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Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QW-404.12
- - By gastonM (**) Date 05-19-2014 18:22
If i have a pqr, qualifying a WPS (impact test requirements) in which the filler metal is E8018-C3, and then, I wish to write another WPS (quasi identical) except for the filler metal change to E8018-C4. Need I,  to make another PQR to support the new WPS?. I consider that is not necesary, but need yours opinions.

Best Regards.

Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 05-19-2014 19:15
Filler metal classification is a supplementary essential variable. So, you can use the original PQR to support a new WPS, but it cannot be for a WPS supporting toughness testing using the new filler metal.
Parent - - By gastonM (**) Date 05-19-2014 19:46
I was pointing to the toughness. I think that C4 is a suffix, that has greater  toughness than  C3, at the same temperature (see 404.12 (e)). Are you agree?
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 05-19-2014 20:19 Edited 05-19-2014 20:21
The suffix in your case is a change in nominal chemistry. So I would argue that you cannot issue a new CVN WPS without requalification.
QW-404.12(e) only applies when the suffix pertains to an impact testing regime. In this case the suffix also pertains to nominal chemistry.
The suffix C4 is not the same as the suffix -1 used in QW-404.12(e).
Parent - - By gastonM (**) Date 05-20-2014 00:26
But the A-number and clasification are the same. I don't see, where is the applicability, which you are mentioning. by other hand, the requalification should consist in make mechanical tests + cvn test in weld metal (certified by consumable manufacturer) and CVN in HAZ, that should be basically the same because the wps parameters are the same. I am not saying that i am right, its just a thought. I feel that a requalification should be not necesary, but in 30 days i will have an exam, if they ask me, I will respond, requalification is necesary.

Thank you.
Parent - By js55 (*****) Date 05-20-2014 11:53
The A-No is the same but the classification is not the same. C3 is not C4 any more the NiCrMo-3 is the same as NiCrMo-4, or 90S-B3 is the same as 90S-B9. These suffixes are related to chemistry differences not moisture, diffusible hydrogen, or testing regimes as are other suffixes. Not all suffixes are the same. This is why QW-404.12 has the lettered exceptions.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Technical Discussions / QW-404.12

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