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Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Standard WPSs (From AWS)
- - By Inspector Date 04-09-2015 12:59
Here I discuss the AWS list of standard WPSs (WPS=Welding Procedure Specification). In AWS, the use of standard WPSs are suggested. In order to reduce the costs related to the preparation of WPS and its qualification (PQR) in welding cases and for the saving of time, AWS has prepared, suggested and published a collection of standard WPSs. These include most common cases of welding in the industry which does not need further preparation and qualification of WPSs. (In the tables, the “ORDER NUMBER” is the number of the standard WPS which should be referred to in the AWS publications.)
​Best Regards,
​Pejman Malekinejad.

or this link which ever works include the listing of SWPS:
Parent - - By Lawrence (*****) Date 04-09-2015 15:25
Very interesting,

Here (the AWS forum) we also discuss Standard Welding Procedure Specifications (SWPS)

Please feel invited to use the search function of the forum here and type in "SWPS"   You will find great depth and debate in both format and application of SWPS's as they apply to both production and education.
Parent - - By Inspector Date 04-09-2015 16:14
Dear Lawrence,
Thanks for your guidance.
Best Regards,
Pejman Malekinejad.
Parent - By eekpod (****) Date 04-10-2015 10:16
why do I feel like I just stumbled on a self promoting infomercial?
Up Topic American Welding Society Services / Certifications / Standard WPSs (From AWS)

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