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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Advice for a beginner?
- - By HNirider Date 07-24-2004 01:25
I am about to recieve a really old stick welder that belonged to my grandfather, who died 30 years ago. I may be watching too much "American Chopper" but I want to build some projects with it (workbench, etc). Problem is I don't know anything about welding. All I know about the machine is that it is stick and 220V.

I also assume I'll need an oxy/acetylene cutting setup but there are way too many choices. A portable garage version would be preferable.

My main concern is that I don't shock or kill myself or blow my house up. Any information or links concerning basic welding, welding/cutting equipment recommendations or anything else that applies would be greatly appreciated.

Parent - - By pjseaman (**) Date 07-24-2004 03:20
For cutting purposes and ease of welding a chop saw will do a better job and leave the material better for welding. For ease of learning curve try e7018 in 1/8" and before you start trying to weld up anything important try welding some flat plates to get the hang of it. On 7018 you will drag the rod with little or no weave and if you stop you will have trouble restarting the rod.

The basic list of materials and tools,
Welding gloves, Shade 10 welding hood, 4-1/2" grinder, chipping hammer, wire brush.

Oxy/fuel cutting is great if you need to bend material or cut any really heavy steel. I don't prep for welding with it, its just too dirty.

I hope this helps, good luck
Parent - - By billvanderhoof (****) Date 07-24-2004 05:17
Some of those old machines have trouble starting 7018 rods (not enough open circuit voltage) if so try 6013 (real easy) or 6011. Add a long sleeve shirt to the equipment list, the uv from welding will give you a sunburn quicker than you would believe.
Have fun
Parent - By pjseaman (**) Date 07-24-2004 13:49
Thanks Bill I did forget the coverups. I had alot of trouble early on welding with 6011 then I got to use 7018 and a terrific boost in my confidence. Also as a beginner you may have trouble with flipping the hood and staying where you need to weld, if so a auto-darkening hood is nice but I would stay clear of the cheap ones and buy a good one from a brand name that you have heard of.
Parent - By Malcolm (*) Date 07-25-2004 00:10
You might consider propylene instead of acetylene for cutting. It is safer to use and handle than acetylene. And the cylinder weighs less. It works real well for cutting, gouging, etc., just about everything except oxyfuel welding. Best to use an injector type mixer like Harris offers if you go this way.

I suggest you take an introductory welding class at your local community college. It will cover the safety issues and get you started as far as technique goes
Parent - By SteelDet (*) Date 07-25-2004 15:51
If it turns out to be an ac only machine get the 7018AC rod instead of regular 7018 rods. Look for the message thread titled "welding with 7018 vs 6013" and also "welding with 7018" on this board. Sounds like to me 7018 is hard to keep without a rod oven. Regardless of what rods you buy get yourself a couple of the plastic rod holders to keep them in ($6-$7). There are some excellent books for beginners as well.
This one is good...

You might want to get a few, check out...

There are a couple of threads on this board where people recommend books, look for other threads where beginners ask for advice and you will find the titles.

Of course an experienced weldor at your side to help you get started is the best way to help you get going, but get the books and read them anyway, the person that is standing at your side may be a bozo :)
Parent - By jwright650 (*****) Date 07-26-2004 18:43
Hi Hank,
Here at work we start a guy/gal out on a 7024 flat/horz. drag rod, just to get them melting some rods. After they gain some confidence that there isn't anything to this welding stuff, we move them on to another flat/horz. postion rod called the 7028(a lo-hy rod). Now that they are very confident that this is so easy and have the tiger by the tail, we move them to the "magnet in the end" rod, the 7018 (also a lo-hy rod). The 7018 is an all position rod and is fussier to run as a beguinner, however if you are up to the challenge and not easily discouraged jump on in there with the 7018 and have a go. Some others have pointed out some good pointers, especially about the smaller buzz boxes and the difficulty to run the 7018 on them due to the lower open circuit voltage which would add to the frustration as a beguinner.
Practice...practice....practice some more.
John Wright
Parent - By HNirider Date 07-26-2004 21:03
Thanks to all of you for the great advice.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Advice for a beginner?

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