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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 80% of the problem, Lawyers
- - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 06-27-2014 03:55
The good part of this post is a link to a little story involving a trip to the liquor store by Mike Rowe.  I celebrity that I actually have some respect for.  But here is my rant

I have always felt strongly that 80% or so of our financial problems in general with our economy are not really perpetuated by stock brokers, bankers, embezzlers or even the idiots at the FED.   I think about it every time I see one of those billboards "Hit by a big rig?  CALL 1-800-555-GREED"  Slime & Sleazebag Law Firm.   Every time those commercials come on tv..."did you take viagra, asthma medicine, sleeping pills or every work at a job of any dang kind that actually built anything?  Funds are available call now!!!"   It may be simplistic on my part but think about how much the Doctor, the hospital, pay in malpractice (lawsuit protection" insurance, or the the chainsaw manufacturer, ladder company, the folks who made your car  (ok they are self insured) but believe me its figured in the price you pay.   It makes me sick to my stomach to listen to certain politicians rant and rave about the insurance companies fixing rates, and the drug manufactures ripping everyone off.  I guess there minds cannot focus on a train of thought for more then a minute or two cause the root cause is actually litigation, crooked and stupid Judges...awarding ridiculous settlements and setting ridiculous precedents for the next scumbag to use in the next case.   Why do you get an dictionary sized booklet of warning pages in small print when you go get your blood pressure medicine at the pharmacy???   That is one set of attorneys trying to protect the pharmacy and the drug manufacture from another set of attorneys looking for the next big score.  It is a relentless silly game played out daily, totally wasting our judicial resources and our tax dollars.  Taking large sums of cash for a few, and putting others out of business or out of work.   Every single thing you buy from a loaf of bread to a can of paint is affected by this, and we all just sit back and accept it like it is normal life and it's ok.  

Do not get me wrong on this though;  There are many lawsuits that are just causes, where companies or individuals knowingly and with intent let situations occur that caused great harm to others.  However you cannot replace a life with an agreed monetary figure, nor can you get your health back.  There needs to be some limits, some restraint and just plain sanity injected into the legal system in this area by trainloads.   Nothing is ever going to be perfect, no amount of R&D is going to perfectly guarantee every drug, or surgery, roadway or vehicle is perfectly safe.  It simply is not possible.  To get on a plane is a risk, to eat at a restaurant is a risk, to cut an apple with a knife is a risk, to lick an envelope seal it and walk to the mailbox is a risk.  Right now in America it is perfectly legitimate to sue everyone for the slightest injury or even perceived inconvenience for that matter.   Hell I guess I better call an Attorney so I can sue the heck out of the weatherman, he said it was going to be sunny this morning and when I got up a seen a few clouds and it just bummed me out...that sum biscuit owes ME!!!  Rant over  

Mike Rowe's encounter with litigating crotch wipes at the store:
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 06-28-2014 01:28
Liability is THE most destructive force against creativity and ingenuity... I'm willing to bet many solutions to the worlds problems have been shut down due to the dangers of the creator being sued by f***wits with no life or useful skills.
I'm pretty sure if we dragged 99% of the lawyers who focus on that male bovine excrement out to the streets and shot them that the whole world would be better off or at the very least not even notice they were gone.
A little harsh... maybe. But the number of times I've heard of and had ideas shot down due to the perceived liability of it... well I'm a bit fed the F*** up.  :lol:
With all that said I do get that Some of it is needed. SOME. Not nearly what we have today...
Mike Rowe's a decent guy, gotta give him credit. I still like when he went before congress and gave them a good rant about jobs and work.
Parent - - By 46.00 (****) Date 06-28-2014 02:09
We all  know that 'they' figured out how to run cars on water years ago but the big gas companies stopped that technology in it's tracks.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 06-29-2014 01:33
I have the opinion that we've all been getting the shaft since  the FBI shut down Tesla's nifty lab and took most of his notebooks, never to be seen again.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-04-2014 09:13
So true Clif!
Parent - By Cumminsguy71 (*****) Date 06-28-2014 13:11
Well, you do have a point. Next time I'm in town I will take a picture of the $1 million dollar parking lot TRH built in our tiny little town. Funny thing is every time I drive by there they are not using the parking lot, all of the employees are parked in the old parking lot.
- - By lo-hi (**) Date 06-29-2014 21:56
Lets ponder the scenario that when a politician sues another politician  the taxpayers pick up the tab.
Parent - - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-02-2014 05:21
I am glad at the posts here because it proves the point....its everywhere you look.
Parent - - By PlasmaHead2 (***) Date 07-03-2014 02:18
Indeed it is good sir... Indeed it is...
Hope things are going good for you. It can't be as good as my day today... So I will share for your enjoyment. :twisted:
Today I showed up at work to be greeted by a local Poop Hauling companys truck parked in the work bay. They needed a new main output outlet attached. It was 89 something degrees and about as swampy as upstate NY gets. I had to torch the old one off and fit the new one, something around 21" dia. but only about .187" thick. I'll let you imagine the details of the smells and sights....
Other than the one "Sausage link" my one co-worker spotted deep in the bowels of the tank...:roll::eek:
AT least I didn't have to weld the back side of it. Grinding it clean was fun enough...
Oh! Did I mention that the part they gave me to weld on was not quite the same diameter as the one I cut off?
Yeah... it wasn't... Lots of fun.... :twisted::yell:
End of the day, The truck is ready to haul loads of political promises on down the road for further treatment... And I needed a really long shower.
Take care man
Parent - By Tommyjoking (****) Date 07-04-2014 22:14
Clif for me its just the roller coaster rodeo of being on my own and poking round the oilfield.....some days are winners and others are depressing.   BUt hey its all just a game and you got to get your strategy's lined up to hit the ball every time.  HAHAHA on your story, I could swap a few out with you on welding in the bowels of hell....but the only turd chasing I ever did was plumbing on my own house cause I am a capable cheapskate.:grin:
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / 80% of the problem, Lawyers

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