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Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / hook up tig / stick at the same time?
- - By jdove55 (*) Date 09-09-2004 00:44
I have a syncrowave 250. I was wondering if it is ok and safe to have my tig cables and my stick electrode holder hooked up to the machine at the same time. This way I wouldn't have to switch them when changing processes. Thanks
Parent - By kb (*) Date 09-09-2004 04:09
You could do this, but I would recommend against it. Both leads would be active and the chance of the idle lead arcing might just gum up your works. Best to dedicate your processes as you need them. JMHO. It doesn't take that much time to switch over.

Kevin Bentz
Kb Fabrications
Parent - By sparx (**) Date 09-09-2004 12:28
the biggest problems you will encounter in doing this, are that both the stinger and the tig torch will be hot all the time, and if the electrode holder is wrapped around the hanger on your machine, and you are tig welding, the high frequency will jump from the idle electrode holder to the case of the machine....i know this from experience :)
Parent - By hardfacer (*) Date 09-09-2004 15:01
I made up a pig tail with a lug to bolt to the machine and used a female Tweeco quick twist connectors on the other end. The stinger lead and the lead coming off the Power block both have the male ends. I have both my machines set up this way and it allows me to use the stinger on either machine. I found this to be the quickest and safest way.
Parent - - By 357max (***) Date 09-09-2004 18:15
Keep the amount of cable connected when TIG welding to a minimum. This will minimize radiation of High Frequency and possible loss of HF. I like Miller's #168 077 Insulated Dinse Machine Socket (Female). It bolts on to the 1/2inch stud and with the #129 527 Dinse Male connector I can quickly remove the stick cable. Then when TIG welding I connect with the #194 720 air cooled dinse adapter. A little conductive grease in the machine socket and corrosion is non existant. I personally don't like the dangly pig tails.
Parent - By jdove55 (*) Date 09-17-2004 00:56
Thanks everybody for the tips. I'm glad I asked before I tried hooking both up. I think I'll just keep switching the cables as I do now. I don't think I'll be doing much stick after I get my worktable built. Thanks again everyone!!!
Up Topic Welding Industry / General Welding Discussion / hook up tig / stick at the same time?

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