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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Personal Development Hours
- - By Cat Date 03-10-2014 17:47
Hello all- I am new to this forum.  I have had a CWI Certification since July, 2000.  I worked for a major Utility Company for 34 years and retired February 1st.  I have all of my information on my hours involving welding activities but not sure if I need someone else to validate these now that I am retired.  Can someone shed some light on this subject please?  My 3 year revert is this July-my 9 year is in 2017.

Thanks in advance
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 03-10-2014 18:06
HI Cathy,
Welcome to the forum. Are you planning to continue to work as a CWI since you have retired? If so I would think that you could validate your continuity with a log or some sort of record of your involvement in welding inspection related activities.
Parent - By Superflux (****) Date 03-11-2014 02:56
I'm confused. The math does not seem to add up. CWI from 07/2000 and then 2014 for a 3 year recert, then a 9 year in 2017...
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Personal Development Hours

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