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Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / API vs. ASME Qualifications
- - By AZwelder80 Date 10-06-2015 14:47
I recently worked an inspection job that really feels wrong and incorrect but I have not been successful in finding the anwser in BLACK and WHITE. I mentioned the concern in my reports however I have no physical proof. Can anyone provide some guidance to the anwser?

Pipeline project: welding 20" API5L X60 pipe using API qualified procedures meeting all the essential varibles required in API. However the welders welding the tie in fittings (inservice welds) utilized ASME qualifcation standards to certify but had no ASME procedures availible. They utilized API qualified procedures for inservice pipe welding and the reasoning behind the qualifcation was simply to avoid utilizing Appendix B inservice welding qualifcation testing. The essential varibles between the two qualifcation methods are different along with the standards for acceptance criteria but there is nothing in the codes that states we can work across the codes.

Thank you in advance for any input and guidance.
Parent - - By js55 (*****) Date 10-06-2015 16:00
What's the Code of construction?
Parent - - By AZwelder80 Date 10-06-2015 16:49
API 1104 is the typical code for pipeline welding. However this company made no distingishing differences in there guidelines and offered up 3 different codes for welding qualifications. I have never had a company offer pipeline welders the oppritunity to mix qualifcations like this. It has always been based on the type of work being performed and location of the work. If they had API procedures they only allowed API qualifcations and vise versa or required both qualifcations depending on welding applications.
Parent - By AZwelder80 Date 10-06-2015 16:51
Sorry I left out that the acceptance criteria was API 1104 and the procedures were API 1104.
Parent - By In Tension (**) Date 10-07-2015 00:49
If the construction code is API 1104 then this sounds like some serious monkey-business and it shouldn't take much digging to debunk shenanigans.  Nowhere in 1104 does it reference Section IX, not to mention the methods of performance qualification are not aligned.  API 1104 does allow other standards to supplement requirements ("to meet or exceed") based on good engineering judgement but not wanting to properly certify welders doesn't qualify as good engineering judgement.
So you're saying they're welding to API 1104 but their WPQR's are qualified to Section IX and based on a procedure that they can't produce?  Dunno about that, my friend.
- - By 803056 (*****) Date 10-07-2015 00:22 Edited 10-07-2015 03:10
API procedures do not meet ASME Section IX when the guided bend tests are evaluated to API 1104. The long and short of it is ASME requires the extreme fiber to undergo an elongation of 20%, while API only requires 9% elongation (for carbon steel).

If the welders are evaluated to ASME Section IX, then all the requirements of Section IX would apply. If the welders are qualified to API 1104, then all the requirements of API apply. The essential variables of ASME do not meet API 1104, nor are the essential variable of Section IX in sync with API 1104. I would say the contractor has to make a decision and elect to use one code or the other. Mixing the requirements of two different codes isn't something I would go along with.

Best regards - Al
Parent - By kcd616 (***) Date 10-07-2015 02:02
I will throw in the customer also
contractor needs their ok
- By AZwelder80 Date 10-08-2015 17:35
Thank you for your input. I agree with all of you and may take the question to the API or ASME committee member contact that I have. As an inspector it makes compliance with the codes easier to have the BLACK and WHITE print be viewable. In this instance I have no code issues to state just a recommendation based of experiance that could be followed or not.
Up Topic Welding Industry / Inspection & Qualification / API vs. ASME Qualifications

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