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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Two WPS' from 1 PQR
- - By marktski (**) Date 03-14-2014 16:28
Gentlemen, I come again to seek knowledge. I have a PQR to ASME IX, it has a two pass TIG root and remainder done with FCAW.
Am I allowed per QW 200.2  (f) to write 1 WPS for TIG alone, and 1 WPS for FCAW alone? 316L Stainless.
Parent - - By swsweld (****) Date 03-16-2014 15:36
Yes, you can write multiple WPS's from one PQR but with only (2) GTAW passes you will have limited thickness on that process. QW 451.1 Max thickness (t) of deposited weld metal, qualified is 2t.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 03-16-2014 16:13
Feels very lonely in here recently:sad:
Parent - By swsweld (****) Date 03-16-2014 16:43
True, hopefully that will change soon. I'm more active now and plan on continuing to participate in the future. It's a great resource and would be a shame if it continues to dwindle.
For different reasons, I rarely participated for a couple of years but did use the search feature for technical issues more often.
I will post more instead of just using the search feature, although it may cause some redundancy, it will help the activity plus the newer members might not have seen the answers/debates of the previously asked questions.
Parent - - By marktski (**) Date 03-17-2014 11:43
Can I write a WPS with all FCAW with no TIG root?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 03-17-2014 12:05
Given that the Code clearly states that you can, in exceptionally unambiguous language, I suspect your problem is of a different nature. Either you have not dealt with the Code very much and lack confidence in your comprehension of it, or somebody has told you that you can't, and you are looking to reinforce a position.
Parent - - By marktski (**) Date 03-17-2014 12:45
I was pretty certain I could use the TIG portion up to a certain size 2T.
I was not sure I could by-pass the TIG root using FCAW only. Thank
you for the assistance, and the appraisal of my problem. I am using this
forum as a learning opportunity. I worked 30 years writing procedures to
OEM standards, I am 3 months new to ASME, and I highly regard the
advice and tutelage I receive here.  THANKS ALL !!!
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 03-17-2014 15:03
Section IX can be tough when you first start out. I've been doing Section IX for over 20 years and still learn new things every day. And recently I was involved in a debate between a couple of guys that are extremely intelligent and knowledgeable in Section IX, in fact, they sit on Section IX, and they had a disagreement about a very fundamental part of the Code. So don't feel like the lone ranger.
- By 46.00 (****) Date 03-14-2014 21:39
Yes subject to certain conditions!
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Up Topic Welding Industry / ASME Codes / Two WPS' from 1 PQR

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