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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Color of Test Results /Passivation Test for Stianless Steel
- - By eekpod (****) Date 09-25-2014 10:20
I had to do a test to see if some stainless parts were contaminated by the carbon steel tooling needed to bend the radius's and such.
We have a Koslow Passivation Test Kit # 1626.
You put the a drop of #17(acetate) solution let it sit 60 seconds, blot it with the supplied blotter paper, and then put up to three drops of #10 (alcohol).
The instructions say "if the spot turns bright pink or red the metal has surface free iron on it and is not passive".

My question is what is considered bright pink?
There isn't a photo of different grades of pink.
Does anyone know if there is a visual guide to the different levels of pink for this test?

I checked their website and didn't find anything.  My results are no pink to some pink specs.  The pink specs are tiny (less than a pen point) but are kinda bright pink.  I was thinking the entire spot should be bright pink.
Any thoughts or input would be appreciated.
Parent - - By ssbn727 (*****) Date 09-26-2014 08:40 Edited 09-26-2014 08:42
Do you mean this test? It certainly looks like the one you're describing except for the pink color which in this one it's more of a pink rose color than a bright pink...

This one is the Copper sulfate test which is an alternative to the cyanide test mentioned below by Sperko Engineering:,-simple-Stainless-Steel-test-kits/Copper-Sulphate-Test/C10-117-1-0.htm

This one is really High Tech gizmo:eek::roll::cool::

Or one of these Doo - Hickies:

This the Ferroxyl Test that's very toxic and DANGEROUS and potentially Life Threatening:

Ferroxyl Solution for Finding Free Iron on Stainless Steel
Distilled Water 1 liter
Nitric Acid 30 milliliters
Potassium Ferrocyanide 30 grams<<<<EXTREME CAUTION!!! Note this method of testing is very toxic, and potentially life threatening...
DO NOT USE with any stainless steel associated for any use with foods because of the cyanide.

Another good article, or two, or three, or more:

I helped to install quite a few of these amongst other brands of Cooling Towers, Closed Circuit Coolers, and Evaporative Condensers all over the Metro - New York City, Long Island, and Westchester County... Too many "lolly" columns and structural frame work to remember how many we erected to mount the units on... This is an informative bulletin:

Good info here:

I just thought of adding this also:

This stuff is fantastic but not inexpensive!

There's more but, I'm going back to sleep... Best of luck.

Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 09-29-2014 13:07
Thanks Henry for that info.

Yes it is just like the first one you listed with the drops and blotter paper, although not that brand.
That link you gave me was the first time I have seen a color associated with the test so that right there helped me see what they mean by bright pink.

My test results were not a dramatic as that and very very minor.

Thanks Again
Parent - - By OBEWAN (***) Date 09-29-2014 13:35
You did not mention which standard you are required to comply with.

The American Society for Materials/Metals (ASM) or ASTM can probably give you some useful information - as well as some of the major stainless supplies - like Carpenter Technology...???
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 09-29-2014 18:48
I don't know off hand which society this particular part would meet.  I was asked to do this as a general test to make sure they are not contaminated.
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Color of Test Results /Passivation Test for Stianless Steel

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