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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Orbitalum and EH Wachs feedback
- - By TheSavvy1 (**) Date 03-01-2014 21:04
Just thought I would reach out to all and get your opinions of the Orbitalum  welding and tube prep equipment. As well as the EHWACHS tube and pipe prep equipment.

We are the rep for Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Montana and Texas.

Any feedback, suggestions or interest in seeing  a demo would be appreciated.

Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-01-2014 21:54
I work with your gear both EH-WACH and the Orbitalum tube and pipe prep gear. Very good gear, very expensive gear. The shear pins are a bit feeble, they do shear without a lot of stress.
For the price, I would have thought your gear would be bullet proof and not need such feeble shear pins but they are moderately easy to replace. This is a cost when the work force have to spend a couple of hours replacing them, plus the down time for welding!
Parent - - By TheSavvy1 (**) Date 03-10-2014 22:10
46.00,  Would you happen to know the model of the tool you were working with? Or type and capacity?
Parent - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-11-2014 00:18 Edited 03-11-2014 00:56
Not until I get back to NM, sorry be a month or two! 6inch aluminium was the main prob, square edge maybe 3-4mm thick.....we do use your top end gear, not the usual stuff!
Parent - - By Blaster (***) Date 03-01-2014 21:55 Edited 03-01-2014 21:59
I bought a couple of Wachs SDB 103 end prep machines that we use in our community college welding school.  We use them almost exclusively to prep 2" and 3" pipe ends.  They came configured with the Metabo drill motors for power.

We have been using them for several years and they are in use about 120 days per year.  They do an excellent job at what they are supposed to do.  The bevels and lands come out VERY close to perpendicular to the pipe axis, and they prep the pipe fast so the guys can weld more pipe per day.  We are very happy with the end preps.

After their first couple of months it became very difficult to turn the handles on either machine.  We disassembled the feed housing assemblies, cleaned them, polished a part or two with Crocus cloth, greased them, put them back together, and they have worked fine since.  Not a huge deal in the shop, but not something you would want to do out in the field.

The Metabo drill motors are marginal for their duty.  We are still using them, but they are susceptible to thermal shut downs if the guys run the motors too slow.  Also and the clutch mechanisms are still working fine, but they do seem to release a bit more easily than would be optimum.

The roll pins that hold the legs in the end of mandrel are are occasionally problematic as they periodically back out just enough that a leg comes free.   It is a nuisance to then stop, take the screws out of the draw bar, and get everything reassembled correctly.

Last thing, the mandrel has to be extended well out of the machine for it to fit in its Pelican case.  Then to use the machine, the mandrel has to be pulled well back in to the machine first.  This is a time consuming nuisance as it requires LOTS of of turning of the handle to move the mandrel in or out several inches for storage v. operation.

The manual and included tools are great.  The quiet operation of the unit is nice too.  Dealing with Wachs on the phone and by email was pleasant. 

Overall we have been happy with them and would buy them again.  They were the only American made machines I found and honestly that was the deciding factor in my decision to buy them over another brand.  However I would like to see the items I described above improved.
Parent - By TheSavvy1 (**) Date 03-10-2014 22:05
Really appreciate both of your feedbacks.

I have passed this on to the factory and I will provide you each updates as soon as I receive it.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Orbitalum and EH Wachs feedback

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