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Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Be Aware...
- - By Superflux (****) Date 01-24-2016 18:58 Edited 01-24-2016 19:00
Hazards are lurking everywhere on your jobsite.
I'm working on a powerplant expansion (up near the Canadian border aye :wink:) and with the increased capacity, new transmission lines are required. This was taken about 20 miles from my project while erecting a new pole. Fortunately the crew saw the tracks in the snow (this is one of the few benefits of life in the frozenated northern plains).
Always thoroughly review your parts and work area for hidden and unsuspected hazards.
Attachment: NoDakCat-2.jpg (146k)
Attachment: NoDakCat-1.jpg (115k)
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 01-25-2016 02:03
PPE wouldn't have helped with that one. Take my chances with a 9" B&D Wildcat waaaay before crawling in there with that one!
Parent - - By Superflux (****) Date 01-25-2016 14:19
No but ya better have the PPE on for the incident report.
Parent - - By Trackergd (**) Date 01-25-2016 19:05
What would be the PPE...a Bomb Disposal Suit? :eek:
Parent - - By pipewelder_1999 (****) Date 01-25-2016 20:45
Maybe a small baby goat or two !
Parent - By Don56 (**) Date 01-26-2016 22:16
How about a slow footed friend for PPE.  "Here kitty kitty."
- By 803056 (*****) Date 02-04-2016 17:43
That photograph is exactly why one should never work alone. There should never be less than two people working together.

Rules for working with a partner:
Always make sure you can run faster than your partner.
Always send the partner in first.
Always have the partner test the plank first.
Always have the partner taste the water first.
Always have the partner taste the food first.

That is a whole lot of whip ass in a small package!

Best regards - Al
Up Topic Welding Industry / Welding Safety / Be Aware...

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