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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Things I have learned about Texas after being gone for 30 yr
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 03-05-2014 01:51
Slight culture shock but should be expected, heck it has been a large portion of my life since living here.  1. everyone is renting in tx, property taxes are high enough to seriously consider not retiring here.  I am looking at 4-6 g per year on properties I am looking at.  Pastureland is field with gold in north tx apparently....4-7k per acre.  2. Housing is a buyers market every where I have are overpriced about 28% by the standards I am use to.  Of course TX is a huge area, I am only looking in NE area.  But yea my money will get stretched down here....things to ponder.  The grass ain't always greener thing....but ya really don't see it till it is staring you in the face.
Parent - By vagabond (***) Date 03-05-2014 18:31
Still one of the cheapest areas to get close to the water in this country though.  I didn't realize the property taxes were that high.  I've been planning my exit strategy for when the kid is done with school in 3 years.  I'm still considering TX or TN if I stay in this country at all.  Seriously considering going out of the country and just coming back for shut down work or other contract stuff if I can't stay busy elsewhere.
Parent - By 522029 (***) Date 03-06-2014 00:50 Edited 03-06-2014 00:54
Property taxes are high.   No state income tax..   Kind of balances out.

Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 03-12-2014 21:48
Haha!! I had to read this when I saw the topic!!

Next county over or the one over from that and I bet I could pick up land for $1-2k an acre. But you're pretty far out by that point. Around me probably $3-4k but the wine o's have moved in turning it into what they believe is the next Napa Valley I guess. Good for me in another 10-15, sell my house high! Property tax for me and almost 2 acres, less than $800/year. No state income tax and I believe the whole state would revolt if they tried, oh, they have tried and we did. 9.25% tax on everything though, not painful. Rolling hills, in the middle, rivers and lakes galore. Mountains in the east, a plateau with more rivers, lakes. Flat in the west with Memphis, upper west Tennessee is pretty flat up near Missouri. Not fond of Memphis myself. Registration on my truck at 16k, commercial is $138/year. Open or conceal carry and we like our guns in Tennessee. Yeah, pretty good place to be as long as the Komifornians don't move out here wanting to ruin everything.

Good luck man! I know I've heard your woes in our conversations! Boy! Do I know about greener grass!! Hahaha!!! Chat with you later man!!

Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Things I have learned about Texas after being gone for 30 yr

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