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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / How do I become a C.W.I?
- - By srheston Date 02-26-2014 23:13
Some people have told me to order the books off of the body of knowledge, and others have said to take the seminars. Don't know what I should do. Any suggestions?
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-26-2014 23:49
Parent - - By srheston Date 02-26-2014 23:55
Thank you!!!!
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-27-2014 00:04

Sorry, I was in a hurry, had something to take care of.


I highly recommend both.  It will increase your ODDS tremendously.

But, have you made sure you are qualified in years in the trade?  Do you have the money to invest in your future?  Do you have the time to study?

All answers better be 'YES' or you are headed for trouble. 

Study is never wasted.  More knowledge of your chosen profession is an asset.  Makes you more valuable.  And, more comfortable with your abilities and finished product.

The seminar, no matter how much you know going in, will always benefit.  Adds more perspective.  Offers great advice.  Gives an opportunity for networking. 

You combine both and you will be on top of your game going into the test.  Most of us have been there.  If you think you can study all the study material in one week and then pass the test you would have to be quite good at studying and taking tests.  The percentage of passing scores lowered this year when they changed all three parts of the exam. 

Good luck.

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - - By srheston Date 02-27-2014 00:19
Thank you for the warm welcome! I have 18 college credit hours, and have been welding for 12 years so I am pretty sure I qualify. I am currently a welder, and I am ready to take it to the next level. I do have the time and money to invest in my future, so I am thinking this is a for sure go. Your information is so helpful. I really appreciate it. I have been trying to get information from C.W.I.s who come into my job to inspect our welds and I was never able to get a direct answer, so I decided to join the A.W.S in hopes that I could find at least a starting point. I think this was a great decision:smile: Thanks again!
Parent - - By welderbrent (*****) Date 02-27-2014 01:25
As a member of AWS you get a 25% discount on all materials and seminars.  You should also check to see where and when your section meets and get to know people who participate at that level. 

Many, not all by any means, who just come into your shop will be concerned about their jobs and don't want competition.  Those who are active are generally those who are more willing to share information and help you get started.  Sometimes you can even borrow books from them to study ahead of time so you aren't out the extra money.

I bought all the books ahead of time and studied for several months before going to the seminar.  Then, when I got the 'FREE' books at the seminar I passed the extra set on to my son who was my shop foreman and he has now taken the exam and is a CWI as well.  We closed the shop and do all inspections work now, well, almost (some customers you just can't say 'no' to and they pay well). 

You can find info on the AWS website under 'certifications' and also under 'sections' to see where your section meets.  Some sections even post their meetings down at the bottom of this forum under 'section bulletin boards'.  In AZ we use the email service available through Miami and all members with a registered email get notified of meetings. 

Oh, you are qualified to sit for the exams.  That is enough education and experience if the experience is code related. 

Have a Great Day,  Brent
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 02-27-2014 10:31
I wish that I would have taken the seminar but the $500.00 ish plus travel to the testing site was all I could do. I hear lots of great things about the seminar. Back in '08 I almost made to the Boot Camp for my nine year renewal but again money was my hindrance. It won't be long before my nine year comes around again maybe I'll get to make it to the Boot Camp this next time.
I'm currently completing my B.A.Sc. degree and graduate at the end of summer and I plan on taking all of the AWS online seminars, I realize that they won't be the same experience as the live version but it will be one step closer. Just hoping I get one live seminar before Father=Time takes the ability to attend away from me.
Parent - By Milton Gravitt (***) Date 02-27-2014 12:27
rheston, If you do take the seminar take it first then wait a while then take your test I wish I had done that. It is something to think about.

Parent - - By BHolland88 Date 03-06-2014 20:48
I recently took a course and this is how I did it:

I enrolled in the course and got my books 1 month prior to the start of the class. My class ran for almost 30 days for 3 hours per night Monday thru Friday. The month before the exam I studied all the books I had. Really kind of took it easy and only read them at night for like an hour or so. Then the day my class started my routine and study habits changed. I went from reading an hour or so each night to waking up at 4am and reading until I had to be at work at 8am. Then I read and took practice exams during my lunch hour and both breaks. After work I went directly to my class (or seminar) and had the instructor do his thing. After class was done at 8pm I would go home and study until about midnight. On Saturday and Sundays I studied for like 12 hours a day. (Mind you it is one month of your time to excuse yourself from activities and family (if you are married with kids like me). My wife was very understanding and helpful so I had nothing to worry about but work and study. This carried on the entire month of Jan. 2014. The week before my exam on Feb. 1st I had some vacation time from work and took 5 days off. This way I could cram the last week before my test. I took my test on Feb 1st 2014 and passed my first attempt. The test is no joke but if you can commit yourself to the books and take all the practice tests you can then you will do just fine! The test is a solid 6 hours of questions with a lunch break and small breaks in between each of the 3 sections. Here is the payoff: I passed my exam and found out less than 1 week after taking the exam. (Tested on a Saturday and had my results on the following Friday). That Monday after my results came in I started applying and sending out my resume. I was welding full time for an oil and gas company and making $18.65 an hour. A few days into my job search I started to get discouraged because I too had over 12 years invested in my welding career but started to notice all the jobs pertaining to my new CWI field were wanting 5,10 even 15 years experience in inspection. Along with wanting me to already have other NDE certifications (such as UT, PT, MT). Well all I had was a CWI and a welding background. But I remained persistent and reached out to anyone and everyone I knew that might "know somebody" and ended up being hired by a local inspection company who fast tracked me and put me to work. Hard to believe that I tested on Feb 1st 2014 and here we are March 6th 2014 and this is my current standing: I am certified CWI, certified level 2 in UT, PT, and MT. I work in Kansas making $35 an hour and am working 60+ hours a week. I have a high per diem and I ended up with the job and pay I was told I could get once certified. I am willing to travel so the only down side to CWI is if you are not willing to travel then you are wasting your time. I am fortunate enough to have kids who are older and a wife that supports me all the way. I will be on this job as a 3rd party inspector for Kiewit for over a year.

That is my story. I wish I would have started this many years ago but at a tender age of 38 I think I started at just the right time. So be willing to travel, be willing to study hard, and don't give up on your job search and you too will have the same success. I wish you luck and if you ever need and help just let me know and I will do the best I can to help. Good luck and God bless!!!
Parent - - By ctacker (****) Date 03-06-2014 22:52
I would be interested to know how you got all your training hours for UT, MT, & PT completed in a months time.
Parent - By Mwccwi (***) Date 03-07-2014 10:09
Mayhe was working his NDT hours 24hrs a day. I see level IIs often granted in-house at various companies in remarkably short periods of time, things that make you go hummm.
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / How do I become a C.W.I?

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