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Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Welding Industry Research
- - By NJones Date 11-04-2015 20:31
Hi All,

My name is Nick Jones, and I’m an analyst at a private investment firm in New York called Domando Capital. We are hoping to do some research in the industrial/commercial welding space. If anyone would be willing to chat with me for a few minutes to chat for a few minutes please reply below or shoot me a message. Really appreciate anyone's willingness to help us out.

Thanks so much!

Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-04-2015 22:59 Edited 11-04-2015 23:07
I am Known throughout the Welding Industry as simply "Cactus". I have been in this game a LONG Time. I would be willing to talk with you but first, I have a few questions as I also have a background with Investor Based Acquisitions. First off, What type of research are you doing and for who ? Is it in the Equipment Field and are your Investors out of Asia or Europe ? I ask this because I am currently engaged with Shell Oil in the Sales of Large Investor Based Transactions for Fuel Acquisitions and I am aware that the US based Investors are playing VERY Close to the Chest , so to speak with ANY new investments, With that being said, and the Euro where it is, Foreign investors are using this opportunity to "Snatch Up" any available markets to which it can benefit. No different than China trying to buy out the "Lions Share" of the Permian Basin within the last week. I am also aware of the Fees that are associated with the Research and Package that it appears you are trying to put together. So Let's do this................Be honest and "lay it on the Table" here for all to see, Exactly WHAT are you researching and for Who ?
Parent - - By Jarhead1 (**) Date 11-05-2015 14:00
Cactus You should be hitting the books...Ha-Ha
Parent - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-05-2015 14:39
I am !! I just had to clear this matter up before someone got Screwed !!
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-04-2015 23:06 Edited 11-04-2015 23:27
After some VERY Brief Research, It appears as though your Company, Domando Capital is only 6 months old and is Incorporated out of Delaware ! Only ONE reason to do this if you are based in New York, The Delaware Corp. was filed in order to Hide its Principals !! My Question is................Why ? What is being Hidden ? I would be wiling to bet that my search on Hoovers doesn't turn up any assets. Am I right ? Not bad for a Dumb Old Welder huh ? So.............Again...........What's REALLY going on ?

Almost forgot:  

File Number:   5751311

Filing State:   Delaware (DE)

Filing Status:   Unknown

Filing Date:   May 20, 2015

Company Age:   6 Months

Registered Agent:  
  National Corporate Research, Ltd.
615 S. Dupont Hwy
Dover, DE 19901
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-04-2015 23:13

Parent - - By aevald (*****) Date 11-05-2015 04:23
Damn Cactus, appears as though you're de-spamming may have hit a nerve with this lad.
Parent - - By Cactusthewelder (*****) Date 11-05-2015 14:40
I HATE Scam Artist from New York !!
Parent - By welderbrent (*****) Date 11-05-2015 16:05
I hate scam and spam artists from anywhere and everywhere though a New Yorker may rank a little higher on that list, right up there with other third world communist countries, like CA.  (Don't get me wrong, we've talked about this, I love the states for their beauty and people, just can't stand the politics including the taxes)

Thanks for your time with the quick research and posting this info up Cactus.

He Is In Control, Have a Great Day,  Brent
Up Topic Chit-Chat & Non-Welding Discussion / Off-Topic Bar and Grill / Welding Industry Research

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