier response: "As noted, the range of thickness for which the welder is qualified is based on the thickness of the test coupon, not the weld deposit. Thus, there is no means whereby the welder can weld with more than one process on a single test plate. If a different logic is applied, i.e., several welding processes are used on a single test plate you would encounter situations where the welder could use several welding processes on a single plate and be qualified for thickness ranges measuring several times the thickness of the weld deposited with each process."

I believe that pretty much explains one of the differences between the two codes IMHO.:grin::smile::lol::wink::cool:

Btw, who is Manny "Pac-man" Pacquiao (thanks for the correct spelling Joey) going to fight next joey? I'm glad he came back won his last fight and is still fighting right?

Parent - - By Joey (***) Date 01-14-2014 07:09
Thanks for the explanation Henry.

Manny indicated during recent interview that his choice is to fight Timothy Bradley. Robert "The Ghost" Guererro is also another possible opponent in 2014.
But I'd love to see Mayweather vs Pacquiao, their name-calling "insecure coward" & "desparate dog" is a good indication that they will face in the ring sooner or later:lol::grin::yell:  

Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-14-2014 07:16
Wouldn't that be an interesting fight eh? However, I agree with Manny's thinking in going for another chance @ Bradley because anyone with a half of a brain knows the Manny won the first one... And once he avenges his loss to Bradley, he will go after either Mayweather or Guererro and then retire on top which is the best way to do so!!!

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 01-14-2014 07:37
Bradley won me 40 bucks in that fight!
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 01-14-2014 09:10
I'm happy for you but like I said before, anyone with half a brain knows who really won that fight and it sure wasn't Bradley!
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