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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Great Job CHGuilford
- - By qcmike (**) Date 08-18-2004 20:56
I just thought I'd drop a note on the great article about Chet in the summer edition of Inspection Trends. It is great to read about QA/QC shop inspectors that really care about their job and the important work that they do.

Over the past weeks I have been reading more and more postings on this BBS and have come to realize what a great tool it really is. By the way this is my first post. However, more often than not you see Chet responding. This shows the devotion and great interest he has for the field of welding and structural steel fabrication. Moreover, it is aparent he takes great joy in helping people out with whatever problems they may be having.

Furthermore, it is great to finally read something positive in an industry full of bad news. It has been tough to hear about all of the diferent companies closing all the time. Especially up here in the Northeast. Everyone in the industry knows what a tough year it has been for all fabricators. With rising steel prices and tighter profit margins it is easy for a company to look at quality as a place to cut corners and make some of the money back. I have been encountering this situation more and more lately. Now, more than ever we as inspectors need to remember to not only follow the code, but also be team players as Chet points out.

Again, keep up the good work Chet. I look forward to reading more of your responses.


Parent - - By CHGuilford (****) Date 08-19-2004 23:09
Thank you, qcmike, and welcome to the forum. I almost didn't respond to your comment because I don't like to make a big deal about myself, but that wouldn't be polite of me. Seriously, I don't feel I have done all that much to brag about.

There are a lot of folks who are far more knowledgeable and experienced than I am. In fact today, after sitting in on a National Board audit for our company, I realize how little I know about that business. My co-workers who deal with boilers and such were using terminology and jargon that I have no clue about and all I could do is give a "knowing smile", a nod of the head, and try not to say anything stupid. It always impresses me that no matter what we think we know, there is still a lot more to learn. I doubt I'll ever absorb as much as those guys have learned about boilers. (Trouble is, they're catching on fast about buildings too; so I know I'll have some stiff competition :-)

But I do appreciate that the important part was noticed. I have had to deal with some"arrogant " inspectors over my past. Thankfully, the majority are not that way but I always try to remember their example of what not to do. No big deal, really, just treat others as you want to be treated. All the rest will fall into place.

Again, thanks and welcome.
Parent - By rodofgod (**) Date 08-22-2004 23:12
Hi All!

"just treat others as you want to be treated. All the rest will fall into place".

What a great piece of advice!

Having come across some 'ignorant' people myself, This piece of advice stands out! No One can know it all!, Some think they do! The secret is knowing what you do know and holding your 'hand's' up to what you don't!

I've found, when you do that, the majority of times, someone comes to your aid!


Parent - - By jwright650 (*****) Date 08-24-2004 12:54
As you pointed out, many of us newer CWI's(mainly speaking of myself) need some guidance from time to time and simply some assurance that we aren't taking too hard a stand on some issues we cross in our work. I rely on Chet and his experiences, along with all the other knowledgeable posters on this forum for help. This is a great tool and needs to be recognized as such.
Look forward to your participation on the forum and anything you can bring to the knowledge pool.
John Wright
Parent - By qcmike (**) Date 08-24-2004 13:53
Exactly JW,

People in general, not just inspectors tend to gravitate toward things they do well. Some inspectors just look at welds and are interested in being in the shop. Others like the paperwork end, and spend all day going over quality procedures and material test reports. You have to handle each personality differently.

I am also NACE certified. I encourage all inspectors to take this program. In session 2 they really teach how to handle all of the different personalities we have to deal with on a daily basis. Very informative and educational.

Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / Great Job CHGuilford

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