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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hung Chow
- - By Superflux (****) Date 07-12-2014 19:49 Edited 07-12-2014 20:08
The culinary arts across this world is one of my passions to experience. To a certain extent. I do have my limitations.
My very good friend/personal masseuse/tour guide and Thai Interpreter (of 2 years) was with me shopping at the market (see previous Toilet post for details) suddenly did a double take and an about face while were seeking street food snacks for dinner. "Chjohn!" (my take on Thai engrish for John) "I must have flied animal". It velly, velly goot". So I'm thinking fried shrimp, chicken, pork, blood sucking octopi tentacles, whatever. Totally unprepared for this. The smell was horrendous, and the sight was equally appalling. To top it off, she did not just eat one... oh hell no, she snarfed down a six pack of them crispy critters. They were deep fried cockroaches!!!!! The size of a mature prawn.
Sorry about the blurriness, but as you might well imagine (and please sympathize) with me, I was a bit queasy.
I am forever marred from this event.
The horror.
The smell.
I'd rather have eaten an aardvark anus off the commode lid of a Portuguese anchovy boat.
I then strenuously advised she gargle with kerosene before getting close to me.
I used to think she was Hot.
Gotta rethink that one...
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Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-13-2014 02:32
I wonder John... Did they at the very least use peanut oil?

Seriously though, I get kind of queasy also from the thought of having to digest that but then again, if one must survive and there's nothing else around to eat then I would probably get used to those as well... Now the fresh ones I'll pass on for sure.:surprised::eek::roll::grin::lol::yell::lol::wink::cool:

Ahhh yes Thailand... What a country indeed... Is the country still under martial law John? If it is then watch your six okay bud? And remember that 3 & 9 can come at you just as quick without notice... It may not be so prevalent in Phuket but be careful nonetheless.

Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 07-13-2014 05:04
No civil unrest down here in the tropics. Not sure about martial law in Bangkok. I'll be there sometime next week but only to regroup and launch up north into the jungle.
I've always tried to sustain a Defcon 3/Condition yellow status. Being me has made such mandatory. Always carry one's self with an air of confidence and authority. Someone surely is almost always watching you.
I was out in the middle of nowhere near the Red Desert on the edge of the old Oregon Trail thinking I was the only human being within Howitzer range of me. Stumbled over a 1/2 buried strand of barbed wire requiring a 1/2 dozen steps to compose myself. Walked over the top of a small rise and ran into another desert wanderer who smiling said "You dance nice"...

On the crispy critters diet. The worse part was indeed the odor.
In a survival situation, I could eat bus and larvae. Cooking them things though makes for a rather unique aroma.
Peanut oil??? It could not have smelled worse had they fried them in 90w gear oil.
Parent - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 07-13-2014 14:18
Buku crazy man! 90 weight huh, that's some really thick oyel!:lol::yell::lol::yell::lol::yell::twisted::yell::lol::cool:
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Hung Chow

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